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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. New episode is up! Enjoy a little game of hide and seek!
  2. That is a good one. You could get really nasty and have the markers out and everything and when one is discard have a flip for a Teddy to show up! Even better, since there are 24 different Teddies out now, each time a honey marker is discarded, have one appear!
  3. Looks like it could be fun. Thing is, it seems really easy to "game" Teddy. You could just put the honey markers outside its range and have at it. Teddy should also have some sort of range defensive or a shooty crew can score 4 vp easily. Why not force the placement of the honey markers within 8" of Teddy? That way, the effects will effect the model discarding the honey marker and add a little more excitement to the encounter. At the moment, Teddy just seems like a piece of terrain. You could also remove the part about him returning to the nest and have him always "hunt" down the closest model that discard a honey marker, give them a condition that last until the end of the game. At 35 ss, dealing with a Teddy stalking you and your opponent will keep everyone on their toes.
  4. On Sept 27, I ran the Dinosaurs Unleashed story encounter event. I did have a few request to post the rules here for anyone that could not join. So here, you go, the unofficial booklet 2.5, Dinosaurs Unleashed! Enjoy and feel free to comment and let me know what you think. The main booklet https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AD8ym_BaJBW7Tg7geRgbgygyIImf74XiDCQqt2DY98g/edit?usp=sharing Upgrades. If you print these at 9 pages per sheet, they come out card sized and can be sleeved. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eQnrB5tXNf74_eXVRGcR2GcNgwKW7Sb3fXFirqS5KBE/edit?usp=sharing
  5. There will be 3 rounds at 90 minutes each with a 15minutes and 30 minute break in there, so it should be a little before 6pm. If everyone is there before 10am, we could start then! The basing will be ok! That is the main reason for the half paint/base requirements, figure some are still working on Gen Con stuff.
  6. Personally, if there is a weapon in malifaux that someone really wants (katana, relic hammer, gremlin banjo) then just use those stats. That is what I do.
  7. Did I hear someone ask about a henchmen in the Omaha, NE area? That would be me! It is true, I am running an event this Saturday > ( http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/103211-dinosaurs-unleashed/ ) . You are invited to join in or just watch, up to you. It is a story encounter and pretty laid back and the prizes are all raffle based, so it will be for fun. If you are a local to the Omaha, NE area then also feel free to join our local forums to keep up on the news also! http://fauxmaha.boards.net/
  8. Next Saturday, Dinosaurs come to Malifaux!
  9. The campaign continues tomorrow with Story encounters. Keep an eye out for my fated to malifaux rules ideas.
  10. Personally, if my players want a weapon of some type that is not in the book. They just need to find someone carrying it and take it. In my current campaign, one player is walking around with a gremlin banjo. If he wants to swing it like a weapon, just use the stats already there.
  11. Yeah, the story is not over yet. Just having a little trouble getting everyone together, but once we do, there is a big surprise in store.
  12. As odd as this might sound, I never check the wyrd store for anything unless I am ordering. I normally check out other game shop sites for info and prices. Don't know what that says about Wyrd store, but I normally find it to be more helpful.
  13. Welcome! This thread will serve as a home to the upcoming epic TTB/Malifaux campaign know as Welcome to Paradise Falls. I will be updating it every Sunday. Look for the first entry this coming Sunday.
  14. Welcome to the boom town know as Paradise Falls! Located in the badlands, near the bayou, and under Ortega control, this little town owes its success to the near by waterfall and resources from the bayou. Welcome to Paradise Falls is an 8 week campaign that is half Through the Breach and half Malifaux! One week, you will join in a TTB Rp session to help out the town of Paradise Falls. The next week, you will join in story encounters were the outcome of the games will decide what effects the RP story! Players that are on the defenders side will even be able to bring in their fated to help in the battle! The Dates: The first TTB session will be Saturday Sept 13th, from 10am till 4pm. TTB sessions will then be every other Saturday from then on. The first Malifaux encounter will be Saturday Sept 20th from 10am till 4pm. Malifaux encounters will then be every other Saturday. The Location: Dragon's Lair comics 2227 N 91th plz Omaha, Ne 68104 (402) 399-9141 The cost: Nothing to join What you will need: An idea for a character in Through the Breach. Each player will also decide on two master for the story encounters. One will always be the attacker and the other will always be the defender. In the story encounters, players will flip to decide who will be what. Masters from the Guild and Arcanist can only be defenders. Masters from Gremlin and Neverborn can only be attackers. All other master can choose a side. In story encounters where a player is the defender, they may bring their Fated into the battle to help out. The side that gets the most wins (attacker or defender) will have an effect on the next TTB session played. Come join in this epic campaign! Keep up on the action in this thread:
  15. Old time ago Earthside, mighty creatures roamed the world, the Dinosaurs! It seems the Arcanist have finally did the impossible and found a way to bring these mighty creatures back! Now factions are taking sides, those who want the return and those that will stop at nothing to end this nonsense. Join the cause, pick a side, and get ready for the return of dinosaurs! When? Saturday Sept 27th Time? First encounter starts at 11am, but people should be there at 10am to pick sides and see the rules! Cost? $5 gets you in the event! Everyone gets a mini and a copy of the unofficial Dinosaurs Unleashed booklet. Where? Dragon's Lair Comics 2227 N 91st plz Omaha, Ne 68104 (402) 399-9141 Encounters will be 40 ss. Fixed Factions. Rounds will be 90 minutes long. Proxies are allowed as long as correctly based and your opponent is told before play begins. At least half the models in the crew must be painted and based. There will be snacks.
  16. Are you talking Manifested powers or Grimores? In the cast of Grimores, Immutoes are limited.
  17. The best part was when the fool was suppose to deliver the punchline and flipped a black joker. Lucky they had so many successes, the crowd still liked it.
  18. There are many ways to test the fated without combat. During one of my campaigns, the fated needed to get a part from Colette herself. Being the showgirl she is, she made them all preform in a play first before they could have it. So all the fated had to decide on role and play out a series of different test based on the role. They also had to success together as a group to have the audience enjoy the show. It went over quite well. I put my fated in more story based challenges than anything due to combat being what it is.
  19. It would be worst if you had -3 speed and no evade. Not sure it is stated in the rules, as I am not looking at them now, but I don't think any derived stat can be in the negatives. Even if it seems characterful.
  20. Nice. It is a great idea of making models with some personality to them.
  21. Hmm, that is a really good idea. Let the players help with making of the story. I like that idea.
  22. I liked the idea of one flip counts both ways, but I really think that need to be in a different game. Anyone who plays Malifaux already know the duel system, and anyone who plays TTB and then gets interested in Malifaux will have to learn the duel system. Why not just leave the duel system as it? The FM gets his own deck, and the players get a communal deck. Players still get they personal twist deck for cheating and the FM get a card for each player to use for the whole session for cheating. That would be the idea I would have used, which I am sure will be shot down very quickly after this is posted. On the topic at hand, while I agree the FM should be able to change anything she likes, they should still follow some rules. Otherwise the players can become very dishearted in a world they have no control in. No matter the method you use, the players will still game the system in combat. I often use the descriptive method for hits and wounds, but players will still get an idea what the number was and what was needed to get a hit. Being in the playtest since week 2, I just come to know that combat in this game is never going to be what you think it is. Combat if anything, is just a little something for the players to have a chance to all flip cards for a little while and then move on. If my track record holds, after I post this, someone will disagree and tell a tale about a terror tot that almost killed 4 fated of that I don't GM very well. Personally, I just keep my fated off balance outside of combat.
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