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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. I don't know if any of those were dumb list. Looked more spammy to me.
  2. There is also Through the Breach podcast, even if they are on a break at the moment.
  3. We have waited a year, what is another 2 months?
  4. I want to be really really excited about this, but I will keep my levels at just excited about this. Normal Tara, Brewmaster? Both before Gencon. That would be epic.
  5. How I wish I could go. I could easily pull off the 5+ shift.
  6. I run my events with the 5 players! That is all I got to work with. I would love to have more players, but no one wants to stay after they show up once.
  7. Personally, I base all my models by their faction. Even if the model can dual faction into another one, I look at it as the model is just visiting. I also never look at a model's secondary faction, I just focus on the main faction.
  8. Yeah, too late notice for us. With my group, you got to get the notice up early or they get family/ birthday/ Lack of interest/ etc planned up before then.
  9. I love zombies, and someone has to rule over them.
  10. Join us at Dragon's Lair comics for the playtest of the all new Malifuax campaign! We will be playtesting the Competitive style with Hideouts. The campaign will run the length of the playtest. You may play as many games as you like within the time limit. Games may start at 10:30 am and must be over by 4:00 pm. Games not over by the end time will be called and scored at that time. There will even be a small prize for the winner! So drop in and join the fun! Where? Dragon's Lair Comics. 2227 N 91th st Omaha, Ne 68104 (402)399-9141 When? Starts Saturday Jan 24th until Saturday Feb 28th Time? Games may start at 10:30 am and must finish by 4:00 pm Cost? Nothing!
  11. I like the fact there are other settlements on there! There is even a spot where Paradise Falls could really be.
  12. Couldn't happen to a better guy. Congrats. And that was post 1313. Nice.
  13. I too have fell into that same group, my friend. I play so much during the playtest, but now, nothing! Getting my group together for a game is like pulling teeth on a honey badger. Luckily, TTB is played quite well online. In fact, I was running one at one time on the old podcast.
  14. I did one that no one really should have fell for. It was just a metal disc on the floor that if stepped on, dropped a glass tube down and started to fill it with chemicals. It was in a underground lab. A trap is pretty easy, just set it up on something the players are most likely going to look at. Maybe a gun chamber hidden on a desk in a room the players are searching to find some papers. It is funny they are looking for traps that will not be there, but it will catch them off guard the one time they do run into one.
  15. Minus Seamus, Nicodem, and McMourning's Avatars, as of today, I have all other metal Resurrectionist models. That is all I have to say about that.
  16. Thank you! The holidays had some of us on the ropes, but we are back. Just finished another episode last night!
  17. We are back! Most of the same old crew, but all the great podcasting you love. So get your listen on! Here is a link, just for you! http://throughthebreach.com/blog/?p=440
  18. There are lots of new masters with crews that are not out yet, but I think the fact that there is a Tara crew out there and just not reasonably available, makes that worst. I would rather not see a crew if the only option is to pay outrageous prices on eBay.
  19. Just give them the stats and abilities you want. Your mind is the only limit. You don't need official rules for that.
  20. It is a little odd that the Ten Thunder do not have more ladies. It is also odd that I never noticed that.
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