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von Clausewitz

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Everything posted by von Clausewitz

  1. I play Sonnia more than any other master. While both Perdita and Lady J are probably better I just have a blast (pun intended) every time I play her. I bring Captain Awesome with her about 50% of the time (the other 50% I bring Lucius). The ability to grab objectives early while getting into position with Sonnia makes Von Schill a great addition to a Sonnia crew. My Sonnia and Von Schill lists generally look something like this: 35 Stones Sonnia Criid w/ 8 stone pool 10 Von Schill 7 Santiago Ortega 7 Nino Ortega 4 Witchling Stalker 3 Watcher I bring Sonnia's avatar about 90% of the time, but occasionally I will bring non-avatar Sonnia in a really shooty list like the one above.
  2. RM 12: "A model's Abilities are always considered active during the game unless otherwise indicated and are applied whenever called for in the rules." In this case that would mean that any time the rules use or reference Hoffman's CA Stat that the modifier will be applied. As such, you would use his modified CA for Magic Seeker and Arcane Hunter.
  3. Look more closely at what Ratty posted Wolfgar. In the second sentence he says to use the normal ruling for toward. The diagram on RM35 shows that during a toward movement you may avoid hazardous terrain.
  4. Sonnia! She was my first master and I will always have a soft spot for her.
  5. This is correct, spirits do not ignore elevation. The push is horizontal. If the crooligan is pushed off the balcony it will fall and take half damage.
  6. From a linguistic perspective both interpretations are legitimate, which is why a sentence should never contain "those" when there are multiple subjects to which it could refer.
  7. Hey elusive, I live in Omaha but I could make the drive down to Lincoln depending on what days the league will run. If I can't do the league I would still love to play a game or two on a Saturday or Sunday.
  8. If Perdita was at 4 wounds then it is impossible for Sonnia to have killed her with her blasts alone in a single activation. Did papa loco explode next to perdita?
  9. I'm in agreement with twisted metal on this. very nice concept though.
  10. You must pay close attention to the exact wording of Jack Daw's Oldest of magics ability. It States that he is immune to WD he suffers, meaning that the wounds are applied, however his wounds are not reduced as a result. The damage resolution step still occurs, a damage flip is performed, the wounds are suffered and then oldest of magics kicks in. All the auto-kill triggers referenced above are thus applicable.
  11. The goggles are particularly impressive. Getting such uniform lighting effects on that small of an object is no easy task.
  12. Essence of power can reliably cast Ice Pillar, which in effect gives Raspy an additional AP since you generally want to cast it every turn. Combine that with + flips on raspy's dmg and a two stone cheaper cost and the choice becomes obvious. Student is usually only effective for a master that can either move the student around or can bounce forward and backward to grab fast (ex: kaeris).
  13. Turbo has it. Perdita does not make a ranged attack with her trigger, she simply deals damage and is therefore not bound by the restrictions on ranged attacks.
  14. I agree with pretty much all of this. I never take exorcist against non-rezzer opponents. While he does have relevant anti-nightmare abilities I think his overall value against a neverborn crew is questionable. Also, I believe the key to getting the most out of your exorcist is positioning your other models with the knowledge that exorcist has a giant bullseye on his back. Accept the fact that he is going to die and get as much value as you can out of the trade your opponent will make to kill him.
  15. So today I played a game in which the exorcist truly proved his worth. The strategy was shared deliver a message. I knew my opponent was going to be playing a book one rezzer and he knew I would be playing a book one guild master. I'm not going to post a full battle report here since this is an exorcist thread but I'll summarize the early turns. I moved lucius up the board and brought up my executioner with reinforcements. Executioner killed a belle and then got slaughtered. Mistake on my part, especially since the belle got resummoned that same turn so I was instantly down seven stones. I really needed something big to get back into the game since at the beginning of turn two jack daw killed one of my guardsmen. Enter the exorcist. I saved lucius and exorcist for my last two activations. I activated lucius and cast hidden sniper on jack daw, bringing my opponent to one card in hand. I then cast reinforcements and placed my exorcist behind some hard cover. Seamus activated and tried to kill the exorcist after a couple moves but was unable to do so thanks to the hard cover. I activated the exorcist, took a wound to walk from behind the cover to get LoS on jack daw, cast Exorcise and got the trigger thereby killing jack daw because he only had one card left. Then I blasted Seamus with the crossbow for three dmg. The turn ended here. I won initiative after we both soulstoned the flip. I activated exorcist and took a wound to walk three inches toward seamus, ending the move within two inches. I then spent my two general AP to deliver the message to Seamus. The allstar ability this game was definitely the exorcist's extra movement AP. 3" may seem insignificant, but that is 3" of essentially free positioning that other 6 stone models don't typically have.
  16. Actually the ruling is that if McMourning kills the model and picks up the corpse counter that he gets credit for two body parts toward his scheme. I will try to find the ruling and post a link. Found it: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?23839-Official-Ruling-on-quot-That-One-s-A-Keeper-quot-Scheme-please!/page2
  17. This is true, the shikome simply has an easier time taking the exorcist down before he can do any considerable damage. I find the degree to which you can rely upon the Shikome's ability to kill its target is much higher than Ikiryo's as a general rule.
  18. This is correct. (0) Actions may only be used on a model's own activation unless explicitly stated otherwise, such as Nix's ability to use a (0) action whenever a model is sacrificed. As in the Perdita example, a (0) action, like any other type of action, may apply an ongoing effect.
  19. Last game I played with the exorcist he died turn two. But, my opponent sacrificed two necropunks to do it, so points-wise it was an even trade. I personally believe it is a good model. Either your opponent dedicates resources to killing him or he faces the milieu of deadly abilities that the exorcist possesses. The 3" walk seems like a drawback, but In reality your opponent will more than likely have closed the distance himself by turn two to complete their objectives. If your opponent is kirai they will be forced to dedicate a shikome to killing your exorcist since the majority of her spirits won't be able to easily take him down. The most significant consequence of this is that your other important high cost minions are not being targeted by that shikome.
  20. Unfortunately this is an illegal move by the good Doctor. Wracked with pain prevents the use of (0) actions in addition to the 2 wounds. As a result McMourning would be unable to scalpel sling after the chihuahua cast it on him.
  21. Sorry if I came off as dismissive, my intention was to explain that many people, especially novice painters, may not know what a specific technique is or if they do they may not be familiar with the particulars of its execution.
  22. Unfortunately, a few cursory sentences saying that i use "such and such" technique or "this and that" type of paint or wash probably isn't going to help you much. This video, however, is brilliant. This guy has around 150 high quality videos about painting and modeling on youtube.
  23. I was wondering the same thing until I looked at his List more closely and saw he had student of conflict. I assume he gave Kaeris +1 fast.
  24. Honestly, the easiest way to shed pounds that I know of is eliminating dairy from your diet. I love cheese, milk and butter to death but they are all full of hormones designed to make a calf into a 1000 lb. behemoth. Fats are fine, humans need them...loads of growth hormones meant for an animal 6 times our size are not.
  25. Big fan of the realistic earth tone look on the gunsmiths. Well done.
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