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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. tried a different approach to the chrome,..
  2. not my usual faire,... but I'm trying my hand at a new technique. NMM,.. in this case, chrome. I haven't done the whole model, but thought that I'd stop to get some feedback. I can already see blending issues and such, but otherwise I think I got the horizon lines and coloration correct. It's a crappy pic, but still,... thoughts??
  3. still a bit of work to do. got a couple more ropes to add. But all in all,.. here's what it looks like,..
  4. let's see,... how many pieces can we make the hair,..???
  5. *swings in* Still quiet in here. Seems I always miss everyone. :sadface:
  6. it's been a while,.. but here's the main body so far,..
  7. next update,.. still a ways to go,..
  8. The painting on this next one is coming along a bit slow. There's still a lot to do before I even get to the figure. Anyways,.. here's my latest update.
  9. And so,... it begins,...
  10. So,.. I wound up going the wax-paper route. In the absence of traditional rice paper, I think it comes off well enough. Perhaps a bit shiny at the top from the flash,.. but other then that,.. here it is!!!
  11. Painting has been woefully slow. Some of it's due to work, but mostly I'm just waiting for the mail to bring me my next pieces. In the meantime, I've been working on my base for one of my previous models. Still needs a bit of work,.. and I need to decide what kind of paper to put along the back. The white paper looks ok.. but wax paper gives a bit more of a translucent look. Vellum maybe?? Wish I had some actual rice paper floating around. Anyways, here it is,.. not much else to report at the moment,..
  12. If you use any sky-earth NMM techniques, it should look fine,.. unless the character is standing in front of it, or it is positioned in such a way as to not show the reflections it should, of the other things that are on the base/model. Otherwise, (like for a Dreamer model perhaps), you could paint it up to look like a magic portal or some such,.. this would side-step the need for the reflective surface. For best results, (if you need a reflective surface) I would say to use an actual piece of mirror, cut to size,.. if possible.
  13. ( I still think that putting your Wong on the table is just plain rude to the other player,.. )
  14. well,... there was this one time,.. in band camp,....
  15. For those that may be interested,.. the voting is now open for the Anime Challenge over at C'MON. Please vote for whatever you think is best!!!
  16. What??? no library?? no billards room???,... no arboritum???
  17. Nurse,.... complete!!!
  18. still got a little touch up to do,... and haven't decided if I like the hat,.. thoughts???
  19. If only she were smaller,... then I could use her as a nurse proxy for a mcmourning crew or something. Also,.. still gotta do a bit of blood trickling down into the drain, and maybe a hat,...
  20. It took two whole days,... but I managed to tile the floor,...
  21. already doing that,.. should have pics up later today or tomorrow. also has a brass drain in the floor.
  22. still need to work out the base,...
  23. if only i lived closer,...
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