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Everything posted by BlueStar86

  1. Not all. Captain Atom more or less IS his powers.
  2. I still don't know the appeal behind Batgirl, I've read "Plucky inexperienced female superhero" before, it was the last Batgirl (who honestly shouldn't have been inexperienced), and I didn't think it was that good. Now not only do we have Steph 2.0, but by all appearances Barbara is also completely insane, her "internal monologue boxes" often getting finished with actual sentences. Her secondary characters range from boring to "has no right to have lived this long". The dialogue in the book is execrable. The art is merely "okay" with combat that is still incredibly wooden, lousy body language, and it doesn't know what kind of tone to take. Finally: her book is generally a slap to the Jimmies of older readers. So by all means, edify me. What makes the book so great for the legions of readers it has? Don't you dare say "fun" because that isn't fun, Atomic Robo is fun, Marvel Adventures: The Avengers was fun, Tiny Titans was fun.
  3. Oh thank god, I'm not the only one that wanted to punch a kitten when fiddling with their hats.
  4. Aquaman is monstrously powerful, even when landlocked. The Justice Friends wrecked him for literally decades to come. That said: Cap is great. Tim is really good, though he's not as good a hacker as was originally stated, there's a handful of people who outclass him by far. That said: the New 52 has been largely god-awful. Justice League, Teen Titans, Batgirl, Hawkman, Batman books everywhere, Ed Benes, etc. Only a handful of books are actually above mediocre and not by much. Atomic Robo, on the other hand, is amazing. One of the few remaining series I still buy.
  5. I'm thinking about simply magnetizing him to his base so I can mess with anyone paying attention by changing his stance and position between games.
  6. I just realized that the guy wearing that suit of armor appears to be supporting his weight with just his thighs and the fancy boots..... This is a man who should think about kicking people more often, he might cause them to explode.
  7. I don't know, I think it's appropriate of an experimental machine like him. Plus he needs room for those fantastic self-repair mechanisms. I had to glue his feet, the tiny back piece, the waist plates, and the shoulder plates on.
  8. You will want to wash them first. Much like the metals, they come out covered in lubricants to ease the process of pulling them out of the molds.
  9. Not soon enough. I still find myself checking my email nearly every hour hoping to see my order.
  10. They're called Oni, which translates to demons, devils, ogres, or trolls. They also come in a variety of colors.
  11. I know windex works on varnished models even if they are ancient GW models, though it still has the crevice issue.
  12. I use Windex, doesn't seem to do anything to plastics near as I can tell, but I'm not sure how the Wyrd models will react, I know the bases are fine. Though it does tend to leave a bit in the crevices, which can be nearly impossible to remove. Simple Green is very easy to find in the United States.
  13. Aetheric Demands: Non-Neverborn crews hiring this model must nominate one leader per model with this ability they hire. Those leaders cannot attach totems. To which I respond: HENCHMEN. Specifically: Von Schill.... or not, I think I need to go to bed before I make a bigger fool of myself.
  14. That's not how Aetheric Demands works and you know it. All of the Effigies have Aetheric Demands, they aren't totems, if you could only ever take one, why would they all be special forces (Doll) and Aetheric Connection?
  15. What would you need a screwdriver for? Are there any parts that actually have screws? Besides, it's not as many as some legos have.
  16. I would assume not. None of the characters in book 2 or 3 needed the books for their rules at any rate, this might be different. I think the dual-faction rules will be pretty straight forward: they can work for either of the factions they are associated with, but I could be wrong. Though, now that I'm thinking about it, there might be faction-specific rules, specifically Schemes, which might require the new book, assuming they aren't in the 1.5 book.
  17. Never had this problem, either the Viks get to manifest when I still have plenty of crew left, or I don't get to manifest them at all.
  18. I've played a few games with the oiran and I've come to the conclusion it's a pretty good model. Though some of it's abilities aren't all that useful, there are definitely fights where she pulls her weight with a single 0 action.
  19. And the Librarian if it's within 6" of him.
  20. I'd just have them gunline, and charge with the Freikorpsmann when the enemy got close enough. They're very straightforward.
  21. I've been stomping around frustrated that he doesn't come out until next month, though I have wanted to use him on several occasions, I just didn't have my book on me when I did.
  22. It can still go very badly for the Viks.
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