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Everything posted by Ebonstar

  1. I've been playing avatar Ramos lately as well, he is great fun. Now I don't buy spa's, but I summon one for manifest and its turned out to be a great little boon, mainly for the latch on (I call it the facehugger lol), and if you run Kaeris you can blow it up to hand out flaming tokens. Also, I agree on the lspa's, but I don't buy those either, I have aRamos summon them.
  2. Can't use SS? Lol is that some sort of anti-Collette rule?
  3. Hey guys, I'm doing a bit of "research" on what people find appealing about arcanists, hence the question. If you consider arcanists your "main" faction, please respond with your answers as to why. A secondary question: Is your main attraction to arcanists based on just a particular master/crew, or are you interested in the faction as a whole? Thanks in advance!
  4. Collette and Kaeris can be a very potent combo. A couple of strong reasons come to mind: first, like was mentioned, Kaeris' fire pillars are a great drop off point for Disappearing Act, if (and most importantly, when) you don't get mannequin replacement. It also makes the spell quite a bargain if you get Sleight of Hand off. In general, Kaeris loves her soulstones, so by default, she loves Collette! Kaeris does a few things very well that Collette's crew normally doesn't: she brings reliable range+ AoE, some field LoS control, and of course, the lovely lovely burning tokens. What's a good thing to do against another fast crew? Slow them down and spread damage out at the same time! Kaeris does this very well.
  5. I have a half dozen bottles of Coat D'arms, but they are more than 10 years old. That said- they have held up and are very good paints. I was a big fan of their violet, and used it all these years until I finally ran out. RE: Foundation paints I used them for a while when I was doing heavy production painting and they really do make the job faster. The problems I had with them are of course the annoying flip tops they come in and the fact that they will quickly thicken up after you pop that bottle open for the first time. I was using their Tallarn flesh (flesh colors are already challenging due to pigment load) and noticed after a couple of weeks of painting- the stuff in the bottle was useable but it flowed more like tar. After having to thin progressively more and more each time I used them, it became easier just to drop 2 coats of Vallejo and not have to pray for the right consistency. A lot of my GW paints are now just scenery paint, lol. I'm burning through them until I run out, and Vallejo/Reaper/P3 will be replacing them.
  6. Thanks so much for the plug, and glad you enjoyed the article! FYI- that article will eventually be moved to our new subdomain http://socalmalifaux.com But on topic- I love Collette and Viks are also very fun! Great choices and your short list looks great IMO. As far as Angelica, I know most people are looking at 35+ crews to include her, seeing how she's being regarded more as an "optional" include given certain matchups (and you can count me among these folks until I've had some time to paint her and play her). I don't see her as part of the big 3 (or the 3 C's if you prefer), but I do think she allows for some interesting combos even in the lower ss situations. Anyway we'll have to see. Worse comes to worse- we still get an amazing looking model out of the deal!
  7. Hey Malifaux'ers, We've introduced a new fansite for Malifaux called socalmalifaux.com . As you might gather for the name- the site was designed as a resource for Southern California Malifaux players, a "dashboard" if you will that allows you to keep up with our facebook group, look at our area map and get directions to our demos/events, and read articles (and soon bios) of the local players/henchmen. But the site also features the more common online resources available to all Malifaux players, regardless of location, so you'll see links to thinks like pullmyfinger, these forums, the Wyrd sites, youtube Malifaux channels, podcasts and more! The site has just barely gone online and there are still a number of improvements and migrations of older articles (such as my Collette series) to go. In fact if you have content or links that you'd be willing to share with us, you can PM myself or twenty4seven, or just shoot us an email at henchmen@socalmalifaux.com We're hoping that this site can serve as a tool for our SoCal community of Malifaux players, and beyond that maybe a resource for Maifaux fan content in general. Enjoy! http://socalmalifaux.com
  8. This. I use a mix, and base my choices on what I know works. In general, I prefer Vallejo Model Colour because they are flatter than most of the other paints out there.
  9. LOL yeah! Honestly I know I can be playing smarter with Marcus, but the stuff he can do is too fun to pass up. I admire ukrocky for showing us what a good Marcus player is really capable of, and I can be the example of what a bad player does with him, LOL!
  10. I play arcanists pretty much full time, and Marcus represents pure fun to me. I don't normally win with Marcus. It doesn't seem to matter to me though, he is crazy fun. I have to agree that a Marcus crew is really a list-builder's dream- this isn't the type of crew that you want a "set power list" mentality, though having core units for strategies are important. The beauty of Marcus lies in players that have a wide range of things available and simply know when to bring them out and how to capitalize on Marcus' overall diversity. With other masters, you get a fairly good idea of what you might see on the board. It's not that simple with Marcus. That said, I am terribad with Marcus, because I like to do dumb things that sound really fun, lol. Like in that last game I mentioned, I ran this as a 25ss list against Ophelia: Marcus Jackalope 2 x Silurids 4 x Night Terrors Desperate Merc (I forgot to bring my Malifaux Raptor, LOL) This was my "super fast run up and die in your face" list. It's freakin hilarious versus gremlins. We had shared destroy the evidence, so I took Power Ritual and Primal Source as schemes. I flew the bats straight into his gunline, snagging 2 evidence counters on the way and ritual'ing two corners but getting clogged at #3 (plus he was using a McTavish I lent him for more skeet shooting LOL) since my opponent accidentally stood over it. The game had to end early but after three turns I had power ritual done and 2 evidence markers claimed, and was also wiped off the board, LOL.
  11. I just ordered 4 mats, lol. Broken Blacktop will go well with my Terraclips building set. I'll be painting verdant fields to look more like dead grass, to fit my western terrain setup. The wastelands will be painted up snowy and December-y. And the flagstone set will fit a number of indoor locations. I couldn't resist buying them for the price. $25ish bucks for a 3x3' and I can fit all 4 in my trunk without folding seats down? Priceless!
  12. This thread hurts my soul a bit :s My sympathies. I've had that happen to me a few times, which has caused me to blacklist certain spray sealers (some are more prone than others to do this).
  13. I actually have 3 Collette models painted up, but have not had a chance to try this out yet. If I am totally out of the running at this next tourney I'll give it a go LOL.
  14. + alot. I was always a big fan of JJ, and that generation of GW. I honestly don't begrudge GW its success, and I'm grateful that they were about when I discovered this wonderful (not so little anymore) hobby. Sure many of the vets hate their current games but I can tell you that there has been exponential growth in the number of 40K players since the time I began, so I guess my desires for what 40K should be are proven to be in the minority. But yeah, Blood Bowl. I don't begrudge the thousands I spent on 40K/Fantasy because those gave me some years of enjoyment and learning. I am happily divorced from those games. What happened to Blood Bowl does anger me though, because I still love that game, so Blood Bowl and I are in this on-again, off-again relationship while the GW Gub'ment decides if our union would ever be legally recognized. I got no marriage there, nor closure. It's okay though- I met this new game called Malifaux and we're getting pretty serious!
  15. Played the list today vs Lady J, a new player who was just a little too anxious to get her into melee, so after the single SPA latched on those two miners ate her. It's a solid list for slaughter and claim jump, it just requires a bit of patience.
  16. I like this one, but why not trade one LSPA for a SSminer? You'd have the later option to bring in another LSPA in Avatar form, and the SSminer can bring a lot to a crew like this.
  17. Yup. Model count is painfully low, and it's topheavy to say the least. aRamos can get you back into the game though by making more stuff, tanking, and beating stuff down- he carries most of the load in the list.
  18. The SS Miner is a solid choice. It can be an objective grabber if it needs to be, just be mindful that it's insignificant on the turn it surfaces. For many games though, I'm liking overdrive and smashing something's face in with it. I've been toying with 25ss lists lately too and arcanists seem to face some really tough choices at this ss value. I'm thinking of trying out this kind of list for Ramos personally: Ramos +Avatar Mobile Toolkit SS Miner SS Miner Kaeris or Mechanical Rider I've played similar lists and they take some getting used to, but have great capabilities.
  19. Sticking with my "technically". I think a lot of current BB players would agree with me. GW is clinging desperately to its IP and has been fighting Blood Bowl's fanbase for years now. If Blood Bowl is a true GW game, then I haven't seen a company outwardly trying to kill its own product this hard since the automotive industry collected and destroyed its own electric cars. What's the currently used ruleset? The outlawed LRB6 which GW stripped down and changed to CRP. What's GW's official ruleset? The soft-bound LRB4, a ruleset outdated by two entire rulesets and now many years. Good luck finding any active BB player, league, or hell tournament that would actually use those rules...even local GW's here are using LRB5, and they're still outdated by a couple of years. Speaking of GW shops, have you seen any Blood Bowl on their shelves recently? True- that can be said of their other specialist games, but at least you can play those in the store. Try to bring your Impact!, Shadowforge, Gaspez Arts teams in the GW store to play (the larger of the many independant companies that still produce fantasy football mini's) and see what GW wants you to do. Wait...GW do you make new Blood Bowl minis? Can I play my new Chaos Pact, Slann, or Underworld teams here? Wait, what...? Can I buy block dice at my local GW? No? I have to order a decrepit boxed set that costs more than 2 Malifaux crews for three lousy dice, or join NAF for ten bucks a year, play LRB6 internationally, and get a nifty new set each year...hmm... I know, let's just play this official GW game online then. I can totally play Blood Bowl, using a ruleset sort of like LRB5.1 and CRP...if I buy Legendary Edition...wait it's still missing a bunch of stuff like superstar players...Arrgh! so many cheaters! And I can't play my Slann... What's this I hear about this FUMMBL online thing? You mean the site/platform that GW has issued cease and desist orders to for years is STILL the world's largest (and most current ruleset) arena for playing Blood Bowl? Fact is- I can play Blood Bowl, pick up the current ruleset, buy modern miniatures, custom pitches, templates, obtain block dice, play online, and in other words completely support my Blood Bowl hobby without so much as giving GW a dime of my money. A fact that GW will fight you tooth and nail over, and they STILL won't support their own game. So quick recap: Is the "official" GW ruleset in use? No. Does GW recognize all of the teams that can be played in the Blood Bowl, Chaos Cup, or any of the world's major tournaments? Not really. Does GW make any new minis for BB? No. So what is GW's actual support of their game? Protect their IP. Pray to Nuffle that Blood Bowl dies a quick death and everyone forgets about it. Begrudgingly host world major tournies. Get in the way of any consumer who wants to enjoy the modern version of their game. Protect their IP. Oh, and did I mention? Protect their IP. I know this comes off like I'm bashing GW, but that's not my intent. I use the word "technically" because GW not only does not support the game, they seem to go out of their way to stop the fans from enjoying it.
  20. Can't wait for this one! Let's go SoCal'ers!
  21. From the henchman app, I believe the recommendation is 2 book 1 masters and their crews for demos, as Dreamer may not be the best crew to show people the basics. As a henchman you may not need to know every single rule, but you should be comfortable enough to explain the rules to others and you should know where to find rules quickly as needed.
  22. 1. I technically still play. Blood Bowl, which is "technically" a GW game. My last game of 40K was almost exactly 2 years ago, and my brother and I had been playing that fo 20 years. My last game of Fantasy was 3 years ago. 2. I have 7 Blood Bowl teams, 15K worth of Eldar, 4K Orks, 2K Space Marines, 2K Dark Eldar, 2K Tyranids, 3K Chaos Space Marines, 2K of High Elves, and 1500pts of Squats. That's right- Squats. 3. I know many people have quit due to Failcast, pricing, etc., but I stopped playing the actual GW games (excluding Blood Bowl) not because of the cost but because I feel that 40K and Fantasy are possibly the worst tabletop systems out there today. Luckily though, Blood Bowl was saved by its fans, so it's still a very fun game that has the one thing Malifaux currently does not have which is a persistent league/campaign system. Since my last game of 40K 2 years ago I have had no desire whatsoever to play, Malifaux or not. From playing back in Rogue Trader to 5th, I couldn't believe how incredibly boring the game has become. So we were playing Blood Bowl, but only seasonally, and I bought some WarMachine thinking that I might play it when Malifaux turned me 180 degrees from that game. So Malifaux has become my regular game, with no close seconds or thirds. Blood Bowl is still a seasonal thing for us, though we have skipped last season just to play more Malifaux. I've also picked up Puppet Wars and Super Dungeon Explore so that I have 3 options for side games when I'm not playing Malifaux.
  23. This is a big part of the reasons why Collette is my all time fave though. You can spend the entire game sticking and moving. It's not terribly uncommon with Collette to score 8VPs having killed a total of one model, lol. Just try not to get stuck in.
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