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Iron Heel

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Everything posted by Iron Heel

  1. Here are two that came to me... Metal price rockets New plastic conversion opps Same high quality, yes please Library needs a tender But, there can only be one Ship away, Highlander!
  2. It would be nice to at least get them in PDF card form and print all of the correct rules for a model in 1 and only 1 place...isn't that the point of having cards in the first place?
  3. I am looking to get the following cards from Wyrd's online store: Ashes & Dust Dust Storm Ashen Core Leveticus Hollow Waif Rusty Alyce Steampunk Abomonation Desolation Engine Dreamer LCB Daydreams Stitched Together Alps Lilitu Lelu If I do, will I get cards that reflect the most recent E&C and changes to these models?
  4. Ah, good to know. Is that in an errata somewhere?
  5. Hi Wyrd, Any chance that we can learn the hiring guidelines/restrictions for the TT crews so that your loyal customers might better map out their purchases? :1_Happy_Puppet2:
  6. Accessorizing is a skill unto itself. :Powerful_Puppet:
  7. Hello, I found a product called "Flor" that I think will be great for gaming. They are carpet squares a little shy of 20" across so 2x2 will give you a 3' board with a little extra. The style shown here is called "Fedora" in the color "taupe" (there are several colors in this style). I chose fedora for its low pile and dappled look. The tiles have a very durable rubber backing and should last forever for gaming purposes. ---------- Post added at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 AM ---------- Ooops! I meant to put this in the Miniatures Matter forum. :Sad_Puppet2:
  8. Nobody posted anything from Master of the Flying Guillotine...Heresy!
  9. From the evidence collected in this thread, I must conclude that Malifaux means "Wrong Apple." :-) So the next time someone directs this colloquialism at you: "So, how ya like them apples!" You may simply reply: "MALIFAUX!" It also confirms that the Neverborn are French, or at least Francophiles (having 1/4 of my lineage from there, I am cool with that). Or...it is simply some folks trying to give something a cool, dark, old-sounding name. Its like Mordheim could be translated as "murder home" plus it just sounds cool.
  10. I could easily see this figure going for over $100. I sold a LE Blood Angel Capt. Leonatus for $200 on eBay. I've got a rating of over 500 on eBay with the vast majority of that from selling figures. All you need is two people who really want something and the sky is the limit.
  11. Try to find Duplicolor Sandible Primer in the automotive section of Walmart or in an auto store. It gives a nice fine spray that dries tight and even. I use black, but as mentioned those kinds of things seem to come down more to personal preference.
  12. Hello, I've not heard anything about LE stuff for this Gencon season. Should we expect some?
  13. I checked out that link. Sheesh! Who knew that stuff Had so many uses. I just use it to disrupt the hydrostatic bond in watered inks.
  14. I recommend Future floor wax to increase ink flow. The bottle is huge and will last forever.
  15. Thank you for posting the Ross vid. Watching it, I nearly had a happy little accident myself. :1_Happy_Puppet1: Also, Cosmos is on "Watch It Now" for all you Netflix subscribers.
  16. Funny. I considered doing a skull mask on Z. A deft card manipulator would be cool. I wonder what dark truth has "illuminated" the tenticle guys.
  17. http://www.wyrd-games.net/content.php?189-Wyrd-Plastic-and-the-Neverborn-releases My thoughts... Lynch is a summoner of sorts who "illuminates" enemy models...maybe??? Neverborn get "zombies!" Perhaps these are the folks who are killed to replenish soulstones. Living Neverborn show girls! Mr. Tannen is the perviest-looking model I've seen in a while. Discuss...
  18. Yeah, I saw a post on TGN about it first, then found the homepage post: http://www.wyrd-games.net/content.php?189-Wyrd-Plastic-and-the-Neverborn-releases Very cool stuff! When they showed the renders for the archers I guessed that all the new stuff was going to be plastic...It feels weird to be right for once! :Smug_Puppet1: I am really excited about the "options." You can see variant of the same model when comparing the art to the render. Plastic makes converting so much easier. Can't wait to see the full release for Gencon. Although, $7-11 for per plastic figure seems high to me. I will have to see them in person before I judge harshly. Are plastics faster to make? Is that why they were able to promise a 70%-of-the-book pre-release?
  19. The double entendres abound. @Ratty: His name WASN'T Wang...but now...:1_Happy_Puppet1:
  20. Awesome! Thank you for spoiling! I am wondering about the CG-images. I've only ever seen these in connection with plastic figures...Will these guys be plastic?
  21. As to the original question... 1. Duplicolor sandable spray primer ($10-ish at Walmart or auto stores) 2a. Folk Art acrylic paints ($1.50-ish for a bottle that is 3-5 times bigger than minis paints; I used them for years, I switched to Reaper and like them a bit better...see below) 2b. Find a LGS that is going belly-up and make an offer to buy all of their Reaper paints; sell the doubles on eBay to pay for the purchase...yeah, I was super lucky! :-) 2c-1. $20 per week on paints is $80 per month...that seems like a lot to me. Buy the paints you want a couple at a time. Choose what you want to paint and get the paints for it. 2c-2. Put that $20 in a piggy bank and bid on large lots of unused paints on eBay...I've seen Reaper paints go for $1 each in large lots 3. Krylon Gloss Coat sealer ($10-ish; use it for strength) 4. Testors Dull Coat sealer ($8-ish; top coat to knock the sheen off). 5. Basing material (FREE! Use dirt from your yard of local park. It beats that packaged grit 10/10 times because it is less uniform and thus more organic and natural) I think you are in good shape. My $0.02
  22. "Rules lawyering" is more than a wish to adhere to the rules; I don't think that anyone is advocating for ignoring the mechanics of the game. In the US legal system, a lawyer uses the law to advocate for her/his client's victory. Similarly, a rules lawyer uses the rules of a game (sometimes in an agressive or obnoxious manner) to advocate for her/his own victory. They seek for and capitalize from loopholes and murkiness (found in all games) to advocate for their victory...rather than finding logical conclusions for the health of the game. In some ways they are good for systems as they shine a light on what needs fixing as they make games unpleasant for the rest of us.
  23. There are a couple of these people lurking around in each gaming meta. It is really gratifying to beat these folks while being a good sportsman. You have to know the rules of the game your playing very well to come out on top with a person like that. It is sad that "powergamers" exist. I would go for proper shunning over quitting a game. If you can get a couple people playing a the LGS, perhaps the old players will come back and you all can avoid playing that knucklehead. I never really understood these people. I have always been more interested in playing well and having fun than winning. Don't get me wrong, losing all the time is no fun, but winning through cheating or capitalizing on a new player's ignorance does not prove my own skill (or lack there of in some cases :1_Happy_Puppet1:)
  24. Thanks :1_Happy_Puppet1: Yes. It is widely held that one of the developers is no friend to kl0wns. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coulrophobia
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