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Everything posted by Sybarite

  1. Maybe it's a "people who play cards with me die" thing! No? Oh I don't know
  2. I played Colette in 2 of my games of the Dragonfaux 4 tournament in Stockholm last saturday, which I managed to win. I wrote a report on the games where I talk a bit about how I built the crews and what schemes I picked and why. So if you are interested then here is a link http://malifaux.se/
  3. So I attended Dragonfaux 4 in Stockholm last weekend. It was a three game tournament at 46ss. I thought I would write a report on the tournament. Unfortunately I didn’t take any pictures of the games, so I’m adding some pictures of models that were in the games instead. You can find the reports here: http://malifaux.se/ Hope you'll enjoy!
  4. I once used it to remove 2-3 scrap and scheme markers in one go against Ramos, while kicking something in the face. Was fun
  5. So my Marcus crew got some reinforcements before Dragonfaux. And then I ended up not playing Marcus, oh well! A wild shrubbery has appeared! ... No wait it's a Waldgeist! And here's a Warmaster Eagle playing the part of a Malifaux Raptor
  6. Usually seismic and arcane reservoir. I agree that vapormancy is great. Thunderous smash would be a big consideration if i was facing ressers ti remove markers. Its also nice for scheme markers obviously. Seize the day is another good one since theres often something you really want to activate first if you are playing aggressively. Hard worker is also something to consider if you think you will face lots of armour of course. I never take price of progress.
  7. It's pretty great in headhunter, stabbing people with the scythe, pulling them away and lopping their head off from the new position when they die.
  8. Yes it's possible, although if you're wiped early, the opponent still has those extra turns to gather vp.
  9. Yeah and if the enemy paralyses Johana, Cassandra can understudy to loan Rebel Yell and cast it on Johana. And if Cassandra has already activated, you can prompt Cassandra or Johana to remove the condition from the other. It's crazy good.
  10. Yeah it's nasty prompting acolytes, damaging and slowing and draining the opponent's hand while you replenish your own with surge. <3 my acolyte. Oddly enough i didn't use mine in the tourney. I faced ressers and neverborn in reckoning and headhunter and felt I needed condition removal so I brought Johana instead. Prompting around a relic hammer is pretty great, especially if she's within 3 of Joss or Miss Step for the + to attack flips.
  11. If you feel Darzee's chaunt is too resource intensive then why not just use domesticate instead? It's an awesome debuff. Have you tried alphaing a cerberus to leap and attack a model you just domesticated? It's a really good tactic.
  12. Haha I did murder a couple of nurses over the weekend. Annoying models.
  13. Also heard great things about mech rider with her.
  14. Miss step (Howard langston), Johana and Joss helped me win a tourney this weekend with Colette. They are sooo good with her. december acolytes and silent ones are also nasty choices. People dont like it when the december acolyte fires its amazing hurty and debuffing harpoon gun at them 4-6 times a turn.
  15. I disagree. Ramos makes good use of rail workers. Hiss buffs work on them, and bleeding edge tech is just lovely with hard to kill models, even better if you have it on ramos with accomplice. Activate ramos, ramos does hos thing with arachnids and lightning, rail worker chain activates if its down to 1 wound and heals 1, and smashes something nearby I often take one with Ramos.
  16. Might not want to use rail golem against Mei because she will have plus to dg flips against it and had access to an armour ignoring upgrade so it might go down too easily
  17. This Nicodem crew is bloody amazing. Love it!
  18. Fun! Good luck with that mission ^^ Haha I could see a Ramos version of this where you turn the opponent's master into an itsy bitsy spider. How you ask? Well, Joss's axe makes it possible.
  19. It was glorious indeed Jakob fell to the jackalope after the second bunny charge i think, after Jakob had lost in cards to a bunch of molemen, who were appearently really good at playing poker. Jakob had a bad day.
  20. Well she was wounded and didnt have any cards left after fighting marcus i think
  21. Heh thats fun Hmm i have a killer rabbit list but it is very short so far. My jackalope has killed Jakob Lynch and Perdita.
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