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Everything posted by Evaine

  1. Great collection and great paint jobs on all of them!
  2. Really nice work on all three models! I like how you tied the colour scheme together for all of them.
  3. Absolutely love the bunny in the hat! The colours and paint job are great too.
  4. Great painting job! I really love that base for the Austringer!
  5. I found there were some gaps, and it took some filing and careful placement to make sure the flames lined up and the gaps weren't too big when I attached them together. I didn't find the gaps overly large though once I removed the flash and mold lines. My pet peeve was the massive mold lines running around the base - I actually had to carve them out with my hobby knife. I accept though that it's a big model and so it's bound to need some TLC out of the box. It was certainly easier to put together than my 2-swords Vik. The only reason her one sword is still attached is because of Durek's uber-pinning skills. When I assembled it, I went piece by piece rather than putting the whole thing together at once. I glued each piece, filled the gaps with green stuff, sculpted the green stuff so the flames on the two pieces matched, and then waited a day for that piece to cure before adding the next piece. I also attached the jaw and horns to the head, and the head to the neck before attaching the neck to the base so I could work on more than 1 piece at once. Even so, it took me several days to actually assemble the thing. I've primed it at this point, but I find I still need to go back and do some more filing to make everything smooth at the joins and get rid of the last of those accursed mold lines. I also haven't attached Sonnia to the base yet - I figure both her and the base will be easier to paint that way.
  6. Such a cool idea! I may end up stealing it as well...
  7. Nice paint job! And good choices for the proxied Viks - you're right, they do look like they were made to go with the Freikorps.
  8. @Ratty: That's hilarious - the first thing I said when I saw it was "that looks like a Discworld wizard - he's even got a staff with a knob on the end". And then I read your post. Looks good. I like the musical instrument.
  9. I hadn't realized that was your unit I was admiring in the Gen Con painting display case. Stunning paint job and a well-deserved award.
  10. @Durek: Now, to be fair, I probably originally started painting minis at the same time or even before you (remember how you like to point out how old I am?) and I did it for several years. You've just never seen any of those minis because I haven't finished unpacking yet (see above comment about getting busy/lazy). Besides, your minis look good too, and I still rely on you for pinning/conversion advice. He's already sealed with gloss and apparently semi-gloss varnish (which was supposed to be matte). I'm going out of town today so he won't get finished with matte until at least Sunday.
  11. Thanks - I'm aware of the varnish. I thought I had some matte, but apparently not. Unfortunately, there are no all-night craft stores around, so I'll go pick some up today. I decided to post the pics anyways because: a) I'm impatient if I didn't post them right away, I was likely to forget about it for at least a few days or possibly weeks as I tend to get busy/lazy and not get back to things. I'll post some new pics once he's not so shiny.
  12. @poisonfrog13: Thanks! Ok, here's the final product: So 1 mini down, only about... 25 to go. Curse you, Gen Con! Now I have to decide what to paint next. I don't think I'm feeling brave enough to tackle my Viks yet. I think a Ronin might be in order.
  13. Well I tried to sleep more than 4 hours today after my night shift, but the phone kept ringing so I got up and painted instead. Current WIP pictures: Trying to decided what to do with the base - I'm thinking I might keep the rocks black so they look like slag. It would go well with the mining part of M&SU.
  14. Your Raspy crew looks great. And that conversion of Ramos is amazing!
  15. I'm finally painting my Viks crew for this challenge. First up is Johan. Here are some WIP pics:
  16. Nice paint job! And I really like those bases. Are they inserts or did you do them yourself?
  17. I'd have to say: the internet! I started painting minis as a teenager in the early 90s, when having internet access was still not a commonplace thing. For example, we didn't have a PC at home until I was 19. My painting supplies all came from my FLGS, which didn't have a tremendous range. If I had questions or problems, I couldn't just do a Google search or ask on the forums. Now, there's so much great info available online and so many talented painters on various forums who are willing to help. It really makes a huge difference and I'm very grateful for it.
  18. @Jon Kerr: Thanks for the comments and for the tip. I will definitely try that.
  19. My primary crew is the Viktorias, so I decided to start with their box set. However, my painting is very rusty so I chose Johan to paint first as I don't really use him in play. Here's the first WIP pic (from 14/08/11). I've only done the face and torso at this point, and base coated the boots - the rest is primer: My current WIP (from 17/08/11). I've only base coated the cloak and the haft of the hammer. I haven't done anything with the metallics yet. The tatoo on the back of his left shoulder is my first attempt at free-hand ever.
  20. Hi all! I'm Evaine. I'm a new-again miniature painter - Malifaux has me started again after about a 10 year break. There are quite a few more resources available now than when I started painting in my late teens/early 20s (for example: the internet!), so I feel I've already improved on my techniques quite a bit. One day, if I'm particularly brave (or intoxicated), I might be convinced to post examples of my early work. For now though, I'm going to focus on my Malifaux minis. I'll put pictures of my completed work in this post and my WIP in separate posts. In addition to working full time and having a family, I'm kind of a compulsive perfectionist, so don't be surprised if my painting seems to crawl at a snail's pace. Current WIP: Freikorps (entire box set) Completed: Johan, Convict Gunslinger, Ronin x 2, Viktorias
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