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Everything posted by EvilGinger

  1. Malifaux is a lot different even large games you will have a handful of figures most of which you cant afford to lose. I would go for Lilith as she has the same twisted evil feel as the dark eldar should & is the easiest of the Neverborn to play I understand. She is also a good close combatant & can look after herself. I would start any crew with a starter box as whilst it can be argued that you can build a better crew than this the box sets well I can swear to the ones I have had hold of all work & will allow you to learn the game and what suits you. If you want advice there is a lot of it on this forum & the fan site Pull my Finger is a good back up.
  2. I would have too good luck to all you "penguins"
  3. I play Sonia most & would always have two stalkers with her to act as a skirmish line their magic suppression is more than worth it & they can shoot & fight adequately as well
  4. EvilGinger


    Agree about the Guild & TheOneWhoFell for explaining why Ratty was so well ratty of late
  5. Hot glue is the traditional method of doing slushy muddy snow as you can leave all sorts of marks in it whist still warm.
  6. To a degree but its not a good idea to deliberately offend peoples sensitivities, though having been through the anti D&D nonsense realize that if some one wants to be offended they will be regardless.
  7. EvilGinger


    be careful with ratty lest he do unto you what Jerry did to tom, he is an evil and devious ratty.
  8. The Next two Nights are booked & will be the 3rd of January & the 10th of January both Tuesday's - see the first post on this thread for details of times and locations Look forward to seeing you
  9. Indeed it does but it was a fading power both politicaly and absalutly up to the breach & continued to fade after it closed in magical terms even if it held onto the political power the first opening of the breach had given it. It is also well worth noting that religions like most human institutions adapt to political realities, so being anti a politicly powerful guild would be unwise on the grand scale.
  10. I will likely get him as I am building up my guild contingent & the more I have the more I can ring the changes & confound my foes.
  11. Only got the Alternate which is a nice figure as a second master for a Guild Brawl crew so cant help here.
  12. I would assume so as it allows you to use a lot of historical Scenery & bits but the religions of old Malifaux would not be those of even an alternate earth. The Fluff also hints at it & practices like the burial of corpses etc certainly hints at parallels to real world religions of the Abrihamic triat in the Parallel earth of Malifaux. I think the trick is not to force it into any ones face but still remember that most non Christians like myself ( a Zarathustrian) find political attempts not to offend us some where between amusing & rediculius depending on the situation. I do object to being asked for my christian name but only because I find the responses frankly hillarius :evil:.
  13. Very nice I would be tempted to steal the idea if I had not already made my Inferno bases for Sonia's Avatar & indeed almost finished painting and assembling it
  14. Like the model In would also take a look at the Reaper devils & demons
  15. Dogs can be nasty if they have a leader who can companion activate them & when they get killed they make useful corpse counters.
  16. Back on topic I like the ice pillars but would have put them on standard 50mm bases which would hide the battery for the blue White LED
  17. A bit off topic but I was referring to Napoleonic war gamers of the sort you find on TMP aka PMT who are a bit more sensitive than... something very sensitive & cattyer than the avatar of cats. They infest parts of that board and have to be beaten off with pointed sticks whilst reciting the Mantra the French army was not all Imperial Guard.
  18. Interesting I have tried both & Essence of power has more general utility but if you come up against Resurectionists then any thing which removes corpse counters is good & its a third of the price of a December acolyte, the other abilities are just icing on the cake.
  19. He's not they are just cowboy boots which Sonia is also wearing a pair of which is why they look the same.
  20. EvilGinger

    new player

    Glad you chose to side with the guild & I dont have a problem with Sam's boots they are just a pair of rather flashy cowboy boots as are Sonia's for that matter hence the resemblance between the two. I haven't converted any of the stalkers I did them straight out of the box but will do so with the second set & I like your idea's
  21. I am sculpting mine in Miliput since they are not complex if you do them in the same style as the Salamander Part of Sonia's avatar & as you need only two at most its not that mush work. However if you want to know about resin casting look here http://theminiaturespage.com/boards/topics.mv?id=32 or if you feel daring post a question but be warned this is not a place for sensitive souls as some of the boards are infested with the lowest scum of the wargaming hobby
  22. Got beaten by Mc Mourning & a lot of canine remains the other night at Spirit games it seems to be a flexible master that can adapt to stuff going wrong for it. Sebastian is good with canine remains I noticed very good.
  23. I rode of the Steppe before the fathers of the Celts and those of the Aryans fell out over which direction to go next. & have been gaming longer than all you young whipper-snappers have been alive
  24. Just got back from the Christmass Special & had a damned good time with one win one loss, first game against Mc Mourning & boy the lad is tough as he single handedly ate my Sonia crew & stole all their Christmass presents on his first outing. Second was a bit of revenge as the same player tried the same with Lady J & Sonia turned her into a stalker when the attempted repeat of his previous master assassination went wrong. Other than that the party was excellent particularly the cake & the beer with the only let down being that no one got to have a go at Mr Spirit Games new Gremlin crew, quite looking forward to all that bacon after Sonnia's finished with them, but the good thing is it was because the shop had been busy and he was catching up on things including a partial Malifaux restock. My extra Gamin came in as did my Austridger (sp) but not my extra guard.
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