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Everything posted by Dorian

  1. I like the idea for changing carrion effigy. As is he can be great in a colloid list but in a resser list he's kinda trash and I have never found a time where I would want to not only take him at 4SS but also give up the ability to take a totem.
  2. Cannon, neverborn masters can take the effigies and their totems. Only non neverborn masters suffer from aetheric demands.
  3. There has been a slight change to this as one of our members expressed a concern. If you live outside of the continental US/CAN I am willing to offer the prize as a gift in PayPal due to the high cost of international shipping this will let you use the prize anywhere you wish. I am going to trust people to be honest here as the PayPal would come out of pocket so please only tell me to send PayPal if you are outside of the Continental US/CAN
  4. I'd put Sonia closer to tyrant status than Seamus. Wasn't tyrant Seamus technically stopped when he got shot in the head? Or at least sEverly weakened.
  5. Von Schill can kill jack daw without magic or focus.
  6. Hello everyone, I am the moderator of http://www.Reddit.com/r/malifaux you may not have heard of us as we are naught but 97 members. However we like to do online contests! All you need to for entry do is make a reddit account, don't worry they never spam you, they just turn you into this. You will not be able to vote however, last contest there were concerns of voter fraud by making multiple accounts so this time I mandated the account be at least 1 month old. So here's the rules: Hey all I mentioned in a comment I was waiting for a trigger & with the announcement of the summer campaign I have it! So here is the first of our summer painting Contests, the contest is open to all redditors. Not sure if I'll do 2 or 3 it will depend on show we feel but they will all be single model. So here we go painting contest #1 is single model. What I will need from you: A pic of the model (Must be wyrd, may be puppet or malifaux) unpainted & a pic of the model painted both with your reddit username & Summer contest #1 written on a piece of paper & clearly visible in the pics. The usual prize will be issued of $20 in online store credit. As will the usual entry fee of absolutely nothing. I do these because I love you all. Also in conjunction with this contest I will be awarding "Bonus votes" for use of the theme, which is in no way mandatory. I will not tell you how many. And in order to VOTE you must have been a redditor for one month prior to the end of the contest , 23.59 US EST, the third of July. Sorry new guys & lurkers but there were some legitimate points brought up from the last one. With that said the theme is American revolution! Again the theme does NOT need to be used but will be worth bonus points. So join in & get some $ in time for Gencon.
  7. I should be able to make it. That is assuming work doesn't decide they need me to come in that day. It'll be nice to play in a larger scale tournament. Our group up in Rochester has had terrible luck running tournaments.
  8. Ladies, Gentlemen, This Sunday 03/06/2012 from 11.00 to 15.00 I will be at Niagara craft & hobby running some Demo/Into games at the request of a few other players. You are more then welcome to attend & I encourage you to do so. My associate will be with me to accommodate more players and being very new himself can provide for a more even match up if you are also new to the game. I can also be there later than 15.00 if you want but if you are going to show up later than 15.00 please shoot me a PM with your ETA so I know when to be there. Thanks all, see you there.
  9. Hexing Tread the line off of sue.
  10. Molemen. A common trick is to run up a moleman & "Dig in" it so it becomes armor 4 or 5. Then blast it with a spell that does (iirc) 3/4blast/5blast,blast. Cheat to severe on your moleman & hit your opponents with the now irresistible 4 dg on the blast while your moleman only takes one thanks to his armor. tl;dr avoid getting near mole men if you can:
  11. I've always shortened it to S-29. Sounds more sciency wiency then just 29.
  12. I would say that it counts as being wherever it is when the evidence was planted. That's a nasty trick though.
  13. Your major strength hasn't been nullified it just means you ahve to generate them through other means. (A piece for me, Dissection, if need be your own models)
  14. Kirai is the key to Kirai in my experience. What I mean is she is the lynch pin of her army. Allowing for great mobility & bonuses. Whether through healing, insane mobility, boots to Cb (Seishin) or debuffs to your stuff Kirai is very much a support master to her army & removing her will severely limit it's effectiveness. Note I said limit not cripple, the spirits are a pain enough on their own. When Kirai dies, if lost love is in play, she instead remains in play with 4 Wds & becomes a spirit until the end of the game. To this end I find it advantageous to kill the lost love if possible. Also if she takes non spirits (Dead rider, Von Schill) lost love can make them spirits until the end of the game. With most of her stuff being spirits spells are your best offense especially without any magic weapons. Use these to target things she CAN'T summon. Night Terrors, Datsue-Ba, Hanged. This will put her at a disadvantage by removing any capability those models brought permanently where as if you take out an Onryo she will just summon a new one. This is not to say non magical attacks are useless, just that magic attacks are extra punishing. Take a rogue Necromancy as well. His acid breath will work as a great deterrent against kirai coming close. Kirai can pass any hit she takes to a seishin in base contact this is where Acid breath works to your advantage. As it is a spell spirit provides no bonus against it, it also deals blasts which will take out her seishin. Alternatively kirai may choose to keep her seishin safe leaving her vulnerable to attack. If you can kill a spirit with dissect I would do so. Remember they do not drop any corpse counters so you will need to generate your own body part counters. Finally, Memorize this mantra: See Shikome. Kill Shikome. EDIT: Also may I ask where this will be? My local group has a tournament on Saturday & we have a notable Kirai player as well.
  15. Colette is highly mobile. However her downside tends to be high model cost & low killing power. Try bringing lower cost models and out activating him. Use out of the way models to stall for time & use your important ones "After the show" to clean up. Also do not bring any high cost models such as dead rider or rogue necromancy. If you summon a necromancy fine but don't pay the 10 for it. The reason is her Mannequin Replacement trigger on disappearing act will make it go away and it's almost impossible to resist as she needs to burn a soulstone to get the trigger. During the first few turns it may not seem like you're doing much as most of her crew can use soulstones but when she runs out she's in deep trouble which is why I again have to advocate for strength in numbers rather then a single beatstick.
  16. I had a game Vs Hoffman as Seamus recently. I'll tell you what worked for me. Desperate Mercenaries. These guys are wonderful for ressers. Use a canine remains to put one wound on em for + to attack. Then pop their (0) & use uncontrolled fire. 4 shots which can all hit different targets Cb5 + attack & ++Dmg. This should thin his ranks. The best thing is you then kill them (As they would otherwise be sacrificed) and get a heal flip & a corpse counter. Dead Rider. Hits hard, tough as nails, can reposition your opponent without the use of lure. Punk Zombies. Good high end damage, also they have a spell that deals wounds therefore bypassing armor. Rotten Belles. Use them to re position YOUR army. Lure a desperate merc into firing range, lure a punk zombie into a charge lane, lure Seamus out of trouble. Seamus. Use undead psychosis on Hoffman other then that try & get off his slit jugular trigger. Then again I had slaughter so YMMV.
  17. Redacted Rules changed in RM I was unaware of.
  18. Lucidicide is correct but it sounds weird to me how he said it. I think a better way of putting it is: "Triggers never apply to blasts unless stated otherwise." I currently don't know of any trigger that does but just in case I like to add the quantifier. So while sepsis would not apply posion on the blast I believe rafkin's flask has poison built in & then poison would apply on the blasts.
  19. Player name:Dorian Contry: United States State: New York city:Buffalo, Rochester
  20. I think he'll be very strong and I'd be hard pressed to not auto-include. Ideally I would keep in him stage 1 or 3 I don't like 2 terribly much. One of his greatest strengths I see is in stage 1. His damage spread is 3/4/5 with 4/5/6 if you flip a ram & he has plus on the damage. Then simply mounted Fussillade, push up, strike, then safely retreat out of range or out of LoS. Cb6 with that kind of damage & + to the damage flip, all day every day.
  21. I've got one to, It's a wonderful model just not for competitive play.
  22. He is Hard to Kill. But otherwise I agree with avatar Nico he may do well, though I'd be hard pressed not to reach for another Belle to lure more things in or as you said the Punk for 1 more SS.
  23. The only real use I see for him is to hide near the back & use Horrific feasting. Sadly with Df 4 & 4 wounds he is far to frail to make good use of Diminished resistances. Chances are if he's within 4" on an enemy he's dead anyway. He does bring a gun, but it's not terribly good. At 4 SS I'd rather have 2 desperate mercs or a rotten belle. As calmdown said we got shafted on the effigy, the other 4 are just clearly better for the exact same cost. Between better Df, Wd & more useful abilities I have the model because I think it's really cool but it probably won't see play in anything but friendly games.
  24. We've got plenty I think a lot of people play ressers slightly wrong (that's not to say I'm right). One of the best things we can do is recycle. I take a Desperate merc & use him for firepower turn 2 or 3. Then kill him myself for healing & corpse / BP counters. My playstyle probably harkens back to my Vampire Count days in fantasy where I do attrition. With ressers I find it's ok to take some hits as I can heal them back with McM and Nico. Or if they do die I can use the corpse to make new ones. One of my favorite tricks with McM & desperate mercs (2) is to turn them into a rogue necromancy. The desperate mercs do their shooting turn 2 or 3 then McM strikes one with his (0) Scaple Slingin', Dissects it for the kill, goes fast strikes & dissects the other. that's 7 BP counters of 2 models I only need one more to summon a rogue necromancy. What other faction can take 4SS worth of models, use them efficiently then turn it into 10SS worth of models? While it's not terribly easy to make more units(Usually need a 10+ of crows) I think one of our best strengths is that we CAN. Yes lilith can grow up & Ramos can make spiders, levi can make steampunk Aboms but who else beside ressers can make multiple models for what the situation needs. Granted Seamus is limited but he does have a choice now. Speaking of Seamus never ever underestimate undead psychosis. In my humble opinion it is one of the best spells in the game hands down.
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