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Everything posted by (TV)

  1. So here is a real tile mockup. the open space in between is where walls could be. This is what it might be like if modular, same sized rooms, and each foot square tile will end with half a hallway, 2 squares, so that when combined they will be 4 tile wide halls. Thoughts? Regards, TV
  2. very rough mock up of a neo-saloon style map for colette. The brown circle will be the raised stage, and will have glossy large tiling (mosaic tiles) Thoughts? Regards, TV
  3. Could you perhaps clarify? Yeah, I have lots of the tiles now. I wonder what color schemes would work... I'm thinking of doing a mostly tiled hospital/morgue of horror and then a part wooden part tiled "collette club" map. After all of this I also have to decide if it will be modular! I am hoping to be able to break down every map into 9 foot square tiles , modular or no, for portability. Anyone else? I love where we've gotten so far XD Regards, TV
  4. I did some brainstorming. Here is a rough mock up McMourning's Morgue: I think this program will be great for more planning... I guess my biggest concern is still how to make the whole thing "fair" LOS and movement wise... Could really use a heuristic or 2 for that... Regards, TV
  5. Yup, yup, and now it's fixed, sorry. Indeed! Regards, TV
  6. Hey all. I got a ton of these for really cheap today but can't put my foot down as to what to use them for: for less than 10$ you can cover a foot squared with the things. I am not used to civilian architecture however so I'm really not sure what specifically to build them as. I could keep them as is, and do kind of a dark parody of dollhouse styles. I could also glaze them over, roughen them up, and repaint them to something less gaudy. I really have 2 sets. I got a bunch of fine grind rocks that could make great flagstone roads and walls, all earthy tones, and a bunch of the colored, glossy tiles. What are people's thoughts? Regards, TV
  7. Alternatively I could do like a madhouse, mansion, or something inbetween, with a tileset for every foot square and then make each foot modular like the sewers seen here (http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=20426): Maybe even do a big "colette" expo
  8. Hey all. Our Michaels was having a huge, like 70% off clear out of all their mosaic tiles so I grabbed a ton in hope of making a good solid map out of it. The tiles are square and about 15 equate to a foot in length. I tried not to have too crazy colours. I have not done this almost "dollhouse" style terrain before so I'm hoping to get some inspiration here. I'm trying to plan it all out now but I've never really done civilian buildings before so I'm having a hard time planning and envisioning. The idea for a red light district would be kind of a worn exterior, normal cobblestone and such, and then on the insides use the mosaic tiles to kind of give and almost gaudy interior, kind of a cheap veneer look. If I made a 3x3 or 4x4 table, this would kind of be a big, centerpiece project. I'm really hoping I can, with all of your help, find the balance between the civvie rooms and buildings, and good balance as far as LOS is concerned. Thoughts? (pleeaaase XD) Thanks you in advance for any and all help/comments/posts. I'll turn this into a blog if it gets going. Regards, TV
  9. The lady justice set is mainly close combat but they all have sidearms ranged attacks that are good. Regards, TV
  10. Yeah I've found assembly in general to be pretty minor in malifaux compared to other games. Regards, TV
  11. As stated on the title, I'm wondering if anyone had used gesso (I have the "golden" brand locally) or the reaper brush on primer, and how you found them for you Malifaux minis. If you can, compare. Thank you in advance for all comments advice and help! Regards, TV
  12. http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Ophelia+Lacroix there's a guide for starting at the bottom. The above poster is correct though. EDIT: You will also want to make it known the general area you are located so other community members around there can find you and come play! Regards, TV
  13. I think at least in the beginning the first poll option works best. Regards, TV
  14. http://hal-con.com/ Hey all! After some community chats we've decided to try and run a Malifaux event at Hal-con 2011. Hal-con is scheduled for November 12th and 13th 2011 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (the most eastern end of the country). I can't speak much for the other events, but we're really hoping to pull something great of a promotion of for our beloved game of Malifaux. With any luck, our friends from the Aethervox will be around as well! Anyway, the specific details of the event are in the works at the moment and feel free to comment or suggest! We're looking at something non-competitive but thematic, and lots of games of course! Let us know if you're interested in traveling from farther out, we'd love to have anyone who can make it. Regards, TV
  15. We can play lots of games at HAL-CON XD Great to hear from you guys though. Regards, TV
  16. I've been hard at work for some sort of persistent game set, but theeerre's a LOT to think about
  17. Awesome to see more levi. I generally agrees with what has been stated above. If you're on a "what to buy list", then the desolation engine pretty much goes hand in hand with the 4 SPAs that come in the box set. I you're planning to use the original theme levi, with SPA, then you will possibly even need 1 or 2 more between summons and starters. However as the otehrs have stated, levi can hire any contruct or undead, so if you are more a fan of arcanist constructs, maybe grab one of those box sets, if undead, the same. Or both! Regards, TV
  18. 3' would be a bit small for 35ss. The rulebook says kind of has 3' as a grey zone but I feel it's best for 4'. 3' not the end of the world, though. Regards, TV
  19. Hope this isn't an infringement, from the statcard update download, please see attached. Necropunks are not insignificant. Regards, TV
  20. Will we be getting more info on Leveticus's life cycle and the hollow waifs? Regards, TV
  21. Awesome stuff! When will be be graced with #3, I wonder? Regards, TV
  22. +1 here. Seems like everyone I know uses this stuff... However, it is true it is less good on metal I find. Most of my friends are working with GW plastic anyways. It's a good "light" solution either way, though. You'll never brush off detail.
  23. Oooh, very nice. Would be cool to see a tutorial on that someday.
  24. Can't wait to get more horrors for monstrous creation options!
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