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Everything posted by CrouchingMoose

  1. There is a mercenary beast in outcasts...its the red demon gremlin thing
  2. Oh please tell me i can play death marshals and punk zombies together.
  3. Then why are the first 5 letter 'Anath...' im talking about in the abilities section
  4. Looks like ressers are getting lots of uniques this time around Also, is that anathema I spy at the top of yins stats?
  5. pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com This should probably be your first stop.Has a lot of great info on almost every model
  6. No the 4 stone guy isnt toshiru. But im loving toshirus zero action...nomiate a model and all under and spirits come with me? MOAR please.
  7. So how long will it be till we can see an updated Crew Creator on the website?
  8. I'm actually waiting for others to start breaking Ten Thunders so I can find out whats great before getting anything. Still prolly gonna end up with all of it though ;p
  9. My von schill crew is getting secret weapons iron deck bases
  10. As for Undead to get for Levi, I would look at following as good starting points Ashes & Dust (which you have) Rotten Belles Killjoy Dead Rider Jack Daw Crooked Men Bete I would also make sure you have at least 4 spa
  11. The thing about outcasts is they are all their own subfactions. None of them really have models that cross between 2 of the masters. As such, your going to need to buy a lot more to flesh out each master fully than if you went with a different faction. Thatp being said however, each outcast master seems to do pretty well at each stratgey. As for your levi list, i would probably drop a belle and both doxies. It seems that your focusing a lot on the undead for Leveticus when you need to remember that he can also take constructs. My suggestion for levi would be always take a canine remains, probably rusty alyce, and other good things like ashes and dust and a single rotten belle. This list has a lot more synergy to it than bete with some belles and doxies. The other reasoning for droping the doxies is they generally dont hold up as well as they should and their not as great as regular rotten belles for their price. You also dont need them for damage output because Leveticus alone can take down any 9wd model with 2 spells. Also, dont focus on making a list to complete so many stratgies, there is a reson the rules are setup to allow you to find out what your doing and then pick a list. If you really feel the need to make premade lists, something thats not really recommended because you wouldnt be taking into account things like your opponents faction when making, then try making a seperate list for each stratgey.
  12. Yes, it would stop accelerant. However, I believe the immunity only applies to Kirai, not her seishen (dont have the card in front of me)
  13. I greatly prefer the second list over the first, but if you're only taking 1 vulture, then I would say that you'd be better off taking the grave spirit instead (espically, if you want less dependence on Nicodem.)
  14. With Kirai and Izamu as a spirit, you could have him anywhere on the board with no problems. Just teleport him over to the enemy and watch him wreck face after they've activated.
  15. Nathan said it is only UNIQUE models. This would include all leaders and others like Judge or samael hopkins, but not death marshals or sabertooth cerberus
  16. Jack daw Taelor lazarus for ramos mctavish for marcus All i can remember right now
  17. You mean they need a warehouse with a non-euclidean otherspace inside, so they can save on property tax That being said, im allready going over all the masters i dont have and seeing if i should pick up the uniques from their box or if the box set would be better
  18. Out of curiosity how would the colodi box plus all effigies fare in general?
  19. I think for online games your both better off waiting for VASSEL. It would be much easier to use and wouldnt require nearly as much exact coordination
  20. NINJAED! by Justin Typically they get back within 1-3 business days, but right now they're kinda swamped with GenCon and the upcoming book's worth of models that will be available. So, chances are they won't really be able to get back to you until after they get back, which is why I am waiting until then to send them my application. Best of luck to you!
  21. That being said...I still see a lot of people kill the zombie chihuahua and a canine remains on turn 1 to get up the board farther as well as a huge jump on body parts early. Typically though, people will only spend the first turn doing this and expect to get them a rogue necromancy when they want it early or saving them for getting McMourning ready for manifesting.
  22. Yup, it's an old Ring Wraith I had from when I was about 12-13.
  23. Sorry to hear about that you had that white film problem, I've gotten it a couple of times and I know what its like when you finally finish a big model and then it gets ruined at the last minute like that. At least your models still came out great any ways, so I'd count it as a win. As for the white film problem, the best I can tell, it's related to how much varnish you apply and how warm the area where the model is drying is. I can now get the white film on command by applying my normal amount of varnish and leaving it out in the garage during the day to dry. However, if I bring it inside, I can't seem to get it to happen (haven't tried sticking it next to a heater though).
  24. So I just finished getting my new hobby blog set up. It's over at http://moose-den.blogspot.com I also just put up a post about some of my special terrain that I have been working on. I go into a bit of detail about how I made these over on my blog, but I'm adding them here for simplicity. Creepy Structure: Soulstone Vein: Ancient Monument: Opinions?
  25. To me the nurses always looked like their faces were bandaged, so I was gonna get a thin flat strip of green stuff and mold that around her head strategically, probably leave the mouth uncovered if it looks good. It all needs to have that bloody dirty oozey look to it though
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