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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. Hamlin model comes out and I go o that looks cool so I want. Then I go digging through the book to see all the options for him. I notice the terror tots. I notice canine remains. I figure out that tots kill dogs I get dog that cost the same as rats i was going to buy any way but my tots get blood. Tots with blood need bigger things to grow in to. Hamlin = need Rats dogs tots catchers kids wretch young nel mature nel Hey look I have a full set of freaking nel I might as well get a lillth Hey I got lillth might as well buy set of twins. Well crap they are both rare 2 ok fine 2 packs of twins. It just goes on and on and on and on.
  2. No way man need 3 insidious. Damn you wyrd for putting a rare number. Every time you put one my stupid brain goes well need x of those.
  3. God I am so going bankrupt over next 3 months. Tons of models i have been waiting for all at once
  4. Take a look http://www.frpgames.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=70956 http://www.frpgames.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=70958
  5. Probably just because of how powerful it is all ready. Deso does a great job of smashing face when it needs to.
  6. Lets see a guild model and and explosive. I can tell you were to put it but it would not be nice On a more serious note Perhaps as a cigar the guy is nuts. Or given his pose maby you could make it look like he dropped it and it just sunk in that its not a good thing to have an explosive at his feet.
  7. I for one cant figure out why they are not working in a chain gang. I think the judge is stupid but no they should not get to play D&D in jail.
  8. I wish I could do the show girls but that's a no go. Bought it for my wife as the thought they were cute. Trying to tempt her to work on the models(I shall make a geek of her yet). But I cant build them as that would kill that Granted that was o what 5 months ago but I am still trying.
  9. I actualy have a full crew of her all ready painted up. Shes not bad at all. May have to play her more. She got put away when I got full on with levi.
  10. Not realy sure to be honest. My heart lies with levi but I cant take any more of the beatings Austringers and nino snipe me and I cant find any way to stop it. Nothing realy calls to to me. I have a ton of crews sitting in boxes I just need to build them. My main things Is I like mobile crews and Crews that are just harder then hell to kill. Eh maby frekorps would work for me. If nothing else I can snipe nino back that way
  11. Ya I thought about pandora as she is a great option but from what i have noticed perdita is the worst thing you can face Allmost every game I play is vs these 2 masters
  12. I am going to set aside levi as I just dont think he is worthwile in my local group so.(yes im sure lots will disagree but moving on) Local playgroup = lots of dreamer and perdita games so I am looking for a master who people find does well vs these 2 masters overall. I have been trying to wait out hoffman but only wyrd knows when we will see him so toss me some ideas who should I play next. Normal play group is 30ss crew. Have thought about picking up ratboy Hamlin being as he looks to be coming out soon.
  13. Um im pritty sure this is wrong. Terrifying only effects living models. That is not the same as a wp duel. I have not been playing much so maby some one will correct me on this.
  14. I was talking about the waif V2 card not levi. The waif says summoned. I agree with karn that they dont have slow however I was just pointing out that the question has come up many times with out a clear result. The v2 waif card did not change the reason it is a question as it still says summons.
  15. I have found the big problem with molly summoning is she has to pick up corpse counters unlike the master models who can summon. This makes her far less effective at summoning then she first looks from what I saw.
  16. Wording on the V2 cards says they are summoned. Unfortunetly with current rules they have the same do they have slow limbo that levi has had from day 1. We have no offical rule on this and can only hope that the rules changes will address this. Being as levi was changed to place to avoid this rule odds are the new rules will say summoned mobs have slow the next time they activate.
  17. I have been avoiding taking souless life. My exp has been that i don't all ways get 4 turns in often when my opponent does not know how levi works and the game slows down as they ask how every action works why he is dieing and requires writing down his life total updates every action. Any one else run in to this?
  18. One thing that is fun is going for 8 spa in 2 groups of 4. Each desolation can make more and you get 2 spa refund when each dies. Last game i did this I ended up with 4 engines during the game. One would die one came back one would die one came back. Only crew I ever manage to win vs dreamer.
  19. Daydream would be be its own friend far as I know it. Far as the pigapult goes you would have to pay any costs as normal.
  20. I would avoid taking so few models with no option to change after you find out the mission. There are mission that can make such lists very hard. I love the desolation but it is not the best at missions it just kills things. Great for slaughter type not so much for others. I would look in to a pack of belles or necropunks. I would probably drop jack for a group of one or the other.
  21. So is this a set list for the whole tourn and do you know the missions or are they random
  22. Ok i will give you that steal relic cant be done by some crews. others do have a chance at that one. So some limits would need to be played with. As far as very hard to do that would be the whole point of such a game setting. All the goals would be very hard. Might work well to change it over to 3 options.
  23. What schemes cant crews do that they can take? I imagine some would be very hard to pull off but I dont think there are any that are any that cant be done. It would make point totals a lot lower but I think it would be intresting. Like I said tho im sure it would need to be worked out some to get it working well.
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