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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. I think wyrd should release one and put it in guild with a rule only guild can hire it.
  2. Being that far away from waif does nit realy help. Problem is from any where on board chomp can hit you and sooner or later your waifs are going to respawn next to him and then chomp goes munch if the other guy knows how to play
  3. So side question for all those who think Book one masters are not as good as book 2. Should old masters get upgraded or book 2 toned down?
  4. This is again one of those things that make NB so good. Twins, stiched, insidious madness are all so good for every NB master in that tournament format they have all there masters covered with only a few models. Just need some souless grimlin mercs
  5. I hate posting from my phone. End up with jacked up posts and looking stupid.
  6. Um von shil has no v2 cards yout good only the book 1 models have them.
  7. Masters who can get across the entire board and attack turn 1. Faction to faction balance. New players often pick a master and not a facton. So many models cross faction lines it would be nice to play some thing like swamp faction for zorada, grimlins and marcus or some thing like that. Blast rules. I have lost 2 players over how blast rules work. Any model effected shold get the same savw.
  8. Your right you can get a crew for every outcast master but the game encourages you not to. For example if you focused on grimlins the game encourages you to go zoradia next not any other outcast master. Levi works same way. Imho the faction vs faction idea is broken. I have sceen way to many players myself included who end up with all the factions and end up hamstrung in the tournament enviorment.
  9. Bad matchups is what makes the top masters the top masters. kirai , collette, dreamer, can al take on any other crew and do well. They have models that are harder and easyer but none of them have the rock paper issue that levi does.
  10. Yes i ment playing levi vs collodi is a good way to lose as levi. Levi atm is the most bad ass mo fo on the planet or a speed bump. Just depends on whos on the other side of the fight. If they make him better to survive vs some crees he will be god for the fights he all ready does well. Imho this is the problem with the whole faction vs faction idea. You pick ai master go out and buy models they can use and you end up with lots of models from every faction but lacking the tools to play the game the way it was intended dispite having 5 crews. The game is sold encourageing cross faction sales but screws players once they start in tournament play.
  11. Side thought on this. I would so love to see some sort of scavenger outcast in malifaux who has looted a coffin from a DM. Or just a rogue DM or stalker. Lol the coffin magic item got my brain a thinking.
  12. Ash and nurse can be a lot of fun but not the most efective thing in the world.
  13. Walk him 2x and then jump forward at end of turn hardly playing catch up. Guardian moves just fine imho. It can help if you make a chain out of hoffman and took kit. So you put the PK up the 15 inches, then hoffman behind pk, then toolkit behind hoff. If you walked 2x and left that chain behind there is no reason the pk cant jump forward to catch them. Also helps to keep in mind he can jump past any thing in the way so if there is a wall you had to move around with the PK the guardian can scoot around the wall in base contact and not use up the movement. Also when you place him you may only have the back part of a model in that 6 inches and still place the guardian at the front of that model.
  14. Raf and dae work amazing as a way to make stupid amounts of summons. Raf makes mindless zombies and dae turns them in to shisin and gaki. Problem is with these lists no one will let you stand back and spit them out. But if you take them you take a dog and a desperate merc and turn them in to. Corpse counters, shisin and gaki. Next turn raf spits out 2 zombies for dae to kill for more spirits.
  15. Another thing about drowned is the 0 action that lets you push a model. The fact you can push them in the direction of your choice is very very useful. The range is much shorter then bells but it has advantages. This model also pairs up well with her new tarpit summons.
  16. It was never ment to make bp from thin air. There was 2 ways to read the card. They changed the wording to be clear.
  17. This does not come close to making him top tier. The only reason that levi is not a top tier master is he has a number of very bad matchups. Taking collodi vs the top masters who can pick him off very easy just leaves you spending all those points on collodi instead of just taking collodi in the first place and you lose access to stitched his best model. Levi has has a number of movement tricks to do all sorts of missions.
  18. Hum this breakdown could do some realy cool stuff if you broke down one reactivating swarm and used a few other smaller spiders to make multiple swarms with reactivate.
  19. Expanding on this. I think this would be legal but intrested in what others thinks. Swarm has reactivate. Takes 3 attacks and splits. 3 spiders activate with slow. 2 reactivate. Kill one that has all ready used reactivate and is made in to new spider. New spider forms swarm. Because one spider had reactivate it carrys over to swarm who can make 2 melee master attacks and then reactivate again.
  20. Just a heads up as a levi player sooner or later you will find out collodi is an auto lose as well.
  21. Very intresting hamlin list. Im currious how well it performs for you in general.
  22. Imho necro hit it on the head. I cant bring my self to play levi anymore. Just 2 easy in current games to kill him. I have had him and his waif die first turn before i even got to take an activation. This is one of the flaws with the faction vs faction balance the game shoots for. Some masters simply have bad matchups and this is one. Kirai is another master that can make levi cry himself to sleep.
  23. If hoffman has the best armor available just select him as the friendly construct?
  24. I have to agree with odin. For the most part her crew is solid for any of the core missions. Yes even slaughter when well played. The only reason to take another crew is because you want to.
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