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Everything posted by LoboStele

  1. Just as a point of reference, the Malifaux rules suggest 18-27 pieces of 3"x3" terrain. Just doing some rough math, that means that approximately 1/4 of your table's surface area should be covered by terrain when you play. Of course, that would be 1/4 if you bunched it all up together in one spot. So, spread out over the table, that's actually quite a bit of terrain.
  2. Only leaves you with 3 SS, which I don't think is enough if you're going to run Kaeris. I would recommend down-grading the Swarm to two individual Arachnids, which will get you 3 more SS in your pool. Then just have Ramos summon the 3rd Arachnid in the first turn to make your swarm. Otherwise, looks like a solid build.
  3. As I helped set up the terrain a couple mornings at GenCon, I an attest that they had MUCH more terrain than those So Cal tables. In general, we were shooting for about 15-18 pieces per table. Unfortunately, we didn't have as much Terraclips product to utilize as we would have liked, but it was plenty. The key things I always look for when setting up the terrain is to be sure that sufficient terrain has been set up near the middle of the table so that LOS is broken up across the map. Only takes 1-2 games against Zoraida to learn how to properly set up terrain. Also, scarce terrain, like in the SoCal pics above, will give ranged crews a HUGE advantage over melee based crews. You want to make sure you have a decent amount of 2" high terrain. And I also highly recommend getting used to Forest (soft cover) terrain. We didn't actually have any like that at GenCon, since we were using the Terraclips, but we have found that adding some forests to the tables really adds some neat elements to the game. FWIW, the pics on that Wasted Warrior blog are probably one of the most sparsely populated of all of the Gencon tables.
  4. Good point. Only way you can do it is if you have another Master leading the crew (like the Viks) and then choose to include some of the Freikorps in there as well.
  5. Very nice! I was actually just looking at various things yesterday with a proxy for Lazarus in mind. I wanna run him with Ramos or Levi. I am sort of thinking about trying to utilize a Guardian's torso, but I'm not sure how to pull off any of the rest of it. Unfortunately, I haven't been doing war-gaming long enough to have a box of saved-up random pieces or anything.
  6. Great idea! I'm certain most of us have played against a variety of Neverborn from time to time, and would be able to give some good advice for those sections. Good thinking. If the Hooded Rider hasn't been tackled, I may have a go at it. Gonna try to do the Dead Rider as well, and if I'm going to be in a Rider mood, may as well just keep it up, since I finished the Mechanical Rider last week.
  7. The Dead Rider doesn't even have a page yet? Hmm....I suppose I'll add that to my list of ones I can work on. I have a fair amount of practice with him now, though mostly with Levi. So will be helpful if a couple other folks will chime in regarding him for some of the other Resser Masters. I'll do my best with it though. I understand him pretty well, and I like writing about the Riders.
  8. Nice! Glad they made it to you OK. Sorry, I just now noticed this message! :)

  9. No. Triggers are things like 'December's Sigh' on the Ice Golem. The fact that Kaeris' weapon dishes out Burning Counters is not a trigger, it's a Weapon ability. Honestly though, it has little to do with triggers specifically, which is why I responded to the post in the first place. I felt like Ratty's response only answered half your question. Kaeris' weapon gives burning counters to everything specifically because the weapon ability says so. The Ice Golem's trigger only affects the original target, because the trigger specifies 'defender'. Now, if Kaeris' weapon said 'defender damage by this weapon', rather than 'models' (assuming the card does not change from how the book reads), then it would work differently.
  10. Good lord guys, you are getting SO wrapped in semantics it's not even funny. This is a GAME. It's supposed to be FUN. Not an argument over silly words. That said.....NEITHER Regen or Poison use the word immediately....therefore, they are NOT immediate effects. End of story. You're all trying to read into it WAY too much, IMO. The player activating the model chooses the order, and would likely choose Regen first, then Poison. Bam, done.
  11. Yeah, you've got it Smigs. Kaeris will drop Burning Counters on anything damaged by her attacks or blast markers because it says "damaged". The Golem's trigger only affects the original target of the attack, because only that model is the "defender". Anything caught under the blast marker isn't a defender, it's just an innocent bystander. Well, maybe not innocent.
  12. Doh, yes. Always forget that one. However, you can use the nifty trick of blocking LOS from Sonnia to any other Nightmares and then using her ability to ignore LOS against high Ca targets, right? That might get you to being able to shoot just the Dreamer. If you can pull off the placement well enough. Might be able to use some of your own models to block the LOS.
  13. Yeah, you can't choose to do an action that would cause Wds if the model would die from it. The key is, the Viks thing is an ability that you don't have any choice over, sort of like Levi's ability that causes him to take 1 Wd at the Start Closing Phase. (FWIW, just to clarify, spells that require you to take Wds (like Levi's) can still be cast even if the Wds inflicted would kill you, because it's not guaranteed. You might fail the spell cast.)
  14. You guys did see the Errata about the Alps though, right? I mean, the Dreamer has plenty of other tricks too, and to be honest, Sonnia isn't too terrible against him, since the Witchlings will take stuff down with them, and Sonnia can nuke Alps or Daydreams with ease (bounce Blast damage onto the Dreamer if you can). But, yeah, he's a tough nut to crack for Sonnia sometimes. Consider running a Guardian to protect her.
  15. Yep, the other folks are right. Being non-friendly, does not necessarily make you an enemy. It's more a neutral state.
  16. Some things on that list are to point out that the cards differ from the book. I think this is a great change, and will definitely affect me picking up at least a couple of those buggers, as I already have Kirai and the Dreamer, and will likely get Marcus at some point, having a use for them in multiple places. :thumb:
  17. You can click on Hoffman in my sig to see how I painted up mine. Speaking of which....need to get pictures of my 2nd Watcher and Guardian and update that thread.
  18. It's quite simple. Cleansing Fire says you ignore ANY damage from a blast, so she would take no damage, but she would heal 1 Wd. In addition, the Ignite Weapon says that "Models damaged by this Weapon" get a Burning Counter. If Cleansing Fire says she takes no damage, then it's impossible for her to get a Burning Counter, because she didn't take damage from the weapon. That said....you don't HAVE to put the Blast Marker overtop of Kaeris when you do Severe damage against an adjacent enemy. It's a good move if you need to heal a Wd or two, but you could place the Blast template otherwise if you wanted to.
  19. I think 6 activations is pretty light for a 35 point crew. That said, you have 6 very solid pieces. I would personally probably look at dropping Taelor for two Gamin (either Ice or Fire, your choice) and then another Essence of Power perhaps. I think what you would gain in Burning Tokens would make up for Taelor's usefulness.
  20. I proxied 1 in a Raspy/Kaeris crew a couple weeks ago. It did quite well, considering that it was my only melee piece. Helped slow down the opponent's Gaki a little bit. One thing to note though...Shikome don't give a flip about Burning Tokens, as they just choose to take Slow, which they ignore, and remove the token at the end of the round. Outside of that though, the Gamin did pretty well, IMO. I think it will be somewhat situational as to when they will be most effective, but if you know you're facing a melee heavy list, their burning armor is freakin awesome. 1 Wd to start with PLUS a Burning Token? Heck ya. I don't know that I will use them THAT much outside of lists that include Kaeris, as I think capitalizing on the Burning Tokens is the real key. But they seem like decent additions, and the only reason to run Ice Gamin instead is because of Frozen Heart or Bite of Winter, which you can make up for in other ways. I think a mix of Fire and Ice Gamin should actually work quite well together.
  21. LOL Seriously though, SS total for the games makes a HUGE difference. If it's anything less than 35, I would probably say to go with the Guild pieces. Colette's crew really works well at 35 and above, and I find that it's tougher at lower levels. I always seem to be severely out-activated at 30ss or less. That said....I'd vote Colette at any point level over LJ, blech. But that's just me.
  22. Yep, Kaeris is hitting shelves in a few weeks. She has nice synergy with either Ramos or Rasputina in particular. There's some fun that can be had with her in a Colette crew as well, but again, not any specific synergy. I do like running a Gunsmith Colette from time to time though. For instance, against Ressers it can be nice. Colette and the Showgirls do just fine against Kirai, because you've got lots of magic damage to toss around. But it's tougher against the regular Undead, and so a Gunsmith with the for Dg flips can be really solid in that matchup.
  23. The Arcanists are one of the few factions that are slightly more limited in their intra-faction synergy. There's some cross-over, but largely, you have to play Brawls before you really see too much of it. Colette and Ramos work quite well together in a Brawl, when you can run the Mobile Toolkit totem and have it give the extra Tome to Colette's Ca. Otherwise, the Arachnids really don't do much for Colette in a standard scrap. As mentioned before, Johan is a decent fit, as he's cheap. It's not so much that you CAN'T use the other Arcanists with Colette, it's just more that the Showgirls have SO much better synergy than any of the other available options. Otherwise though, Ramos and Kaeris have a lot of overlap, as do Kaeris and Rasputina.
  24. Guy at our LGS just had his on display last night that he built with the blue ones. Looks a lot like how you did them. Very quick and easy!
  25. Either make the bases yourself (trimmed plastic card, coffee stirrers, etc.) or there's a couple companies that do resin bases. Colette's crew isn't TOO tough to start with though. I only played with the Viks for about a month before I bought Colette last year, and then didn't play anything but Colette for 3-4 months. I did perfectly fine. If you've got basic wargaming experience already, you should be fine.
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