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Everything posted by Mach_5

  1. Nope, those aren't mine. Curious they have three, maybe using them as gamins?
  2. Hehe, yeah! She was going to be a second silent one, just haven't gotten around to painting her as I've found I don't really use two silent ones...
  3. There was some question as to whether her White Out spell could be cast through a mirror, thereby centering the obscuring aura on the Mirror instead of Rasputina. The only Rules Marshall response I can find was from Ropetus back in 2011 here http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?22688-Ice-Mirror-and-White-Out&highlight=mirror+aura, which says yes you can do it.
  4. Had a good time showing off the game at the Trumpeter's Salute yesterday! Ran a bunch of demos, showed off some models, and met some new gamers looking to break into the Malifaux game. Here's a few photo's of our space: And in one epic demo showdown between a Justice crew and Nicodem crew... Justice charges Nicodem, flipping a Red Joker on her attack and hitting her Onslaught trigger... ...but flips the Black Joker on her damage flip! No Onslaught for Lady J! Her Melee Expert fails to kill Nicodem. A paralyzed Lady J can do nothing as the Bolstered Punk Zombie flurried her into a fleshy paste!
  5. Yeah, that's where I looked first, and I'm surprised its not there!
  6. Ratty has explained why Mental Anguish only applies to the target here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?22272-Project-Emotions-was-this-fixed&highlight=mental+anguish Basically, if the trigger does not specifically say that it affects models other than the target/defender/etc, then it does not.
  7. The box should have included cards to use the models both as Guild and Resser. You best bet is to report the missing items here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/content.php?176-damaged-and-mispacked-miniatures
  8. Hehe, true! I just thought the red would pop nicely, plus when I think of big drills I think Hilti.
  9. Here they are, "done enough" for the local painting competition I needed them done for. Certainly table ready, but could easily spend a few more hours prettying them up (especially the blacks, and the bases). Not the best photo either, alas...
  10. I used P3-Rucksack Tan as a base, then shaded with P3-Gun Corps Brown, then highlighted with mixtures of Rucksack Tan, GW Bleached Bone, and P3 Menoth White Highlight. I think I want to go a bit darker on the shading in some areas. Perhaps a little brighter highlights for the faces. Hard to tell without the rest closer to completion.
  11. Here's where I'm at. Skin is mostly done on the rail workers, the rest is just a quick coat to get an idea of the colour scheme. I think the rail crew will be sporting this pale green (gw rotting flesh) and black scheme throughout. The Ten Thunders brother is likely closer to what I'll use with The Thunder crew.... one day....
  12. Not until recently. Thankfully I'm entered into a builder/painting contest where we need to paint a 35pt crew over 3 months. Just the motivation I needed to put a dent in this crew! The first 15ss worth is due at the end of the week so check back soon for updates.
  13. Actually nightmare teddy is almost exactly as tall as his card says he should be. Proper base size and all! ---------- Post added at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 PM ---------- That's an awesome model, I'd pick it up for a kirai or yan lo crew in a heart beat!
  14. Nice intro episode, I'm looking forward to the adventure!
  15. As far as I know, there's no such thing as an "attack Flip", and Tuco's spell more likely a typo and should be "Attack Flip" and only apply to Strikes. As has been said: •Attack Flip and Defense Flip (capitalized) are specific types of flips in Strikes only. •Casting Flip and Resist Flip (capitalized) are specific types of flips in Spells only. The word "attack" by itself applies to all of the above, but there is no such thing as an "attack Flip" which would apply to all of the above. ---------- Post added at 06:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 PM ---------- From the FAQ: Q. Can you clarify what an Attack Flip or Defense Flip is? A. •Attack and Defense Flips are specific to Strikes (RM p.42). •Casting and Resist Flips are specific to Spells (RM p.52 & 53). •Morale Flips are specific to Morale Duels (RM p.56). Note there's no mention of "attack Flips" anywhere.
  16. From the FAQ: Q. A 40mm/50mm based model drops Counters when it is killed. Can a model in base contact with it pick up the counters? A. Yes. As the model generates the Counters before dropping them, models in base contact with it have a chance to pick them up before they drop out of reach. And as has been said here by a rules marshall, counters should be stacked beneath the center of the dying model. I think that clears it up nicely, no?
  17. I dislike statue more because of the drop in defense, almost guaranteeing every attack will hit. Also, the double negative on damage flips is almost as much a curse as a blessing (just ask resser players how good Hard to Wound 2 is).
  18. 171 models and 721 soulstones across 5 factions! Guild is the only faction I have nothing of, well, aside from the NE Justice box which I've only used as ressers. 19% untouched, 27% primed, and 50% painted/completed, not bad!!
  19. Maintain Machines states "Other friendly Constructs within 6" may choose to ignore any of their listed Abilities." They may choose to do so any time one of their abilities would come into use. So if Hoffman wants to use Override Edict, the target may choose to ignore it's own Immune to Influence ability and be affected by the Override Edict. Later that turn, that same construct would still be Immune to Influence if an enemy wanted to target it with a Wp duel.
  20. Join me and Dan Miner (Veskit) for a demo of Malifaux at the 40th Anniversary Trumpeter Salute. We'll have a variety of different crews available for you to try out, all are welcome! Date: Saturday April 6, from 2p to 11p (the convention runs April 5th-7th). Location: Bonsor Complex - Banquet Hall, 6550 Bonsor Ave, Burnaby, BC Hope to see you there! Mark Handford
  21. Ooh, can I have a micro chip in my brain that has all the rules, and up to date faq and errata?
  22. Thanks to all who entered! The votes are in. Jim Graham's Dreamer Crew took in the largest number of votes, but as Mr. Walpurgis he has requested that I award the 2nd place winner with the prize for this contest! Congratulations to Josh Caldwell (Obscure Reference) who took the second most number of votes with Jacob Lynch and is awarded a shiny new Warhamster patch and may use one scheme a second time at the Walpurgis tournament in May. To keep up the suspense, I will be raffling off the same prize to one of the other participants of this contest (Andy Bernard, Ray Bannon, and Steve Yarborough) on the first morning of the Walpurgis tournament. Thanks to everyone for participating, and I hope to see you all again (and hopefully more!) in the next contest. Entries due April 1st, so get painting!
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