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Everything posted by thaehl

  1. wow all of you guys thanks so much, I really was drawn into McMourning blind, just loved the models, and needed a third list, ( i teach a lot of my friends ) and he just seemed like a good beginner army, but the more I look into what you all have to say i see he has got a lot more than what lies on the surface, I never really thought of cutting up a dog on turn one, its definately a way to speed him up and make lemonade out of lemons, though in this case the lemon happoens to be the corpse of a dog, and the lemondade happens to be, well its frankenstien. thanks alot all of you, and if anyone has more tips please feel free to add.
  2. Cudos my man, looks great i was thinking about getting a mask done for a while, and I love the Nererborn style mask and am thinking about getting that done.
  3. Im actually from Arizona, where battlefoam is based, and have had conversations with a few employees, and as said, what ive heard is pretty awesome, as of now i carry my crews in the battlefoam 216 i believe it is, its the two or three tray case, anything BF makes never fails to impress.
  4. as far as the sleeves go I found laminating the cards works well then you can use wet erase markers for the WD boxes, it works really well, and I too will plead for the plushies.
  5. Where I play The Guild Is the Most common Faction I know too many Sonia and Perdita lists and frankly its a little depressing, The most common crew where im from is Victoria she seems to be everywhere.
  6. The Pug is amazing the little bouquet makes his umm Golden rain of terror even more menicing.
  7. the plaid is just mindblowing its awesome in both concept and in practice, im loving that look, i may just have to steal that for them I pick her up, though what is being said is true, just a little matalic on the edge of the blade would be awesome.
  8. the bright colors are so different from what i see normally, though the strangely anime reminiscent colors actually work, thats fantastic. cudos for makin it look great.
  9. I was thinking about that for my McMourning but I didnt have the head to go through with it cudos to you my good man.
  10. They are such amazing models, ive never seen one in person. they really are beautiful, and strangely frightening, a mechanical monster is always appreciated, not big is he in comparison to other basic models?
  11. Very nice, its an interesting spin on the army as a whole its refreshing to see a non blue, more monstrous spin on the army.
  12. I find a decent bit of green stuff and a pin tool do wonders and it can tuen any model into something slightly new, Ive actually been toying around with a flesh construct making one a but more steam punky. build on his back mounted steam engine etc. small alterations make the biggest differance.
  13. Ya know The Good Doctor up there has it just right, I even went as far as to use the still water effects on the back to give it almost a slime, I thought it would be appropriate for a neverborn.
  14. The walls are brilliant, I did not even think about something like that it is a great idea for the arachnid models. brilliant my good fellow.
  15. Ive played you a few times at Outpost have I not?

  16. I agree Entirely Tina' has a few problems with defence and it should be second nature to keep her at a distance, but i find that freezing terrain and putting up a few ice walls is helpful agianst Sonia, plus the Bear skin armor will save you some grief as she is immune to the Plume damage caused by Sonia's fire balls, honestly I have seen this match up end either way and as time lapse says it all comes down to timing.
  17. thanks alot that does give alot of help, i have never thought of using so many remains that does give him an interesting swarm almost bayou gremlin aspect that i love, ill give it a shot thanks much you gave me alot to consider.
  18. Im new to McMourning and have play tested him a few times and he has been pretty good as an individual model, but I feel the minions of the reserectionists are somwhat lackluster. I would like to know what is the most effective way to run him. I play both Scraps and Brawls quite often so any help would be apriciated. As it stands I like to run him with Bette Noire, Sebastian, Rotten Belles, and the Zombie Chihuahua. I feel these are the right models to be using, but in what quantity of each is the real problem for me. The army as a whole seems to lack damage capability (with the exception of the ever so amazing McMourning himself), what suggestions do you have?
  19. I agree if it had some official support i would show up im in Phoenix and Love the hell out of this game any help would be awesome.
  20. What exactly is defined as a will power duel. In Rasputinas spell frozen heart it claims she is immune to will power duels, does this make her immune to spells requiring WP as their defence such as Zorida's Hex ability or McMourning's disection? Any help would be greatly apriciated.
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