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Everything posted by Seventeen

  1. Seconded! I'd love to see how everyone else is painting up their li'l rags!
  2. I agree. If there's no stock, there's no community. If there's no community then the first thing the store needs to stock are books, decks and crew boxes. ... then games must be played with said crew boxes. So meet the store owner in the middle. He puts out the capital to start interest in the game; you take initiative and start the community. start with Book 1 box sets and a small stock of both the Malifaux Rulebook 1 & the $15 rulebook (the more people buy the $15 rulebook, the more you'll have to provide the fluff for their imagination to stir...) Boxes I think he should stock: All the guild, Seamus, Rasputina, and (to answer your question) Neverborn's Lilith and Pandora. Pandora may be a finesse crew, but as far as Neverborn goes, you'll find more people get into the game simply because of the "baby with the knife" and "little girl with her scissors" regardless of how many warnings they get not to start with Pandora. Commit to a consistent night and weekend block of hours to hold demos (either right before or right after a Games Workshop or a Warma-Hordes slot -- piggy back it off an already successful community; as it's a skirmish game people can get started for around $70 with a crew, deck and rulebook). More than you asked but that's how I'd do it with your circumstances...
  3. My suggestion is to just try the game and stick with the boxed set. Though no one on the forums have said that they didn't enjoy Puppet Wars, you might well be the first! Then you're stuck with $200+ of a game that you're not playing, and subsequently get raped on e-bay... Though there's clearly 2 main suits represented in the boxed set, there's lots of replayabilty in using different lists and then different maps. Get the feel for it and THEN see what your needs are and look at the Pawn and Multi-player boxes as opportunities to have new game experiences... New abilities, new boots, different game sizes (puppe-pockalypse! YEAH!), playing with ideal suit ratios for summoning and activation, experimenting with multiple copies of the same model, etc. When you get the Multi-player pack, now you have new masters, multi-player options, and a whole new different game dynamic and experience. Essentially, treat the boxes as expansion sets. How many different ways/strategies can you play Chess with? Or Monopoly? or any other board game for that matter?... Honestly, it's the Addict/Completionist in you that's pressuring you to get them all. REBUKE THAT SPIRIT OF POKEMON!!! REFUSE TO SUCUMB TO THE TEMPTATION!!!
  4. Remember you're trying to create a Malifaux gaming community... Keep that in mind. Run demos; have non-tourney oriented game nights (Malifaux Mondays); your first tourneys should have an entry level SS cost; escalating SS leagues; punch and pie; etc... lots of great advice in starting a following at your FLGS here on the forums. I learned lots of tips on the d6generation podcast. listen to episode 77 -- at the 62 minute mark they talk about what works in their community as to building and attracting people to their games.
  5. Welcome to all things Wyrd! Dogs won't mind your addiction... I'm so glad my wife doesn't give me crap about my 'little hobby' I used to play 40k (sisters of battle) and have a small force of Cygnar and Menoth, but have since put that away and play Malifaux exclusively now. Can't wait for my Puppet Wars set to come in and try and get my family into it!
  6. Wyrd's goal was to fully render a 3x3 board for about $100... so $134 with 2 sets of clips!
  7. to be a bit more exact -- the street and sewer sets cover about 6 square feet of space with a bit of a second story... so to reiterate what mistercactus said, two boxes will cover a 3x3 board plus enough to have a significant amount of a 2nd / 3rd floor depending on what suits your fancy!
  8. Ordered the Starter box from GenCon with terraclips, so I'm expecting to get the Bonus Pokey Vic and will have 3 masters. After listening to Nix's Puppet Wars review on the Gamer's Lounge Podcast it sounds like a game that I can get my family of four to play. So I know my next purchase is going to be the Multiplayer Pack to get more masters and sidekicks... For those of you that got the game at GenCon, any recommendations as to the best 2 Pawn boxes to pick up for Pandora, Vic and/or Marcus synergies, as each additional master I'll need at least 7 pawns/sidekicks to play with?
  9. My understanding is that a 30mm base won't fit in the hexes...
  10. The contents of the boxes aren't random... they're set. http://www.puppet-wars.com/product.html Every Pawns 1 box has the exact same thing... Same goes with all puppet wars' product. Not quite the answer you were looking for (being able to get a single mini...) but box contents aren't random like some non-descript click games out there...
  11. seemingly not... 38 models in wave one altogether, 5 masters starter box - 18 puppets altogether - with 2 masters: Lady J and Seamus 4 expansion boxes with 4-6 models each Puppets with pic released/teased are: slurid executioner masaki chihuahua joss Judge Bette Noire Rusty alyce gremlin Austringer piglet kade ... so maybe 1 master (one of who's Marcus) in 3 of the expansions, and one non-master box of pawns from a Gamer's Lounge Podcast, it seems the sets are grouped by synergies and suits rather than Faction (starter box has Guild and Resser Masters and we've got Rusty Alice who's a Levi Outcaster and a Merc in Masaki...) All assumed from a mix of inferred and explicit info... Best answer I can come up with so far...
  12. I was listening to the podcast again... EricJ said one of the LE's was going to be something everyone will love or something like that... I'm crossing my fingers it's The Carver, that Pumpkin King from the Halloween scenario this last fall! ... i was planning on spending my $$$ on 3 boxes of terraclips and 2 boxes of clips... If it's the pumpkin dude, terrain will just have to wait...
  13. With the new SnowStorm mini, Wyrd went with a hybrid... where girl and horns were metal (I believe...) with the rest of it resin. I think the nightmares are going to be a little of both...
  14. This ain't a game you can matrix (one list and general set of strategies will take care of 80% of your opponents...). Moreover, there's not a whole bunch of rock-paper-scissors either -- no matter what you do Crew A will lose to Crew B 90% of the time. That's what make Malifaux so fun -- that one crew can beat any other crew on a given day with the right elements and strategy adds a whole bunch of replay-ability and depth to the game. Even if you're not a very savvy player when you first start as far as combos inherent in your crew, there's still the dynamic of schemes and strategies like ispep said... Your opponent can wipe your crew out to a man, and you can still win by victory points if you stayed focused on your strategies and schemes. But it doesn't end there when you start to get into tournaments where you can swap between crews within your declared faction... which of course adds on another totally different gaming experience as when you start playing with a new crew. It's a well thought-out game from a design perspective! For more on tournaments, use the search function here on the forums. Welcome to the Club! BTW what crew did you start out with?
  15. i know I've posted this before on another thread on inspiration, but it's one of my fave movie puppet moments. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz8-7JsFD_g[/ame]
  16. Welcome Back!!! Many new dimensions/combo's/synergies in the game now. Enjoy!
  17. Ack! Link don't work! Edit or repost!!!
  18. It being your first crew, go with something you like the look of... you'll be investing a lot of time looking at them, painting, playing and such, so if your attitude is "meh" with your crew, you're a lot less likely to maintain passion for the game. Though some crews have an easier learning curve than others, I'd still say go with a crew you like the look of... If it's your only crew, then it's the only crew you need to learn. Obviiously you're going to study it's playstyle here on the forums, practice, get the gist of 1-3 abilities per model to start with, and get comfy with it before learning to finesse your playstyle. My first crew was Pandora, so I had to learn the "Crew of a Thousand Cuts" thing. It's one of the hardest to learn I heard, but since it's the crew I loved the look and the fluff of the most (Evil Kiddies and Teddies! Bwa ha ha!!!) it was going to be the only thing I had to learn... if I was going to learn the game anyway... might as well be with a crew I love, eh? Then I had to learn to adjust my strategies per the different missions and schemes, then learn how to adjust to each opposing crew, and learn how to react to each player's style. Each crew has a rich gaming experience at each of those junctions... Then if you're REALLY masochistic (like most of us... *sigh*), invest in another crew!!! ... which you'll probably do within your first six weeks of playing... Great game! It will definitely suck you in! Welcome to Wyrd!
  19. Personally I'd love to see a Res crew based on any 5-man Boy Band, with blisters of techs, camera men, and stage hands. the corresponding henchmen would be Brittney Spears and the Spice Girls. Not sure how they would play but I'd definitely pick up the boxed sets just to display them!
  20. You're talking about me or EricJ, good Doctor? I was thinking it was such an old, under budgeted, foreign film (if you're Canadian, that's foreign, right?!!?) that very few would've even picked up on the reference... Encouraging though... if Eric's seen it, there's hope for me! Adding Delicatassen, City of Ember and Briscoe to the to-do list
  21. Cool thing is Malifaux plays on a 3 x 3 table. Other suggestions for quick terrain materials: Wine Bottle Corks: Pylons or decorative planters. Old Spray Paint Cans Medicine-Vitamin Bottles Thread Spools And of course, keep an eye out for the WorldWorksGames/ Malifaux terrain that's coming out... *Edit* Ach! Eric got's me beat!
  22. Now THAT's a stunning fig! Peeps you have to click the link to the actual product page! The studio paintjob kicks!
  23. Classic!!!! Freaking Perfect! I think I'll keep calling it Brokeback Mountain 2 though :top:! Seriously, back to the original question, it really depends on your faction and crew as so many genres were designed into the game. My Shortlist as I'm painting Seamus and Colette is: Nine, Moulin Rouge, Chicago (for the sheer effects and stockings... honestly!), Lucky Charms Commercials; as I'm basing my undead hookers on Disney Princesses: Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. In general, mainly artsy-fartsy stuff: Any Anime; MirrorMask; City of Lost Children; Dark City and my current muse... [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrIiYSdEe4E[/ame] Chicks with guns and swords... Gosh I love this game!
  24. What about Brokeback Mountain 2? ... that one western with Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz? VERY inspiring!
  25. those who have an extra LE Dreamer would also have your sitting Dreamer! Exactly what you're looking for! since you're playing the master anyway it wouldn't be a bad thing to have the LE LCB. If the head is in the shadows under the bed it doesn't have to be LCB's head... I'd rather go thru a bits box and have multiple heads with multiple pairs of glowing eyes... all different kinds of nightmares, right?
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