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Everything posted by Lorenz

  1. we get totems I never knew man oh man what one will I use
  2. cloning does sound like a good idea it also sounds like a great new model maybe a cloned sheep that is a man eater and is like the size of a cow and says bahh as it eats your leg
  3. ok well this report is very over due and I am sorry about that so here it is we had a tournament with 4 players because not enough people showed up but everyone still really wanted to have it anyway so here is the break down of what happened we had 2 Rasputina armies 1 Viktoria and Ramos made an appearance as well 3 rounds switching opponents each round this was a bloody battle the first rasputina had a hard time in this event she could not score any points till her last battle when she scored 2 but please dont feelbad for her she did a great job and learned a lot about how her army plays. she had a lot of fun and I see her doing much better in up coming tournaments. Ramos did a great job keeping up with each game scoring about half the total points each game but we have not seen the end of Ramos he will be back with new, stronger, constructs just you watch. the two power houses of this event were Rasputina who took second place and the Vicktorias who won the event and also took a speacial prize for most sportsman like. first rasputina this was a frightening army basically if you get too close you are going to get hit with soulstone enhanced range attacks with positive flips and blasts blasts blasts ahh blasts suck haha and then the Vicktorias they had themselves and all Ronin can you say a pain in the butt wow harmless is a pain to deal with and they have the greatest swords in the game for a 5 point model I gave this player a special prize because she was such a great player even helped her opponents when they were stuck in a bind. I printed out some turn cards and put them into some sleeves making a cheep and easy and much appreciated prize that can be used over and over again when playing other games
  4. I am in for this one how do I reserve a spot
  5. hey guys so I have been away for the week how are things turning out for gaming at this new location any good news I am still available to do demos for the store with some advanced warning
  6. ok so it looks like unless we get some more players soon this event is going to be canceled please if you can make it please come so that the players who are here get a chance to do the tournament
  7. I would be happy to run some demos there if you want to let them know since you have some contact with the store
  8. oh no why is that I thought you guys were going to attempt to win this one
  9. sounds good to me what is the address and website if there is one
  10. I live down the road from bellingham I never new there was a game store near me lol
  11. Date: August, 14th Time: 11 am sign in, 12:30 pm start time City, State: Westford, MA Location/Store: 276 Turnpike Rd (Route 9 East) 508-366-2030 www.whiznet.com Tournament size (scrap or brawl, SS size): 30 SS Scrap Sign up limit: 16 If there is a sign up required: it is suggested that you get there early to sign up as we will be starting on time If there is a fee required to sign up: 10 dollar entry fee we will have 3 rounds with points based on strategies and schemes 2 extra points for each win 1 point each if a tie Strategies: first 2 rounds will have two predetermined strategies. the player in each match who flips the highest card gets to pick which stratagy they would like. then the remaining player gets the other one. as a result you will not play the same strategy twice Schemes: two schemes each round. you will be asked to record all schemes and each scheme can only be used once during the tournament. you will not be required to announce your schemes. unless it is required by the schemes description. ie: thwart is now required to be announced. there will be no bonus points for painted miniatures (this time) proxies are ok but they must look the part. and you are expected to have easy reference to the model being used. ie: a book or card. prizes are based on the amount of players if I get 10 or more players I will also have a painting contest one model. I will be taking a picture of the winner and posting it on here for all to see and aspire too. Prizes, will be based on attendance if you have any questions please let me know
  12. bump who's excited for the new rules ad the new figures but lets not dump the old models just yet so lets have a lot of fun
  13. levitcus has been changed to draw zero cards FYI you still have a hand size of 6/7 effectively which comes into play lets say if you have more then that at the begining of the round
  14. that was a response to the question as to why changeing the wording to increase hand size by 2 is not an effective way to clear up the confusion since Leveticus has draw zero, then having a +2 to hand size does not allow you to have any cards to draw just has a bigger hand of no cards
  15. ok so the reason I see that adding 2 to the hand size would not work is because Leveticus draws 0 and having the increased hand size could mean you still draw 0 and well that would not be helpful as it is though WS was the last to post that you keep the two cards so I am going by that latest post to be the correct post due to the contradiction it would still be helpful if that gets added to the extra errata but the guys at Wyrd are very busy getting book 2 out and getting ready for gencon where I will be tomorrow woot
  16. yeah well I watched her get a spell cast on her that allows her to do a WP 13 test each time she wants to do an action and that allowed her to move all over the place
  17. I played a few games against her later after the tournament and I wanted to cry I have never been so frustrated then when I lost misserably it is the fall back trigger that is the most annoying I feel she is a little broken and should be looked at intensely
  18. umm you cant have more then one master in a scrap is the only thing I see wrong with that but that is for the army build I am not sure about that though you might be able to but you do have to have the model to place it but I think if you had the models you might actually be able to do that but it is a lot of SS not really worth it in my opinion but I do believe you can use the sacrifice to gain soulstones for sure
  19. the day started with 6 players the selected masters for the fight Pandora Ramos Perdita Nicodem Lilith Marcus first Battles started with a nail biting match between these masters match ups where Pandora - Perdita Nicodem - Ramos Lilith - Marcus RND # 1 recon - assassinate Pandora spent the match running like a scared little girl from Perdita... until her band of Silurids ganged up and ate the rest of the ortega's family and then Pandora started to do the chasing... Nicodem began the night with a few models but sadly since his enemy fielded all constructs it was a downward battle it came down to Ramos verse an army of the dead but due to some of the worst run of fate I have seen in a long while Ramos was able to survive the onslaught his armor 2 helped a bit ... in the end army of the dead won this one for Nicodem Lilith the mother of Monsters verse Marcus the father of Beasts knock down drag him out fight but over in 45 mins Lilith hit with Feral and then staredown and then Alpha while grouped up with two Mature Nephlim was a bad day for those nephlim as Lilith did her whirlwind attack and a few other nasty attacks killing them both and then getting killed herself by Myranda charged as a serpent then turned into a Sabertooth to finish her off with two more devistating attacks RND # 2 treasure hunt - treasure hunt Pandora - Ramos Marcus - Perdita Nico - Lilith Nicodem had a hard match to beat Liliths crew since they are so fast in the end even though Nicodem had an army of corpses it was not enough they just could not catch those pesky nephlim Marcus and Perdita obey verse super obey fun match to watch but seriously it was like they traded armies every round lol and in the end it was a tie perdita with her treasure and Marcus with his... staring at each other across the board the sad one was Pandora verse Ramos they ran at each other and after turn 2 it was over... at the begining of round 3 Pandora activates first and kills Ramos' entire army by herself Ramos gave up and cried a little on the inside Rnd # 3 slaughter - claim jump Pandora - Lilith Ramos - Marcus Nicodem - Perdita Pandora won again with little effort against Lillith it is very sad to see the whole army falling back Ramos and Marcus had a sporting match tit for tat killing each other model for model until it was Marcus verse Ramos and a few arachnids and Ramos got his but wooped by a flury of hits from a club. the real fun was watching Nicodem verse Perdita the ortegas killed zombies and nico rezed them right back up it was a gruling match that went 7 rounds since we had some extra time I let them finish the match they ended up with one of the guild faction being killed in the last seconds before the game ended meaning they did not get the points for claim jump but Nicodem got some points for slaughter killing all but Perdita in the end it was Pandora who won the tournament and Nicodem came in 2nd due to his ability to produce marcus and ramos made a good showing but even though they did well did not gain many points lilith also put up a good show but could not score very many points and sadly Perdita came in last this was a new player and he learned a lot namely how very important it is to remember your triggers as this would have scored him many points and in the end might have even won two of the three matches which would have put him in second... SO PEOPLE DON'T FORGET YOUR TRIGGERS sadly we did not have enough players for a painting contest but I hope to have one at my next tournament and the winner Pandora has decided that she will retire on top and give room for Lord Chompy Bits to be the new champion (there was claim of her being no fun to win with as she was kind of brutal and none of the players had fun while playing against her)...
  20. I am ok with that since I never found Sketch's post till you posted it I was like wait what marshal did I read from so yeah I will be playing it, draw max hand + draw 2, keep Max hand +2 thanks for finding that post for me
  21. ok well this was what I found http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showpost.php?p=126539&postcount=7
  22. ok I found it and it looks like you draw and then discard down to your max hand size
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