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Everything posted by icemantis99

  1. We're just saying- forcing a reaction is wonderful, but firing your big guns/models early is a terrible idea, they're too fragile in Malifaux. Big models in Malifaux tend towards the "Death Star" type- big, unbelievably destructive, ridiculously expensive, and with a laughably easy way to kill them. I do agree that just sitting and waiting is a bad idea. But if you have the momentum and the position, forcing them to spend their actions first lets you murder without fear of retaliation.
  2. ... We should promote these things like boxing matches. Smigs, Mama said knock you out!
  3. Ha! It was due to my cake. Cake wins at everything.
  4. They also make good shoes! That soft spot just cushions your feet like you were walking on a cloud.
  5. Um. No, it's not equal. We never said that. in fact, we really kinda specifically didn't say that. We said something to the effect of "using outside tools to count cards is pretty flagrant cheating, but in the end, it's all up to how you and your opponent(s) play the game; so long as you're having fun, who cares?" Also, I prefer a slow-roasted baby, myself, usually with a apple-juice/peach nectar marinade. Them's good eatings!
  6. Back on topic... I haven't found it really practical to count cards in Malifaux. I play Ramos/Levi a lot, and it's just too much work, to be really honest. I mean, for Levi, it can be nice to count crows for some triggers, but it's no worh the hassle a lot. Just my personal opinion, of course.
  7. There's a rule against looking at the discard pile? Huh. *shrug* Anyways. They way I think about it is like this: Let's look at measuring distances as a example. If you're experienced at wargaming, you can judge distances pretty well in your head. You can tell if two given models are within a foot prety easily, and could make a good guess at any given range. If my opponent is sitting there staring at the table for 5 minutes before declaring his/her action, it's pretty shady. I'm gonna ask him/her to try and speed up, or I'm not going to play with them, they're obviously pre-judging distance. It's not specifically against the rules, but it's against the spirit of the rules, it's annoying, and it slows the game down. If my opponent pulls a ruler out before declaring his/her action, I'm crying foul. That's blatant cheating. Summary: Keeping a running tally in your head? Not cheating, just good battle awareness. Deep-analyzing the cards? Sorta cheating, not exactly good sportsmanship. Using a outside device, be it a pencil/paper combo, a spreadsheet, or a calculator? Blatant cheating. And Smigs, please, don't use "slippery slope" arguments. It's terrible logic, and it makes my head hurt. "If we do y, what's to stop us from eating babies?" Makes very little sense, and sides, I can use it against you. "If we don't allow counting cards, why don't we disallow thinking about the batlefield at all?"
  8. Problem is, if I wait til after you've already gone after your objective for the turn, I can make the following turn veeeeeeery hard for you. Make you face choices between saving one model or the other, achieving one thing or the other, or just plain kill some dudes of yours, since you have no way to respond. He's talking something like 5 little models, 2-3 big models vs. 5-6 medium models. I can use my big models after all of your models have already exhausted themselves.
  9. I'll ship cake. And we all know Sketch can't resist the siren call of cake... Here is a preview of my teaser-bait cake: _____________!!______!!_______!! _____________II______II_______II _____________II______II_______II ____________[================] ____________[================] ________{========================} ________{========================} _________AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ________{========================} ________{========================} _________AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ________{========================} ________{========================} [EDIT]: Cake graphic is fixed now. Is delicious strawberry filling.
  10. A. Jesus tapdancing Christ, dude, thread necromancy much? That little argument's like a year old, relax. B. Please, please, I BEG of you, go ahead and run your whole army in and drop it on me. It's a beautiful thing. C. You know, using my head, which I personally think is a very good head, I do see several ways it can be useful! I also see that it's not the end-all be-all of tactics, and that in fact it's just another, admittedly very interesting method of alpha striking! You know, I've noticed that you think a lot of models are OP. I also notice that you tend to insult people, a lot, in your "debates". And that's something I take a bit of offense to. It's been said before, and I doubt it'll have any effect this time, but please don't insult people while posting. It's rude, and makes me angry. I mean, dude, you're breaking my first rule. :boom:
  11. Main reason you can't run away from LCB... he's probably faster than you. Dreamer/LCB is very good at moving around the battlefield and throwing his minions out. You'll have a hard time outflanking LCB, pinning him down, or out-running him. He's a glass cannon, like has been said before. Dreamer is a chump without minions to boogie with, and LCB doesn't just have a glass jaw, he has a paperstock jaw. Glass might at least take some effort to shatter. And I love LCB! I can't wait til his box comes out, personally. I've played a lot of games with LCB, and so far, he's pretty much the same as my other crews. Really, REALLY not OP. Hell, if i had to vote a OP master, it'd be Levi or Jones.
  12. Point is, you can't hit both. Hell, give me a day, ill draw a few diagrams, just to work it out. You can hit one model with landslide, that I agree with. If I'm 7 away, move 7, I'm back where i started. problem is, with 2 models, you're not moving directly towards both, you're approaching on a diagonal, which increases your distance according go the pyth theorem. Basically, the farther apart the two enemy models are on a straight line, assuming youre directly between them in a triangle shape, the longer the minimum equal distance you can attain between them.
  13. As far as I know, it can kill a model. There's no kill-terrain in standard Malifaux, so there's no book rule on it, but I know that you can be pulled off a building to your doom (Sad, sad personal story...).
  14. They put up a sticky talking about it, saying that the sig size limit was going into effect, and any sigs over the limit would be deleted. I don't think they have the time to send PMs to everyone whose sig was over the limit, what with still cleaning up from Gen Con, plus working on the backlog of orders and applications, lol.
  15. Problem with that is two-fold. First, you've got all the standard alpha-strike issues- you've got to spoend a LOT of energy going after Levi turn 1. Also, how are you killing Levi besides the landslide? Could take a bit of force if the other player decides play defensive, because turn 1 Levi's all the way across the board. Second, as a Levi player, I tend to bring a dog for situations just like this. 2 SS, gets me a second waif, no problem. If the other player does that, you've got an issue. Same thing if he positions a SPA next to levi for that reason, etc, etc. If the levi player either doesn't let his master die, or makes a second waif, you've just suicided JuJu for no gain. This is just my observations, of course.
  16. Did that get officially errated again? Last word I heard was that it was played with RAW, meaning Levi summons the Waifs within 6", and summons to within 6" of a waif when he respawns. Sketch said they were working on it, but there's been no update since then that I've seen.
  17. Jackalope is sometimes depicted with a.birds tail and/other hind legs. Like most cryptozoological animals, it varies from source to source.
  18. I agree with that. Didn't know it was. posted in the general forums, but OP says he put a disclaimer on it. I didn't see the original post, so I cant say anything. I do think a mod or admin. should have sent a message explaining why they deleted the post.
  19. I can answer a few. Kaeris autotriggers ignite once. Mannequin takes 2, its 2 seperate flips. Mechanical riders ability to change its setting ends at end of turn, unfortunately. So no.
  20. According to the new wording on page 254 of Rising Powers, Womanizer is tad broken, is it not? Seamus uses his (0) action to grant a Belle Companion (Seamus). By virtue of using the (0) action, it is no longer the start of his activation and therefore the lucky Belle cannot take advantage. Sure, she'll still be his companion when her activation comes around, but it's not as if he can re-activate. The effect of Womanizer is then lost during the closing phase. It's obvious what the intention is, but the wording still leaves room for nonsense.
  21. Not as far as I'm aware, no. And Levi's spells were errated to let him use them, even if he would die. He still can't use Necromantic Sacrifice at 1 Wd left, but he can cast any spell he wants to kill himself.
  22. Aaaaaaaand now nix/Hamelin makes it so that levi can sac SPAs/Waifs to get soulstones. Yuh-oh. Question: If a Waif dies after getting the -1 WP and comes back, does it still have the -1 WP? Also, I kinda feel like the Keep pace cuddle should be errated to work with the DE. Every time I use the DE Bomb, I end up with a SPA here, a SPA there, and 2 SPAs where the DE died, and they get picked off before i can do anything. Of course, I'd be happy if they errated Levi to (1): Opponent Loses. :clap:
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