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About Tatile

  • Birthday 02/28/1989

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  1. If nothing else at least this topic has proved the principles of triangles. And that Geckilian (<3) has photo-fu. Even though I don't have (m)any plans on using Juju, this is informative should I ever find myself equidistant from Levi and a Waif (or anything else for that matter).
  2. You're confused? I'm trying to make sense of half of what's being said here. Much of the advice on the first page, however, was useful. Used transposition a few times in a recent match and did some damage, but some positioning problems and tactical errors on my part (aka situational blindness) meant I still lost. Also, there are apparently crew changes in the works for Leveticus, so I'll either do alright against it or lose horribly again. At least I now have some tactics to approach it with. Except for the Juju stuff; I really don't understand that.
  3. I've only recently started playing, having gotten the Lilith starter box and some nice little additions. My constant opponent (though I might be playing another guy with Ressurectionists soon, if I can get the nerve) is a guy with ten years of generic wargaming+theorycrafting experience behind him to my... six months and occasional glances at the rulebook. There's some skill imbalance. I can do alright-ish against the Ramos team, often being a bit threatning before getting blown apart by spiders. My main problem is he's decided Leveticus is amazing-amazing, in conjunction with a Desolation Engine and the new Dust-and-Ashes. Needless to say I just can't seem to kill anything bar the few Steampunks, dogs and the Engine (once). What I have at my disposal is, I suppose, the stereotypical demonic lot: Lilith Cherub Mature x2 Young x2 Tots x6 Lilitu x2 Lelu I've been advised (by my opponent nonetheless) to get some Waldgeist so that I can abuse woods when I can, but at the moment I'd rather learn to use what I have, then spend more money and keep losing. So far I've learnt I need to keep the Steampunks to a minimum to prevent them from turning into an Engine, and also to stay the hell away from Leveticus lest I be turned into a Waif. I've not come up with a good way to counter Alyss, other than to hide. Unfortunatly with my lot being a melee crew, I need to get into combat. It seems that by the time I'm halfway there my crew's half dead and I've lost at the beginning of turn four. Any advice?
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