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Everything posted by rancor709

  1. I love Chain attack the podcast and it has one of the most interesting and unique styles in the podcast game. Essentially going over an actual battle report breaking it down and then rating the casters, match up, and sometimes even the players. We've been doing some tactically focused casting with our Cheated Fates Plus+flip and will continue to expand on it. I think its possible to do for Malifaux but while there isn't a real list chicken so to speak there is a list chicken going on at the faction level and determining what scheme your taking
  2. Agreed Bengt. Something like when this model suffers sever DMG it may discard 2 cards and summon a void wretch that suffers half a ads that cannot be reduced
  3. Molly gives me that special feeling and always tells me secrets
  4. They can be downloaded here http://wyrd-games.net/community/files/file/52-gaining-grounds/
  5. Yup full on Nico jerk mode engage! 2 Hanged and 2 Cards makes me happy especially turn 1
  6. Sam is a damage machine, he makes me nervous. thus when i see him its a race to kill him.
  7. Congratulations on a successful league gang. Especially to mark who won the league by 3 achievement points. Great fun remember to join us every Wednesday evening for more malifaux fun. Should be doing a slow grow "rapid growth" league in July as well as a tournament
  8. I think its vital that there be rules for Races in the core book, how else can you accurately track speed in the game. Having the players unable to determine which of them wins in a race is key to all roleplaying games.
  9. Obligatory- Arcanists are OP! troll. Looked like a great Event dude-14 players and 2 gremlins excellent. Your lack of ressers Disturbs me can't wait to hear a recap on the show.
  10. Thanks for the kind words glad your enjoying the show.

  11. Happy Birthday From Cheated Fates Radio

  12. Host of Cheated Fates Radio a malifaux hobby podcast for the every gamer. Please check us out at www.cheatedfatesradio.podbean.com

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