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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. @Gmort Can the heads be swapped do you think? With a little greenstuff? D.
  2. Is it almost time for the annual 'I need to know what Wyrd is releasing at Gencon so I can allocate my Gencon spends accordingly' posts? D.
  3. Printed cards are fine. I've mine all in sleeves. It's the folks using their mobiles/tablets/phablets that's slowing down some games for people - especially in a tournament setting. Bring on the arsenal decks! D/.
  4. Played her as 10T on Sunday with Toshiro and the Emberling taking a wound for scrap to raise komainu. Staying within 3" of Tosh who also gives them fast gives a to trigger burning on Ml6 which can be triggered when an enemy takes a cast action. Give burning and have Mei leap in for some nice damage. D.
  5. I also like the gunsmiths who get to a model who is burning. With a possible fast from defensive trigger and 12 they are pretty meaty in a burning Mei crew. I like em a lot. The large arachnid also gives out burning from a trigger and can benefit from scrap counters lying around. D.
  6. Cool, cheers Adran, will check out when I get home. D.
  7. There you go! Could I get a page number for hat just for reference? D.
  8. I would think so since the action was walk and the disengaging strike prevented movement so he ends is walk action in melee range. D.
  9. This caused some confusion in Beta as a large walk model can effectively walk straight past and enemy model which I didn't think was right as it negates blocking up lanes. However, as per the rules. Disengaging strikes only occur when a model that is engaged in melee attempts to walk away. If the disengaging strike succeeds the model does not perform the walk action. D.
  10. There are 3 main 10T ranged options - samurai, archers and katanaka snipers. Snipers offer some versatility but to get most out of them they need to Focus. Whether that's free with a Peasant or 2AP with the shot will depend. Archers are very pricey fo what they bring and their range is ok. Ignoring LOS and blast damage is good. D.
  11. The problem is the new samurai box will come with 3 models but who will take half your points in 3 samurai models? I have used them in the past and can be hit or miss but with low Wp they become the target of Obey-type actions (like Brewie using my samurai to target Misaki, trigger and get an Oiran, trigger and get Misaki again). Agreed that with 0SS upgrades they will become far more useful. Question is, if they were 7SS with 1SS upgrades would you take them over an 8SS gunslinger? D.
  12. And of course by Penguins I mean C L O W N S
  13. Nightmare Colette - they're all Penguins Eric, Penguins! D.
  14. While the Nothing Beast was cool, the rest of the box was nothing special in my opinion. Would love something as epic as the Dead Justice box. Not saying it has to be metal or plastic but just something cool. D.
  15. @Razhem I would LOVE a NM Molly set. D.
  16. NIghtmare Dreamer/Chompy has been done but the entire crew hasn't. Still, I much preferred Nightmare Justice crew to the Tara crew simply because Justice crew was already out so it gave people an alternative and those that missed out could still play the crew they wanted (normal Justice). Compared to those that have recently come into the game and want to play Tara they have 2 choices - pay high ebay costs or proxy. So where does that leave us? Crew sets from 1.5 Books 1-3 (Book 4 was mostly 10T so all plastic) or any of the plastic crews released so far: Mei Feng Misaki Lynch Perdita Sonnia Justic Seamus Nico McMourning Marcus Ramos Rasputina Lilith Pandora Viks D.
  17. Think it's been confirmed that Wave 2 will be at Gencon. D.
  18. @Razhem except when you are facing Drunken Gremlin kung-fu. Was a tough time for her last night. On Brewie, his Df trigger 'You're drunk go home" does tha end the model's activation or can the attacking model still activate after the trigger happens? D.
  19. Hi folks, running a demo day at Replay Games gaming club in Bangor, Northern Ireland this Saturday if anyone is interested in coming down and learning some Malifaux. Everything is provided. Date: 5th July 2014 Time: 11am-3pm Location: Replay Games Contact: Gareth Richardson or myself. Hope to see you guys there. D.
  20. And for Wave 2 the sergeant can move scheme markers around for a (0) AP. Quite handy. Hounds can also charge for (1)AP when an enemy is near a scheme marker. D.
  21. I like the option of 3 riflemen or guild guard with Lucius. But my favourites are Warden and Pathfinder. Just the ability sit on a strategy marker or nearby and cough up traps to hinder your opponent is priceless. Done it a lot with Squatters Rights and Recon. D.
  22. Really? Oh well, shows what I know. D.
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