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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. An interesting question. I suppose I should start by saying that I am not a tournament player, having only ever played in one, and that was a Malifaux tournament. I do however play both games so feel relatively qualified to discuss the point, although when has that ever stopped anyone on the internet? I was actually going to bring up this debate again myself, in a non tourny context, because of the following statement made on my local clubs forums. "I know Malifaux's big right now and I quite enjoy playing it, but it doesn't have the same visceral satisifaction as charging a Dire Troll into someone's 'jack, smashing it up a bit and then throwing it deep into enemy lines, preferably on top of their warcaster." And I actually think this gets pretty much to the point of the difference in the two systems and the type of gamers they would potentially attract. So what makes WM/H more visceral? The main thing I can think of would be that it is non alternating activations. In addition, bar the occasional "no you can't do that I have just done some magic/attack" there is no defending against the actions of the opponent in Warmachine. This in theory makes the game quicker. I would argue this, but what it does certainly do is strip out a whole level of interaction between players. Does this make WM/H more viable for tournaments? I can see why it would make the players feel that WM/H is a more suitable game for tournament play. While I think any game can attract the ones who simply want to smash face, Warmachine offers it in an uncontested way. There really is nothing you can do once that Dire troll charges that jack. Also, Warmachine, despite what anyone says, is a casterkill game, and the game types briefly mentioned in the back of the WM rulebook, to my mind, offer absolutely nothing to take away from that. This makes the outcome of the game easy to understand. If you are a warmachine player going into your first malifaux tournament, and had been previously been playing malifaux just to kill the opponents crew, you will be left scratching your head. In one of the games I played at the recent tournament I lost 6 - 4 despite wiping out the opponents crew. Despite the loss, I found the game very enjoyable, cinematic almost, as my opponent's coryphee duet went about trying to complete his missions as those around them fell to the floor. A recent Warmachine player may struggle with this. To my mind Malifaux has two extra levels of strategy than WM/H. One is the aforementioned ability to defend yourself in a duel. The other being the resource management of your control cards. I'll not go deeply into soulstones here as WM/H players may cry foul because of focus/fury, which I do find an interesting mechanic. Whilst all of the above are my more specific thoughts on the matter, lets be honest though; pick any two game systems that people end up arguing about, and I would say the following statement is true: 99% of players of game X while stating that game Y is terrible, will never have tried it > 1 time. How is that for math mangling? (Although it may be the first time I have tried to use algebra since leaving school). I look forward to hearing other people's thoughts on the matter. Edit: I would also be interested to hear if you posted a similarly worded question on the privateer forums?
  2. Or Like any Other Day (redux) After not getting any inspiration to take the original part 1 of Like any other day forward I knew I wanted to move it in a new direction. So here is part two of that story, which answers any questions anyone who read the first part might have but is really the new set-up to take the story forward. As always, comments and critque more than welcome. Would also be interested to hear if people think the character is too crude or if he could be even ruder. I did tone back some of the original dialogue and inner thoughts. Edit: also, anyone who can tell me why the horse is called 59 gets a cookie, although it's almost certainly far too tenuous. Anyway, hope you enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I drained the bottom of my coffee tankard and placed it at the end of my desk. I hoped the cleaner would wash it, I knew I wouldn’t, and there is only so many times I want to drink from a dirty tankard. I leaned back in my chair and put my feet on the desk. As soon as I had, the Chief waved at me from through in his glass fronted office. I removed my feet from the desk. This didn’t seem to settle the bug up his ass, as he again waved his arm at me. He looked like a puppet whose master was having a seizure. I realised I was being summoned. I hoped this wasn’t more fallout from my last case; Joe Public seemed up in arms that I had killed 3 little uns, never mind the fact they were under the control of some filthy resser. They would have had my head if I hadn’t of pummelled theirs into the dirt! People just didn’t understand the work of your average guild guard lieutenant. “What’s the problem?” I asked as I entered Chief Buzzkill’s office. He didn’t hold much respect from me; or any other of the guys in the squad for that matter. He was all about the politics and not the job. And just to be clear, Buzzkill wasn’t his real name; neither were any of the other names we usually called him. “You have a new case, and this one’s a doozy.” His nasal drone always made me want to break his face. I didn’t imagine this would do anything to improve his voice, It sure would make me feel better though! “We have a showgirl dead in suspicious circumstances!” He continued. He seemed too excited. I didn’t know what this case had to do about politics, but the possibility for his advancement was the only thing I had previously seen get this sort of reaction from him. “What’s so crazy about that?” I asked. “Those broads always seem to get in trouble. Dangerous job a theatre performer, it seems.” “This one was found in a locked chest up at the old Invogorge mining complex.” He replied. “There had been rumours going around that there was a link between the M& SU and the performers from the Star, in relation to possible Stone smuggling for some time but they always seemed too fanciful to be true. This might be the chance to establish the link. It might be nothing of course but I can’t take that chance that’s why I’m putting you, my best man on it.” He called every one of us his best man. His sycophantic attitude made me wanna puke more than the time I had to sit in on one of McMourning’s anatomy lectures. Yeah, you heard right....sycophantic. We get word of the day toilet paper on this side of the breach too. “Anyway, you had better saddle up and get on over there.” I left without another word and headed to the pound, where my shitty beat up carriage was waiting for me. I dreamed of upgrading to the new carriage master VX3000 with bucket seats and twin awnings but for now my modest salary wouldn’t allow it and I was stuck with the butt of the departments jokes, hell one of the doors wouldn’t even open. Still, at least I had a damn good horse pulling it. French she was, and an absolute beauty, she was called 59. I refused to tell anyone why I had named her that. ............. I pulled up at the mine to be greeted by a bunch of whacked out old miners who looked like they had been inhaling soulstone gin for half of my lifetime, some posh guy in a guild uniform, and some snot nosed little punk who looked whiter than a Hoarcat's nether regions in deep midwinter! Turned out the kid was named Charles and he had found the body. “Charles, take me where I need to go, everyone else stay here and don’t touch anything.” He lead me into the office building and then the back room. I scanned the room taking in as much as I could, including a bottle of soulstone gin in the corner that would be going in my very own evidence bag. I then peered into the chest he pointed at from across the room. “She’s beautiful isn’t she?” I heard vaguely from behind. “Sure she is.” I said, adding ‘before someone snapped her neck like a twiglet’ in my own head. I went back to my carriage, Charles following me like a bad case of Haemorrhoids, and called in the science boffins before, grabbing my camera for some quick shots of the body.” Once that was done it was time to saddle up again. I knew where I had to go next in what was clearly a murder investigation. It was time to heading to the Star. Charles was looking up at me like some lost puppy. I didn’t figure him to have the sacks for what came next. “Can I join you, I may be able to offer some help?” he asked. “What in Malifaux’s name would some puffed up little bean counter be able to offer me? Step away from my carriage.” ............ The broad in the ticket office had the kind of deep brown eyes and cavernous cleavage you would kill your own mother for; especially after one too many beers. If I wasn’t on duty I would have done everything in my power to gain admission. “Hey Sugar, who’s in charge here?” She looked at me like I had asked her if it was ok to use my word of the day toilet paper right there in the lobby. “That would be Miss Collette..... and she’s busy.” She responded. It was time to whip out and flash what made all the ladies swoon. My Guild Guard Lieutenants badge! “I think she’ll make the time for what I have to discuss.” “Step on through then.....sir.!” She seemed to have a contempt for me that only my ex-wife - and my dwarf buddy Graeme – could possibly have matched. I stepped through the Red Velvet curtains into the auditorium, not realising that this case was not only going to take over my life but put me through a whole world of pain.
  3. I had similar aspirations. Failed. Have you seen murder one? Well worth a view!
  4. I could take or leave the model itself but love what you have done with it.
  5. This has been my list of choice also with the exception of the Cherub for the pm. It has enough big hitters to work even if you are up against a list that doesn't provide for much blood sucking but still has plenty of speed for the mobility based missions. As mentioned elsewhere in the thread, check out karns tactica.
  6. You'll not get me with your trolling ways!!! Sticks fingers in ears and strolls away humming the mason theme tune...
  7. You had me in a mild panic there. We have a different day for them on This side of the pond. Happy mothers day to them all nonetheless!
  8. It was good to see a collodI crew in action and whilst he would clearly still benefit from a wider array of minions it definitely seemed to show he could work well as a leader in his own right even now. I suppose this is all off topic now, apologies.
  9. It was ukrocky who won them. In the case of yesterdays tourney he played them very well. It was a painful experience for my Lilith crew.
  10. Sorry to say there is already such a group, it has the same name as the group you created. Doesn't seem to get much attention but still.
  11. Firstly yes he can only hire dolls. Hopefully book 3 will sort out the limited number of minions available to him. The reason people have been thinking about zoraida is her ability to summon more wicked dolls. CollodI's puppet show and breathe life giving fast and casting expert could in theory result in 5 wp duels from the stitched, assuming they don't need to do anything else. 0 action gambler 2 general actions gamble your life 1 fast action gamble your life Casting expert gamble your life Obviously for this collodI needs to be in the vicinity but the casting requirements for this are not difficult. Will it make you popular with all the negative flips, probably not.
  12. I'll add my appreciation to all involved. A very fun day. Was very nice to play on kaine's boards also. Thanks again.
  13. Loving the dolls and Marionettes. Not so keen on the man himself. Will pick up his box to have the official dolls etc. While I'm here, good work on the Wiki chaps
  14. I will try to work up a collodi one tonight. He is looking a bit empty over there on the neverborn section.
  15. Can't post a link as posting from my phone but anyone with a passing interest in the game should head to the smart max site. Pics of the game box contents now up.
  16. I'm having a mind blank but the spirit that represents kirais vengeful soul. I have the model aswell. Someone please help me out here
  17. I completely agree, you know there will be conspiracy nuts who don't accept this as it stands though. It had got to the point I doubted he would be found. Apparently he was hiding out in a conspicuously large house that they just built up in Pakistan. Wouldn't have happened in the UK, not with our council planning laws.
  18. I'm glad it's a board game, I'm far more inclined to take a look at it now. Given the scale of the mini's the board would have to be quite large no?
  19. Bad times. Do you need a hot lemon drink? I'm off again. In And out like a ninja!
  20. Yes indeed, can't complain about that, it's also a holiday for us on Monday so a pretty good weekend all round.
  21. I'm very well thanks, yourself? Unfortunately this is a flying visit as off on a day Trip because of our extra day off courtesy of the wedding. Also, thanks for the sandwich. Delicious!
  22. Makes kitten eyes at fell in hopes of securing a sandwich. I need to whip out the Paintbrushes this weekend.
  23. Am I too late for Sandwiches? Also, I had to post, I was stuck on 666 posts.
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