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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. So I finally got my first game with aZoraida yesterday and It's safe to say that she has the potential to be phenomenal. Now I was playing against Hoffman with shared recon (I also took breakthrough and reclaim Malifaux) so with that in mind my list changed somewhat to the following: aZoraida Silurid x 2 Jack Daw Hodgepodge Effigy Mysterious Effigy Arcane Effigy. I was up against the following: Hoffman Peacekeeper Guardian Hunter LSA 2 Guild Hounds As you can see I still wanted to try playing with as many cards as possible but without relying on WP so much. aZoraida Manifest I managed to Manifest third turn after obeying one guild hound into the other and cheating in the Redjoker to ensure the kill. Crystal Ball was cast first and second turn utilising a bayou two card. As others have said elsewhere having to use your 0 action in place of Raven could be irritating on the movement front but because I had met the two requirements I was able to move her forward prior to manifesting. In action She is an absolute beast and took down the (slightly weakened) hunter with pins and needle strikes and the Peacekeeper with withering touch. With the arcane effigy in use she got a ridiculous number of actions on her turn. This together with having such a large hand allowed me to hit the Pins and Needles trigger a couple of times so had two turns where it felt like half the deck was in my hand. Unfortunately it was the bad half. I wasn't cautious enough with her however and this is something I will have to be more careful of in future. She was eventually machine puppeted to death by the Hoff. Effigies The Arcane Effigy was useful for arcane reserviour and his spell caused some slight damage to the hunter. His action to allow the leader an additional AP was used every turn. Very nice. The mysterious effigy did nothing, I kept activating Zoraida first so never used his action to allow a face down duel. Not sure about this guy but certainly willing to try him again. The Hodgepodge ended up just being an objective grabber. I still have high hopes for him and look forward to getting him more involved in future games. As for Jack Daw, I just plain think I can't work that guy... I think I need to re-read his pullmyfinger entry. Overall, aZoraida was phenomenal and has so much card control she really won't need too much more. I still want to keep playing with the theme and see how much more effective it can be. (oh, and in the end it was a draw)
  2. Add Malcolm Smith to the list. He's a good chap really but too afraid to post for himself. :-D
  3. Thanks, it was actually a lot worse than that before and I had to tone it back slightly. One question to those that frequent the miniature showcase forums more than I, that I meant to ask in my original post: I am going to add water effect to the base and almost want it to look like there is a carpet of fallen autumn leaves just under the water. Will painting assorted blotches of red/orange/yellow to the base before adding the water effect do the trick or is there some other tips/tricks when using the stuff?
  4. Well the lead mountain has been growing in recent months so time to start a proper painting log in an effort to motivate myself. A small list of malifaux models outstanding include: Zoraida Alternate Zoraida aZoraida Ophelia & her crew 3 Slurids Bad Juju Collodi and his crew (arriving shortly) aLilith (on order) As well as the Malifaux mini's there will no doubt also be some Legion popping up which will mostly involve p & eLylyth and a bunch of big monsters. Anyway, on with the first pics. aZoraida is well under way now, here is the first WIP shot. I decided to extend the roots to give the tree a bit more of a presence on the base. I have actually added a couple more small ones to the side since taking the picture, making sure to leave space for the big monster thing. Any and all feedback as the thread progresses will be welcome. Thanks
  5. Linked in just means they can activate after Hoffman. It is their 1 standard activation. Over-ride edict allows a model to re-activate gaining a second full activation.
  6. As has been mentioned the Mature Nephilim would be a good choice because he isn't immune to influence which both Teddy and Juju are. Another potential option out soon might actually be Tuco. He could handle himself in Melee and with him starting further up the board he could run interference, giving your gremlins more time to line up their shots. (Also, a nice advanced obey option if you end up fighting constructs etc)
  7. Convict Gunslinger for now with Merc Hamelin seeing a couple of outings in friendly games. I can see Sue and the Effigies becoming mainstays for me soon though.
  8. It's an added ability of her Greatsword. After determining duel totals but before declaring a trigger she gets to add any suit to her combat total, so she can always pik a mask if she wanted to and it would add to the card flipped in the duel.
  9. Microart studios Wolsung miniature range. Generally a mixed bag but a few really nice mini's in the range. They have two great one's that I recommend for alt showgirls.
  10. Not as yet. Havea game sorted for next Friday at the latest. So feedback or a request for further suggestions will follow. In the meantime I'm painting up the avatar. A very nice mini and a joy to paint I'm finding.
  11. Hoffman? Might be too cartoony but when I first saw him it was Hoffman I thought of.
  12. What are your other crews? You may have some minions which have some sinergy with the masters you are now considering.
  13. I don't know the answer to your question but it might be worth you looking out DavidKerrSmith on these forums. He is a henchman in the Livingston area so if anyone can help on that front I imagine he would be your man.
  14. Rising Powers and Twisting Fates don't have the stats for any of the book 1 mini's. The rules manual also covers the use of henchmen so up until you plan on running avatars the only required book is the rules manual. A reprinting of book 1 is something that's brought up fairly regularly but as far as I can re-call there has been no official word on whether that's likely to happen, Some of the fluff is worth a read though and it's always nice to have an idea of what a minion is capable of before spending your hard earned cash on them (although pull my finger mitigates that slightly)
  15. That may just be the nicest painted Perdita I have seen. Well done sir.
  16. I hadn't even considered Sue. I had considered The F librarian as a result of the theme and Tuco as a target for getting the obey manifest requirement but Sue would seem to fit nicely between them with some nice ranged capability and Hurt as option to increase hand size further during the turn. Ok, so here is the first list I'm going to try Zoraida - Avatar of Fate Arcane Effigy Hpodge Effigy Mysterious Effigy Doppelganger Stitched Sue That is 35pts on the button with numerous card drawing, discarding & re-using tricks which is what I was after. Thanks for all the input so far all
  17. I think Finnegan meant that with the 7 spare I could afford to drop the madness and take the doppelganger. She was a big consideration for me but I left her out for Jack. Not quite as themey but what about dropping jack and the madness, replacing with doppel and two stitched, leaving 8 stone cache?
  18. Hi guys I am looking to give Zoraida some attention over the next few months and in particular want to try to put together a 35pt list that will maximise the fun I can have playing with my and my opponents control deck. My thoughts so far are: aZoraida 2 Arcane Effigy 4 Hodgepodge Effigy 4 Mysterious Effigy 4 Insidious Madness 4 Jack Daw 10 This leaves me with 7 points to spare and my initial thought is for a Stitched Together for some Gambling but wondered if anyone had any alternative suggestions. Has anyone tried proxying the Effigy's with Zoraida? If so, what benefits have they seen other than the arcane effigies obvious advantages? Also, how easy have people found it to Manifest? Thanks
  19. I will not be popular for this but the one thing I would do is to move the off topic thread in the General discussion forum somewhere entirely independent. In my view it kills general discussion by constantly sitting on the front page.
  20. I would argue that's not a viable plan. The hardcore that will buy alternates - and not all will - would never manage to make up for the sales that would be generated by more regular new releases. I think the majority of those sitting on the fence about investing in Malifaux would more likely be swayed by an awesome looking new master than by an alternate of one they have already considered and rejected. I would love it if Wyrd moved forward in the manner described by my Ninja Panda friend (a malifaux card game a'la Munchkin anyone?) but even then, it would in all likelihood not generate the type of profits expanding the existing line would, when you take into account the costs of developing new products. You can't really blame GW for moving in the direction they did. They pushed themselves into a corner with their pricing and there was only one way to go. Bigger. PP will be the same, until then I will enjoy their game while I can. I would hate for Malifaux to go in that direction. If wyrd wanted mass battle I would hope that it was introduced as a completely new system in the Malifaux universe as opposed to an upscaling of the Malifaux skirmish games but for the reasons mentioned above that would almost certeinly be the more difficult choice for Wyrd to make.
  21. Glad a popped into the forum at a time when your post was on the sidebar. Well worth a thanks!
  22. I think your presumption is correct in that it is a Terraclips promo and it was posted in the Terraclips forum. Potentially still valid but re-reading the OP he really does seem to be only looking at it from a Malifaux point of view rather than Wyrd as a whole....
  23. Studio McVey Dark Emmisary. Link below http://studiomcvey.highwire.com/product/smm19-the-dark-emissary-1 Edit: Ninja'd by a Panda.
  24. Yes you can. The only limitation you have is that after using Lilith's (0) brood mother action you have to complete her activation, but there is nothing stopping your sequence as described.
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