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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. The crew looks superb in that group shot. I would very much enjoy playing against a crew so eye-catching. As for the next model. I vote Jack. (I always vote Jack)
  2. Really like the way you painted Mcmournings face. Also, that cat miniature is brilliant. What's that from?
  3. Are you enjoying Malifaux so much your other games struggle to get played? Lots of miniatures stuck in your storage cases taking up valuable space? Want some ready cash for miniatures or beer? Then you have come to the right thread! I will update this thread with various wants in rough order of priority. There may on occasion be the odd thing popping up that I would be willing to get rid of too. They will be at the bottom and will also be in order of priority. Wants Beastmen/Chaos Marine Horns. Warmachine (I can get new at 80%rrp with free shipping so won't pay anymore than 65-70% retail). Any Menoth Infantry excluding Flameguard Cleansers. High Reclaimer Avatar of Menoth Reckoner Heavy Warjack Knight Exemplar Seneschal Heirophant Vassal of Menoth Nicia Satixys based Cryx May consider any Khador Hordes (as per W/Machine) Any Legion warlocks excluding Abby and the Lylyths Legion Heavy Warbeasts excluding (Typhon, Ravagore, Carnivean) Hex Hunters Bayal Hound of Everblight Blighted Nyss Striders GW Specialist Games May consider any ready to play Mordheim crew. Raging Heroes Moloss & Minion Eleriel & Alaniel Kapitan Ivanka Sodapop Miniatures Will probably consider anything here. General Any VSF style miniatures for use in Empire of the Dead - would need to see pictures. Haves for possible trade. Not particulaly keen to get rid of these but might if the trade is right. Somer teeth crew with 2 extra gremlins Pandora crew box 
  4. Slow as a rule states something along the lines of current or next activation. As a result the model affected by it will stop being slow at the end of its next activation. Therefore this should indirectly answer your second question in that he can use it on an activated construct, they will just be slow next turn.
  5. Just the ravagore and a few shredders so far so it certainly wouldn't be the end of the world if I needed to change them. I think I will try your idea and have a crack at changing up the blight blast and take it from there. Thanks for that. (Also, I like the reversed colour scheme. The plateing looks much better with the light colour as the washes and highlights really show.)
  6. Another update, although starting to feel the pressure with the tournament in just over a weeks time and the Warmachine league now well under way. Not sure things are getting the time the deserve. First up the doppelganger The Wicked Dolls previously mentioned I need to tidy up and highlight their bases yet. And the big Hordes gribbly Really struggling with painting the legion so thinking of trying to change the colour scheme a bit and change the powder blue for a vallejo heavy warmgrey. Any legion players/painters here? Your advice would be more than welcome. Cheers
  7. Agreed, and it seems a fairly hefty price point, but then I haven't had to buy a new bag in a while. Think I would revert to one of the larger KR bags before this one if I ever require to though.
  8. Looks good to me. Did you put that base together or is it an insert? Is nice either way. My only thought is that the metallic shoulder pads seem a bit bright.
  9. So not sure how many of you spotted this over at TGN or even if it has been mentioned here before and I just missed it but as the title suggests there is a new much larger battlefoam being released. link: http://us.battlefoam.com/products/Malifaux-Breach-Bag-Custom-Load-Out.html
  10. Notmikehill is exactly correct. There are a few versions of Skarre available though so be careful to get the right PIP code (34068) if ordering.
  11. Does anyone know of any manufacturers of 28-32mm scale demon horns? (preferably UK based) Somewhat along the lines of these. Many thanks in advance
  12. Although it doesn't answer your questions specifically, have you checked out it's Pullmyfinger entry? http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Primordial+magic
  13. Well we have Dead Doxy's and Guild Autopsies now, but yes, I agree with this. Shouldn't be too difficult to Zombify existing models though I would have thought.
  14. I got to see some of the west wind models for Empire of the Dead tonight and can vouch for the casting quality. Although it was models for a different faction, they all looked very clean indeed. P.s. Empire of the Dead looks to be very interesting. A victoriana skirmish game with campaign rules. Yes please!
  15. I can't say it will happen this time but previous limited edition stuff has been made available again during short sales the odd time. As evilbleachman says though I think you may be stuck with searching on eBay.
  16. As usual, some really nice work. I think the second canine remains is fantastic and you certainly managed to get the remains part very effectively. Can't help on the yellow though. I have tried with an Iayanden darksun basecoat in the past but it still didn't seem to help too much.
  17. A productive weekend was had. 3 wicked dolls done as well as 3 shredders for the Warmachine Journeyman league (although they felt more like a chore). More importantly though aLilith was indeed waiting for me. Still not getting great photos so apologies for that. I am delighted by how her skin turned out though. A happy purple wash accident that I will probably try and do all my skin with now. Starting to run out of time for the May 26th tournament and still have the following on the table: Collodi 4 Marionettes Doppelganger Sue Tuco With Waldgeist and a Brutal Effigy still to buy.
  18. Tremendous looking crew. Love the purple.
  19. Thanks all, much appreciated. It's now complete. I stuck with just the 2 dolls as thought it might get too busy and while it couldn't pass for height 4 I feel satisfied that it's now close enough. Now it's ready I can get back to other things, which is just as well as I think aLilith, Sue and Tuco are now sitting at the post office. I may be a bit excited about that. *grin*
  20. Tremendous stuff, and the nicest student of conflict I have seen.
  21. Thanks for the kind comments. I am enjoying putting it together so much it is stopping me from progressing my Hordes mini's at the moment. I got in from work today and immediately set to work. Some of the barrel needs re-done as the superglue needed for the banner poles played merry havoc with it, but they are nice and sturdy so will take that result. Also, the first passengers are now attached. I will probably ony add 1 more doll rider as don't want to take it too far. Not too much to do with it now.
  22. All really nicely done but I'm particularly liking sword Vik and Taelor
  23. Well my Warlord Games order arrived in the post this weekend and I couldn't wait to progress my Supply Wagon marker. It's not tall enough for height 4 but I will put some sort of banner on there advertising the Juju re-inforcements once it's painted.
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