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Everything posted by kbdrand

  1. If you do decide to clean that sculpt up and maybe do some resin casts I think quite a few of us would be interested in buying it. Of course not sure how that would go over with Wyrd.
  2. Yes, I have Chompy but I didn't put a whole lot of effort into him. He looks just ok. I'll try and post his pic later. The bamboo was done with aluminum tubing (a mix of two different diameters) that I got at Hobby Lobby (local hobby and craft store), some very thin wire and some green stuff. Just cut the tubing, put some green stuff around it for the bamboo sections, attach a small piece of wire for the branch and cut some green stuff into small segments for the leaves. Thanks for the kind words.
  3. Here's my latest mini. I've been practicing some blending techniques. I'm not patient enough to truly get a really good blend, but I'm working on it.
  4. The suit against Outrider was litigious, and the head's up they gave the other companies is basically just saying 'watch out, because we are about to sue'. I'm not saying they should just give up their intellectual property, but sending premptive letters is more like bullying or being passive aggressive than being nice (just my opinion).
  5. Well, I just went and bought some foam from Outrider Hobbies just to stick it to Battlefoam. I own two Battlefoam cases, and I love them, but this litigious behavior just doesn't sit well with me.
  6. I don't have any fingernails (keep them cut short) so this is a problem for me. Are you saying I need to grow one of those cocaine fingernails for the cards?
  7. Also, once the target is in melee you really should not get to perform another lure (just my opinion, not in the rules) due to the ability to make a melee strike each time.
  8. Very nice. Can't wait to see it painted.
  9. If they created the laser or machine to cut the foam I could see patenting it. But if all they did was say 'Hey! We should use this existing laser cutting machine and use it to cut foam!' then it should not be patentable. Unfortunately, much of the patent process allows these concepts to be patented.
  10. Sorry, was going off of memory since I don't have the book. I was pretty sure that Hoffman said with no additional cost, but I've been mistaken before. And I agree, I assumed that MS&U Asset is the same thing as MS&U Member since what is the difference? What is an asset? He can already hire anything in the Archanist line. Does it mean that he can ignore the special forces limit and hire any number of Archanist special forces or does it mean that he can really hire any model that is an MS&U member? I really think it should be the latter. I mean, he is the head of the MS&U. It would be silly for him not to be able to hire another who is an MS&U member. And Hoffman is the plant in the MS&U for the guild so it makes sense that they could be together in a game (although technically Hoffman might have a secret agenda). It would be cool if you were playing a brawl with Ramos and Hoffman and if the other side was Guild then there was a chance that Hoffman could switch sides.
  11. Hmm, I don't have the book in front of me, but Ramos has a special rule allowing him to hire all MS&U members and if Hoffman is an MS&U member then he should be able to pair with him in a brawl. My understanding of brawl is that you are pairing masters, not hiring them (except with Viktoria where you pay the extra 5 ss). So yes, generally they follow the same rules, but with the special rule for Ramos in book 2 I thought he could pair with Hoffman (but not 100% sure since I don't have the book with me now). Plus, Hoffman has a rule that lets him hire any construct without additional cost (I'm pretty sure that's what it says in the book) so in your first example that would be wrong. If you pick guild as your faction and hire Ramos you would not pay an extra +1 ss per construct (although in that case non-constructs may be an issue).
  12. I agree. Patenting the process for laser cutting foam trays and the resulting trays is just stupid. The entire U.S. patent process is broken and has been for some time. I love the battlefoam product, but I'm not real happy about the battlefoam company. For shame Battlefoam!
  13. I have a different problem with my deck. Due to the material of the cards I find it hard to pick up individual cards if they are on a flat surface like a table. Anyone else run into this and any ideas on how to deal with it?
  14. First, Ramos cannot hire any construct from any faction. There are only some of the constructs outside of the archanist faction that he can hire. Any of those outside of his faction he would have to pay the +1 soulstone. If you were in a brawl with Hoffman then you would not pay the extra soulstone for those construct models.
  15. Per the rules. Any destroyed terrain becomes severe terrain. There is nothing that says that the ice pillars do not follow the standard rules for destroyable terrain. I don't have a specific reference that says they create severe terrain however.
  16. Eventually. The problem is that it could be a while before all the minis for book 2 are released. There is still 1 mini from book 1 that isn't out yet (coming in October) and with the upcoming book 3 I don't know how Wyrd is ever going to hope to catch up.
  17. He's just that high because of his arms. The main model is 30mm.
  18. Just added my flag for Madness Games in Plano, TX.
  19. I understand. I still think that the stories should be released to a wider audience. But I would also prefer a slimmed down rule book with no fluff. I generally prefer to keep my rule books separate from the fluff. It would be nice to have a smaller book with just the rules (Like you get in the Games Workshop starter boxes).
  20. Yeah. She is a cool model, but since the only gunsmith listed in the box is male I'm going to stick with all male models for now. I mean, what do women know about guns anyway?
  21. I found the perfect gunsmith proxy. It's from Freebooter Miniatures and is the Doc Taranto model. Looks awesome. I've ordered two of them for my gunsmiths. http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/shop/index.php?act=SHOP&CODE=03&WGP=13&art=516
  22. Yeah, I see the symbol now. On my iPad i looked like a C, not like the Euro symbol and I'm not used to someone posting the symbol and the rest of the word. I'm used to either seeing the symbol or the word Euros. It seems to me that it would be like someone in the US listing the amount as $ollars. I think I'm going to order this model (http://www.smartmaxstore.com/hauptsturmfuhrer-von-kardsten-en.htm) to use as a proxy for Von Schill. They do have some really cool minis. Doh! Scratch that, I just realized those minis are 52mm. Wow, too bad, I'd love to get that some where around 32mm.
  23. Crooked men, and you may get a better response in the Resurrectionist sub-forum. There are also a few new models for book 2 but the minis are not yet out so you would need to proxy.
  24. To me, the fluff for the game is a way to get people interested in the game, sort of a teaser. What you pay for with a book is the rules and the units. That being said, I think it would be cool to release all the fluff in one consolidated PDF for people to read. I would much rather be able to read the story on my iPad or Kindle without having to break out my rule bookvand it would be great to give to people who do not yet play the game to get them interested. Any chance we may eventually see the fluff separated from the book for download? Even if there was a cost involved (heck, you could even just do it through Lulu), i think it would be a good idea to get the stories out there to more people.
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