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Everything posted by Poko

  1. Wait, I'm confus now. There is already a very nice killy model for Neverborn, with scale-able price that's able to dish out up to 12 attacks in one turn for paltry 15pts, and has 18 wounds total.
  2. Wait..does that mean my Black Blood Shaman is atheist?! ICK, ICK, COOTIES AND ETERNAL DAMNATION! :]
  3. Carp, I guess another corpsmann then. Or maybe some other merc, like the ronin or convict.
  4. Haven't palyed with him yet, but hes high on the list. The basic korpsmann is very solid for 4SS, the specialist is fantastic when coupled with the freikorps armour and solid on his own. The scout is just phenomenal as far as I'm concerned. It seems to me the key is keeping the army around Von Shill for the StDie aura, with the trappers slightly behind, picking off weak targets or weakening strong ones. Slow to die and specialist's flamer overheat attack is really strong combo IMO. At 30SS I'd take VSHill, 3 of his freikorpsmen, 2 specialists and two trappers, using all the SS availible.
  5. I run 6-7 for Lilith, and used to use aroun 5-6 for all the arcanists. There is a handful of masters which don't really need the stones like Nico, but generally yes, it's often better to boost a powerful spell/attack of the master than to have another 3-4SS model for the same price.
  6. He's basically a medium-tier beast with a few abilities to that can be strong in correct situation. Do not count on him taking on anything larger than 7-8SS model, certainly DO NOT try to kill masters with him, it will only get embarassing when nico whoops his ass.
  7. Hasslehoff is not melee master, he's a pure buffer/debuffer with some cc thrown in as self-defense.
  8. I only played once against both Kirai and Colette and Hoff (well, twice, but the first time we got his rules wrong) and Lilith's all-cc style has some problems with them, but she'd have similiar against shooting lists. Kirai's spirits are a damn nightmare to deal with, they tarpit you and since your unit halve damage to spirits, instead of one-shoting them, you must use two or three atacks to just kill one. And they also hit you, not strongly but not very weak either. That one game I had was literally me chewing my damn way through a host of spectral asians to get Kirai. We never finished it, but it was 50:50 at that point, I still had my hardest models left and killed her once, but she just finished spawning more gakis. Colette is even worse, as her list just doesn't stay in place when you catch them. But I reckon she'll be the easiest to deal with after some practice, as I priorized targets wrong that time. Kill her minions, and her survivability plummets. Hoff is very strong master, with lot of synergy with his units, but his abilities demand that all the units move very closely to each other. So you can try and just do objectives instead and evade him. I won in that game, but barely so, after lucky initiative draw when I finally stripped him of his ablative mechs.
  9. Not my idea, the guild player threatens us with bringing that list, so we behave during game
  10. Now, take austringer and judge. Granny ortega gives austringer companion. Use 3x obeys to push judge far enough, maybe even charge someone. activate austringer last. Use his deliver orders to immediately activate judge. If it's casting master, there is a high chance judge will kill him/her, and almost guaranteed to kill anyone else in one activation.
  11. Wimp. There is no greater pleasure in wargaming then to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their gaming pals.
  12. The only real issue I have is the primordial magic, which looks like Mr. Sock the sock-puppet of doom, and poltergeist, which is just plain bad IMO. I love the 'lope (and the art in the new book!) and the waldgeists are not what I imagined but not bad at all.
  13. First, activate Granny ortega. Give family to austringer. Activate perdy, obey sammy, obey him some more from totem, activate austringer from family, give Order to Samael, samael is now two full charge-ranges into enemy formation, with full action points. Of course you can do the same with Judge, and he's got even worse damage output in CC if I recall. And they don't even need severes, guild can confidently kill anything that's not a Master from merely weak damage with critical added. As for hiding..if the enemy really feels like being a d***, he can say stop after his first terrain placed. Which gives you whole 3 pieces of area terrain on the board. Which translates, usually, to a full turn of being open to every ranged weapon guild has before getting close to enemy.
  14. WOW! So he's good against ONE specific master. When someone tells me "the model requires a lot of finesse to use but he can be good in specific situations" it usually means "yes, it's crap in almost all situations, but I like the model and desperately need to justify taking him in the list despite being a waste of points" As for shooting, here's what I was saying about the trapper. He has 16" range, for 2 shots of Acolyte at CB3 he'll get four shots at CB 5, even if he deals 1 less damage at severe. What's better, unlike the native cannibal tribesman of the mountains, the trapper has scout ability, and ruthless, so he's actually better at moving and shooting because he doesn't need to test WP before kiling tiny furry animals and crying japanese ladies. Oh, and he just happens to have a pulse giving scout to models in 4", which is no small bonus for Arcanists, who, spending most of their time in the wild or on the run from authorities, do NOT have scout. Which is hilarious, because apparently a creature native to malifaux like the rattler, can't move as easily on broken terrain as a witchling stalker, who is merely a broken low-power wizard caught by Sonnia.
  15. The corpse-eating spell is for 0, it ain't gonna seriously dent the horde in any way. Cats cost 1SS less, and will rip through any target the Acolyte can, are even harder to target. The only downside is their lack of special deployment, but in all honesty, with the errata of "be 12" from EVERYTHING!" he usually spends a turn just getting into position from whatever windblasted hellhole he had to be deployed in. His CC abilities are also less then stellar, people CAN ignore him while killing the rest.
  16. Possibly, though I still reckon acolyte to be one of the very few truly useless models in the game, five games I took him and he died without doing so much as slighlty wounding one guy. Three games I played against an enemy with acolyte, and I killed him "in the meantime" while dealing with real threats.
  17. But it is, to my eye, far more reliable for that +1SS.
  18. Finally got my book as well. I like the art, I like the story so far, but whyever would I want to take the December Acolyte if I can hire the Trapper for one SS more? Better armor, better range, nifty triggers and abilties. Sure, it won't make the target slow, but that's it. Oh, and it lacks Rip Throat trigger in CC.
  19. The blood-how. I tried the tamiya clear red trick, and it ended up looking so bad I just scraped it off her blade and painted it again.
  20. There really ain't any easily spotted difference between 28mm and 32mm these days. Myranda is shorter than 40k Guardsman, while Marcus is half a head taller for example.
  21. Er...one game? As in, one battle? Yes, you can say it's a bit excessive. The longest Malifaux game I played was 4 hours, because we played 45SS with two masters each. Normal game takes about 2h for 30-35SS. I imagine there's a lot of ordering pizza, chatting and occasional break in those 5h, but it really shouldnt take that long for even moderately experienced players.
  22. ArteFactory violin, bought it at a local store which used to stock Alkemy (same company did that and the side-line of Artefactory). Nothing, but if it made you wonder it filled it's purpose :] Or you could think up something like vanitas motif composed by the human skulls and violin with a monstrous demon of ages past standing on them defiantly, but that'd sound silly.
  23. Magnets. Sheet of thin steel. Screwdriver. 5$ toolbox. No paint scratches from hard foam again you god damn bastard of a GW case.
  24. So, ordering from outside world is... BANNED IN BRITAIN!
  25. Yes, though I might brighten/darken the colour depending on how it looks to have some identity among them. The colour is dark flesh with tanned flesh highlights, wash of ogryn flesh and final highlight of tallaran flesh.
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