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Everything posted by Poko

  1. o0 Ten? Ain't that...a bit of an overkill (or target rich enviroment for anyone with camo, as they won't hit jack all against -3 at long range)? Anyway, to add to it, they also showed: Keisotsu with Missile launcher And a resculpt of the gaki/preta box, smaller models, but more organic in look, and 4 to box rather than 2, so twice cheaper in the long run (which matters when the model in quesion costs 5pts in game ). Theres also confirmed starter for Acontencimento this month, with 3 regulars, bagh mari with combi, montesa knight and akalis with boarding shotgun(new weapon to existing model), but with no pics. More images of the known models are on: http://www.devilteam.com/
  2. Thanks a lot for the writeup! I can see some very nice abilites there, esp. on Raspy's side, boosting her trademark popsicle units. The snowstorm's ability to push Golems will massively increase the mobility of the force alone (unless it has 3/6 move ). The mech units are also intresting, I guess the drill will be pretty compulsory for most lists. Gunsmith for 6 is also very intresting option. Wierd that only one beast in the entire section, but I guess Mark did get more than, say, raspy in the last book. Colette and her girls are just plain wierding me out rules-wise so I won't comment on those. All in all, some things are less awesome than I expected (where is the gunborg?), but some are new and very exciting, like the SnowStorm and Silent Treatment.
  3. You know, I haven't even seen his stats and he's already irritating me. Oh look, a guild model which can take any bloody construct he wishes, supposedly can keep up with them unlike old ramos who's running at amazing 3" per action so he can boost them like he's meant to. It'd be nice to have some constructs unique to Ramos, so far it's the brass arachnid only.
  4. If it's another totem it might be Rammy specific? Anyway, all of it sounds nice. Is the arcanist rider part of the SF (and construct?)
  5. In another topic, we've got a list of good things to come for Marcus. Could we get something similiar for good old Ramos? In one thread someone suggested he can now take any construct he wishes, like Hoffman, is that true? Yes, it is a desperate plea for tidbits, my book is pre-ordered but that's still 10 days away
  6. Because silurids and waldgeists weren't the best beasts Marcus could use anyway? can't recall a game (after buying them) without 2 or 3 of them being present, they always were the models that killed the most, or grabbed objectives etc...I've been thinking a crew of 4 silurs, 1 waldy, jackalope and Marcus might be very succesful (at 30ss)
  7. YES! What the list needed, lots of fast cheap stuff (molemen are cheap, but hardly fast), and alpha will be easier to do with the raptors rather than marcus's spell/beating. Good, very good Not a fan of rotting meat, but the nigh haunter seems like useful addition.
  8. You know, I understand people said he's working in other way than Ramos, but right now, with no book in front of me, I feel like he's stealing Ramo's job as construct master. All we need is neverborn beastmaster and resser nuke-caster for Arcanists to be completely unnecessary in the game
  9. Sorry, I forgot about that if I ever find a way to use something, it turns out it's illegal or been faq'd already. But I'll just start a thread on what I mean sometime soon.
  10. Silurids and Waldgeist are the best models currently availible for marc. it is a constant source of teasing from my opponents who suggest I just should play neverborn and be done with it Cats are good against SOME opponents. Undead don't have a lot of shooting and not that much of WP, so they have hard time both defending against devour and breaking the harmless. In fact, i've had my kitties eat mcmourning last game this way after he shot out his soulstones to avoid being hit by two silurids and marc (would've killed him too if he didnt eat SS to block damage and then fully revive himself by killing marc and both silurids in one activation). Against guild I'd not do it, too much shooting and average to good WP to survive. Haven't played against neverborn yet, not sure but I think they're too fast to home in two cats on one target.
  11. You mean the austringer, right?:whistle:
  12. Bumping with contents. Finally the ronery snake is done and a test batch of spiders.(the one with shorter legs didn't have the faceplate, so I had to paint the lenses on.
  13. Great teaser, the idea of mage special forces is really golden. And Molly coming into her own is nice to see.
  14. ...my guild opponenet reqires one sonia, one flaming fa...Samael, some wychling (my god does he love wytchling and do I hate them) and ninio ortega plus an austringer or two to wipe the floor with my Raspy without even breaking sweat. Mind you, he's got the proper mindset for Mali while I'm defo a casual player at heart, but it's painfully easy for him. Raspys main ability, nuking, is completely useless as long as he keeps his models in 3", Sonia is no slouch in CC either so the usual big-cat-hug doesn't work against her, and she can turn my goddamn gamins or similiar into wytchlings as long as she has soulstones left. Against the remainin arcanists she's not quite as good due to little offensive spells on them, but the ninio and samael still remain and more than capable of shooting anything they see. Austtringers plain don't care about LOS at all, have 18" range and Neither Raspy nor Ramos are particularily hard to hit.
  15. Well, we have resser, arcanist and everborn hunters, what about some sort of police/repression unit based on the guardsmen?
  16. With poo of that colour a visit to the doctor is in order Anyway, I freely admit I didn't do a great job on the flame, it's basically yellow with orange on the outward elements and some red on the tips.
  17. I don't think there's any point to start another topic, so I'll just throw all my arcanists in here (can't edit title or I'd indicate there's more than raspy in here). For now, Marcus and first of his trusty carps.
  18. Rasputina, Marcus,Ramos boxes Blisters: additional serpent two hoarcat prides Silurids additional arachnid swarm all totems except the jacalope Lacking(of released, not counting jackalope and electrical creation): Acolyte Joss Molemen (and one more cerberus I want for my beast list)
  19. Against sonia, I'd try using the acolyte and harpoon away any valuable models she could have in 3" to blast them away with Raspy spells. Either use all possible means to kill Sonia early on, or ignore her (or keep occupied with something, maybe moleman?) and kill the rest as fast as possible.
  20. Now THAT changes things a good deal. Somehow I missed the link between the rewrite and the spell completely :oops:
  21. Okay, can you please elaborate? Because unless I'm missing something the whiteout just gives models cover as it's no longer "blocking".
  22. Exaar...Ouch, not sure about perdy, but Sonia is definetely the worst match-up for Raspy. I suggest the cerberus or serpent to take her out fastm then you have free reign. Something fast to hit her so her Advanced counterspell is no longer an issue. For perdy, advance under the Pillars, and again, I suggest taking the cerberus to take out some of the Family(Nino, as hes terribly dangerous againt Raspy with 16" gun).
  23. Yeah, he can do that...except it robs him of all his 2x0 actions and without Wild Heart his a really crappy fighter. He has one supporting spell, which is healing that Myranda can do just as well (not to mention it relies on having the right suit, as it needs ram in addition to tome). As far as I am concerned, he's got a ton of semi-useful or extremely situational powers, one very reliable spell, and his main "thing" is that I can take the silurids in my army thanks to him, and they're very good units.
  24. For Arcanists, I'd really like to see some serious buffer master. All three current masters have *some* buff abilities, but I'd like one whose main purpose is supporting the units of his, preferably in a tank-y way.
  25. First of all, from that box you've bought, marcus is the least impressive of the models, so don't hestate to get him killed if you need, he really is one of the weakest masters there is so no point in sheltering him(I've been thinking otherwise, but a bunch more games led me to believe he's completely out of reedeeming qualities compared to the rest of the masters). Your real strenght lies in the big cat and the serpent, the Silurids are also mighty fine when paired or even in three. Basically the army is themed around fast movement to avoid the enemy until you're in position to charge him-almost all the units can move very fast, and strike very hard in combat. The hoarcats and moles are a bit wierd as they're slower than the rest, but they could work in used in larger numbers I think. Still not sure what to think of Myranda, She could be used to transform into any of the beasts but she lacks their spells, and she's doubling up Marcus with the healign spell, and just as mediocre in CC in her own form.
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