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Everything posted by Wombats

  1. I really like the Ice Golem as a conduit for Raspy's spells. She can hide behind scenery that the Golem and see (and shoot her spells) over if there is a volley of fire coming back at her. If you are shooting at a single target, getting the Golem's base within 6" of Raspy and the other side of his base in 6" of your target you have a nice long range and can zap something down to 1 Wound. I fluffed my first two games with Raspy but now she's a force to be reckoned with. Gamins don't really seem to be necessary with her Frozen Heart aura and her armour buff allowing other models to arc spells. Pretty sure her spells are effected by Bite of Winter, too, so if the Golem activates first her spells are all at +1 damage.
  2. I've been thinking about ideas for painting Seamus: - A wedding party all in white with Molly dribbling blood - The Mad Hatter's tea party from Alice in Wonderland Brainstorming a few ideas: - Remove parisole and replace with fob watch on chain - Price tag on Hatter's hat as illustrated - Alice in blue and white from Disney's movie ...but its really missing a 28mm sized Doormouse and a White Rabbit, preferably in a vest with a monocle. They would make good proxies for Sybelle, Bete Noire and Molly if she gets rules (and I'm guessing she will). Anyone able to help out with sourcing these models? Once I have the right size and look, greenstuff could do the vest and monocle.
  3. Lilith smashed Nicodem down to 1 Wound four times but Nicodem won in the end. I've yet to face Lilith, she is a beatstick from hell.
  4. Wombats


    Welcome aboard. Being on the other side of the planet I can't help much - but the vast majority of my playing group are/were Warmachine players, might be worth checking out the Privateer Press forums. We pretty much only play Malifaux now (I'm ex-40K) so the pulling power is pretty strong. Ramos is my main master, he's a subtle support caster and the Arachnid Swarms and Steamborg are just great fun to play with. Especially with Ramos's healing flips then his Brass Arachnid's Check out the Ramos tactics thread, once you know what you are doing with him he's a force to be reckoned with.
  5. Thanks Eric I'm guessing it won't have the melee damage of the Executioner... ...but it sounds survivable with a force field plus being able to shoot effectively at range with Ramos nearby to repair it. Looking forward to it, not that the Executioner isn't the MVP in most of my games!
  6. Well you are 1/2 a miniature more painted than me Re: white versus black undercoat. I was into black myself for...lets just say I couldn't drive a car when I started Recently got converted to white just to make brighter colours come up true...even with a lot of coats my reds were always very dark. You need a lot of faith in your inks to do shading on white, I really trust the new GW washes. They don't go shiny like the old inks which wrecked shading. I've just undercoated Rasputina's Golems and crazy cat lady crews in white and am doing Ramos in black to copy Eric's ridiculously good paintjob. Will be interesting painting them alongside each other, doing them together as they both use blue, as a highlight on Ramos and shading on Ras. Back on topic: I just favourited Massaen's Pandora crew due to his excellent colour selection. That Candy just solved my head scratching on a colour scheme and the way he's co-ordinated the purple cloak with the Woes looks like a fast way to paint the less unique models well.
  7. Awesome work, hope to have a gander at it tomorrow!
  8. This just made me feel a whole lot better about growing up in Tasmania. Its the butt of inbred jokes for entirety of Australia but it has nothing on this. America is truly the world leader in more ways than is desirable
  9. You start a little whimsical wishlisting and what happens? :tj:
  10. What colours are you using there? Metallics or just a gloss that caught the light on camera? I really like how Ras and the Golem have turned out. Its almost a mother of pearl effect across the shoulders. Thats a really fresh approach.
  11. So double Pig Charge and an optional third at the cost of wounding. Noyce. Now all I need is Teddy to be up on the store and I'll be makin' bacon.
  12. The smugness is so thick in this thread you can just about cut it with a knife.
  13. Welcome aboard. Malifooling has pretty much killed Warhams and Warmachine around these parts...making scenery isn't a chore anymore, you want to do a fantastic job to match the minis. What crews are you painting up?
  14. Beautiful and just in the right proportions, too. Think I might steal your idea
  15. I sat down and had a good read of McMourning, he can one-shot a Steamborg with alarming reliability. Ressurectionist Masters are so hard their crew should just pick up a limb each and use the Master's head as a battering ram. Incidentally, we're on for 12 onwards Sunday if you're keen.
  16. That post needs to be topped off with a smug emoticon. How does one become a tester? The Blind Pig is a pretty dedicated game club here in Brisbane.
  17. Don't believe his lies! He'll take your spider crew off you and beat you to death!
  18. Welcome aboard. LDP beat my McMourning crew to a pulp with my own spiders last week. Really have to stop giving him good advice Looking forward to seeing more painted crews...I'm going to have a shot at Eric's Ramos in the dark minus the mirror images, should be interesting. Pandora's crew is sitting in a box giving me painting procrastination guilt right now. Once Teddy arrives I'm going to give them a whirl. I've got to get back into the habit of painting instead of watching TV, you get so much more out of it. Cheers, Sam
  19. With a max damage of 3, Necropunks aren't really worth the 3pts I reckon. Although they would have made it to the objective had I remembered they had Arachnid.
  20. So, Steamborg Executioner is one of many designs of Steamborg. More may be discovered or designed by Arcanists. My first thought was a cannon strapped to it, but that isn't particularly Wyrd...a harpoon gun sounds more likely. Their chassis looks capable of jumping. It would also look great with a Scorpion tail. Maybe even some area of effect damage from a jazzed up steam shooterizer? What do you think they might be?
  21. Wow, made some really nice dynamically posed models even more so. I'm going to be referring to this when I pick up the Criid set. Mimicry is the best form of...
  22. I was against the hairy chested minis as well. Mind you, now I've seen Marcus up close I don't mind him. I'm guessing the other bulkier looking minis won't look so bad up close, the small size of the minis stops them looking like a big chunk of lead.
  23. Cor blimey, if only it was US $2000
  24. Part of Malifaux's appeal is it already has a level of immersion similiar to a roleplaying game. I'd be more interested in more complex scenarios and fluff around Malifaux. Non-combat actions and a little politics, maybe a Risk map. I think an additional RPG game system is unecessary. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I would be delighted to see roleplaying supplements, if only as a source of further background. If the writing is as tight and intriguing as the Malifaux rulebook I'll buy it for sure.
  25. Speaking as someone who only plays Arcanists so far, I own four of the deck colours and intend to complete the set (which can't be used together!) because they are awesome. There is a tangible fetishism around the symbology and style of Malifaux. It is also such a low cost of entry I feel guilty at the amount of money I've given other miniature games companies who don't do as good a job, quite frankly.
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