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Everything posted by Wombats

  1. How does Smell Fear work if it triggers while you are in melee? Apparently you can't Charge if you start your activation in melee range...but is Smell Fear an activation? I remember something similiar happening with Seamus and we let him do it providing he dodged the disengaging Strike. I guess it would be the same for Teddy if he left his target standing?
  2. Sitting in a post office I can't access during work hours, that's where. So I'm really keen to know how he performs. Has anyone proxied him / played with the model yet? I'm going to be cracking open Pandora's Woes for the first time tomorrow and would love to know the ins and outs of Teddy herding.
  3. Poko, the Wendigo is pretty lame next to an Essence of Power. He could do okay helping out Tina in melee, but seriously, if Biting Chill doesn't do it he's not that useful. Positive flips on all spells is just fantastic for Tina. I'm using the little flame guy out of the flame base pack as a proxy atm. I haven't taken my three Hoarcats for a walk yet but will be reporting results once I have. Also using a Sabretooth for treasure token stealing goodness. I'm a little concerned the Hoarcats will be killed before they do much with their 6 Wd. I would not discount Arachnid swarms for Tina, self-healing with potential armour 3 is fantastic. Also think about keeping the Golem on tables with a lot of Height 1 and 2 terrain to get line of sight. He is a great melee trap with Sub Zero, too.
  4. Whoops, got to start reading the tops of card. That really changes things...mind you, what cheaper / more survivable alternatives are there for Arcanists? Molemen? I guess the answer is to keep Ramos pumping out spiders in Reconoiter.
  5. You should drop by for a game, sometime, Mr B. I'm picking up the lamb chop express and swamp bogans today, we need to get S'omer some respect around these parts. Re:GW I can understand the BB addiction, its one of the most fun games I've played. Keen to see what Galak put together, he seems to have hope that the LRB 6 will be relatively untouched...not to mention it was meant to be a final version, fingers crossed it is. I can see myself chewing through the entire Wyrd catalogue before I put serious money into GW again...just as soon as I have enough Kasrkin plasma gunners...yesssss...any time now.
  6. Welcome aboard Even though poor Sydneysiders could never hold a light to the Malifoolery of your Bris Vegetarian cousins, its amusing that you still try On a serious note, acid's been promoting Malifaux on WargamerAU for quite a while. A useful chap to have in a scrap.
  7. Looking good, are you going to have blood drips on the base? Kade's crazy eyes came out really well. What red did you use? That is looking particularly vibrant.
  8. Yeeesh, GW really are hurting their fan's ability to link up and have fun, especially with sites like TalkBloodBowl being shut down. I'm glad my hobby money is going towards Wyrd, they're safe for at least 30 years Not to mention its more fun.
  9. :blah: Troll alert! Abandon thread!
  10. Its easy to miss. That Malifaux Matters sub-forum hides a lot of information you want readily to hand when you start out. I missed it several times before I found the faction specific forums...it seems like a very minor thing but people will be into Malifaux faster if they don't have to dig around for these forums.
  11. Beautiful. We've been sitting in game, forgetting our schemes and saying what a brilliant idea this would be. Thanks a heap for putting these together, I'm going to get them laminated asap.
  12. Beautiful. We've been sitting in game, forgetting our schemes and saying what a brilliant idea this would be. Thanks a heap for putting these together, I'm going to get them laminated asap.
  13. Yeah, always save that final AP and consider if you'd put more hurt in by splitting. I love the way spiders have enough Evasion for them all to survive (providing you split at full health) and explode / attack. There is a lot of fun you can have with spider / swarm ability inheritance. If you Link In to the swarm with Ramos, you can then activate all the spiders in the activation step...its obscene and totally legal
  14. I keep mine in swarms so they can heal themselves...only break up if I need to scatter for Reconoiter, do a bombing run or two swarms are hoeing into a master and Latch On / spell casting debuff is required (very rare). The swarm will get the jump on many models due to Arachnid and Height 1 - you don't see them 'til they have double walked and Melee Mastered something. Next round split to get your Slow activations in and maybe detonate. I really don't like running them solo as they can be one-shotted at range. There is a lot to be said for having a pair of spiders in combat, get their full actions, move another up with 1AP spare and make a Swam who then makes 3 attacks...but remember your opponent is doing activations in this time, you'd better get it right.
  15. Wombats


    Why are you filing and primering the models? Did your customer request it? They come new with bare metal. No spray can is going to be accepted by a postal service, they are quite dangerous if heated up or in low air pressure during flight. I'd actually be quite annoyed if someone removed flash and primered my models, it can remove detail you may have wanted to keep.
  16. Before you even get to the brilliant shading work, that colour selection just brings out the Nephilim and tots beautifully. That makes me want to collect Lilith, now.
  17. You guys must be really bored to be having this discussion at all. If that were a Games Workshop mini we'd be paying twice as much for a single mozzie in a blister. I just ordered enough Gremlins to make two or three crews and it did not add up to the cost of...two units of ten Warhammer 40K miniatures. I love Wyrd. And bacon. And shooting my own dudes. Also fuzzy hats.
  18. Has anyone actually played their system? I'm having a hard time navigating around their flash-heavy site but what I'm finding is rewarding. Looks like the Alice figure (30mm) will do nicely for the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Also "Winston" the bulldog looks like he might work for 28mm...you never know 'til you see it, though.
  19. Greets! Check out the tutorial for the Ice Golem in Chronicles 1 (left hand menu). I'm looking at a poorly differentiate blue/white paint job right now and wishing I'd done their Scaly Green/Hawk Turquoise/Ice Blue combination for Raspy's crew.
  20. The removable cogs idea is genius (and also halves the number of spiders you need). Why not a couple of flat cogs on the big bases? Could make it look like the mounting cogs are attached to something...you could even make them revolve during the game The Steamborg can't fit on his base naturally so its worth picking one leg and having him stepping off by a few millimetres. Did you end up pinning him? He was a little hairy just placing on a heavy metal sewer base, add in cogs and it would get precarious. If you beat me to painting Ramos and friends I'm going to eat my boots, starting on a silver and gold drybrushing right now. What colours are you going for on your spiders? Shiny cogs or rusty ones? There are some really vibrant rust colours on the piccy on the cards although I'm going to limit my pallete to blue and black with rust to make the bases contrast.
  21. Thanks for bringing SMOG to our attention. I do really like their style...shame they don't do 28mm. Gee, if only there were a 28mm miniature company with a penchant for steampunk horror who could possibly borrow a sculptor or two... ...nup, coming up blank, sorry.
  22. Wow. Did you mean to post this in a counterstrike forum? Maybe play a bit more before you deploy the wall of text.
  23. That is ridiculously awesome. Will have to have a Ramos on Ramos duel at some point.
  24. My regular Zoraida opponent is damn dangerous, I eek out wins against him but he makes my Steamborg punch Ramos in the face. I usually inflict more damage on my own crew than Zoraida's does. She is a force to be reckoned with.
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