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Everything posted by Omenbringer

  1. I'll be going for one day to help with the demo's and get my hands on Ophelia and the new book.
  2. I would like to see more factions vice continueing to fill the current ones.
  3. Welcome and to answer your question Lilith makes the most thematic foe for Perdita's crew, after all she has one of them chained for a totem.
  4. Cant wait for the new errata to drop, hopefully it will clear this up officially. Like I said I figured she did, though I am wondering if that is how she was originally intended.
  5. I think this technique is going to require a stiffer material then the aluminum foil he is using. The beer cans might work though.
  6. Well in that case shouldn't the Neverborn models should cost an additional as SS as well since they are out of faction with Som'er. Also Lalo, cant remember if it has been asked or answered before (would find it hard to believe if it hasn't) but does Zoraida pay the SS markup on out of faction models that are under 4 WP. Pretty sure she does but have always thought that she shouldn't.
  7. add some dull coat and an few ink washes of badab black and scab red and it should look suitably aged.
  8. Just noticed in your points calculations above that you are adding a SS to the cost of each Skeeter and Gremlin. As long as you have Som'er in there they wont cost the additional SS so you have 5 extra SS to spend or cache.
  9. Any chance the game was captured (with pics) for posterity (and hosting on twilight emporium)? Oh by the way let me know if you want any inspirational pics for terrain building. Nawlins has some awesome architecture and a fairly unique look.
  10. You might want to post the link to your other thread so it is easier to redirect.
  11. These have a very nice gritty scheme. Over all nicely executed.
  12. Another great model, you have the muted macabre scheme down. Care to share your colors? Would love to try and emulate it.
  13. Simply amazing, the rotten belle is even better then the others. The group is spectacular.
  14. Oh believe me they needed those fixes, though I think he should have recieve some compensation like the sixth control card. Agree Book 2 with its promised whole gremlin chapter is going to be awesome I am sure. Also the biggest problem with playing Gremlins usually isn't the crew, its the player. Hear me out...for the most part Malifaux plays completely different then what most of us came from (Warmachine, Warhammer, etc). You win by completing your Strategies and schemes not by simple body count (for the most part), it takes awhile for most people to unlearn what they came from.
  15. They already Errata "fixed" Som'er and most of his crew. He used to be capable of drawing infinte Red Jokers.
  16. Som'er and the Gremlins are a lot more powerful then most give them credit for and the summoning-healing shenanigans are a very large part of that. If they did limit it I would hope we would get something back (Normal Control Hand at the least).
  17. Think a Circus theme would pretty much have to be Outcast since I dont see them really caring a lot about any factions agenda (other then staying in the Guild and M&SU good graces for continued operations).
  18. Looks good though I might add a wash of either GW Chestnut ink (if you have it) or the Vallejo Flesh Wash to kinda warm up the wood a bit (GW Gryphonne Sepia will work as well though you will need a couple more coats). You can see the effect on the pic of Som'er I use in my avatar. Definately looking forward to seeing the whole thing completed.
  19. One word of warning on this, Skeeters are not immune to the Damage from "Pull my Finger" like they were in the book before the errata (the reason is they no longer have the gremlin characteristic) so positioning is very important with the stank attack. Lalo loves the Skeeters and uses them a lot more offensively then I do, I prefer the Pig swarm and Gremlin gun line myself and mainly use Skeeters for the pig boomerang. What would really help though is if you post your crew composition so we can offer a few tweaks. Please post if your Som'er card has "Take a Swig" as a 0 Action and also when you purchased him. I am really hoping you misread it and that it wasn't a fix from the new errata that hasn't been released yet.
  20. Welcome to the game. Good news is that Malifaux doesn't require a huge amount of models. For Lady J I would add her Totem (Scales of Justice), and perhaps an Executioner (Guild) or Convict Gunslinger (Mercenary +1 to SS cost). That will fill you out to approx 30 SS (35 SS if you take both) with a few to add to your Cache.
  21. Aside from making your own Woodland Scenics puts out this mini scene as well. Not sure of the scale though (probably HO which might look just about right for a Gremlin moon shiner).
  22. Nicely Done. I can hear him yelling "Thankyou Cleveland!" at the crowd of adoring Gremlinettes.
  23. Awesome job, I always did prefer the Seamus concept art from the book. Also love the wig on Sybelle.
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