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Everything posted by Omenbringer

  1. No problem on the advice. I would say at this point you need to post your pictures so we can see exactly what is going on and offer some better targeted advice.
  2. If your really worried about it you can drill a pin in his hoofs then mount him to a base that has been filled with green stuff. This is in addition to the super glue.
  3. You might find using a flash to compensate for light more difficult in Macro photography because of the proximity to the subject. If you are going to use the flash I would recommend a diffuser (this might have come with the flash, though a piece of tissue paper over the flash can work if not) or off camera flash.
  4. At least the wait wont be long September is almost here.
  5. ISO 400 should be more then adequite. I prefer the daylights, though which ever lightbulbs you use just be sure to compensate in camera via the menu's (since you are shooting a digital cam). P.S. the picture you see in my profile was taking with a point and shoot $100.00 canon digital camera.
  6. I seem to remember your husband had two "Picklebacks" in order to see if the order made a difference. Just want to say it was great hanging out with you all on Friday night. And once again thanks for letting me assist with demos on Saturday, I had a blast. I just wish I could have stayed the whole time instead of having to waste time with 13 hours of driving from Nawlins on Friday and then another 13 hours back on Sunday. Stupid work, next year I'll be sure and weasel out the entire con.
  7. For clarification, this is the Old Hulk Hogan, definately not the young Hulkster from the early 80's. Also dont look for the 24 inch pythons, alas time has not been good to the Hulk Mcbain.
  8. If it wasn't labor day weekend I would definately be there. I have a prior engagement with a group of kids rappeling.
  9. The Coryphee were offered for sale at Gencon. Thats where I got my two (didn't want to bother with that whole rare earth magnet thing).
  10. I use a light box in addition to lots of lights.
  11. To what others have already said I would add: 1) Lots of lights (I use between 4-5 all very close, like 6-10" from the model and in multiple directions). 2) Camera set to Macro (this setting will usually look like a flower) and manual focus. 3) Camera Proximity to the model (I usually have my camera around 6-10" from the model) 4) Finally, the right color temperture setting on the camera (I use a mix of Daylight and CFL bulbs to help with this). The wrong setting will tint the final image.
  12. Goblyn13 that is an awesome idea.
  13. I am looking at the book right now and: Jonas has it right, all the Kin models are WP 4 or less. The thread you have cited has not been resolved yet, the reason it is still open. A rules marshal will close the thread and move it to the resolved forum when it has been. @ Gremlin Swarm, none of the henchman have hiring restritions in a scrap when they are not the master. All hiring restrictions for henchman apply only when they are the master in a scrap or when they are included in Brawls. To address the original question, there is some debate Here but as her rules are written (if henchman can be used as a second master in a brawl) currently Ophelia could not be paired with anyone but Somer in a Brawl if she was used as the other Master (in which case she gets the Henchman reserve) or as a henchman (in which case her crew gets the additional Soul Stones from not having the second Master). This may change as they release future models.
  14. Why Four? Just wondering since she can only connect 3.
  15. Alpha Stank is the nick name for swarming an opponent with Skeeters and having each use "Pull my finger" I think it was AoM that coined the phrase. A couple other gremlin slang terms: The Pig Boomerang is the nickname for using skeeters and hog whisperers to precision guide your flying pigs to the enemy then return them to friendly lines. Lastly, the Gremlin Gunline is the nickname for massed focus fire from Bayou Gremlins on one target.
  16. I only included new stuff since that was the question, however the old stuff is in there as well. So yes the "Hanging Tree" is in there.
  17. I think both of these are true to an extent.
  18. Anyone see the tree that comes with the new Privateer Press Circle of Orboros Warlock Cassius, Link here. Can hardly wait for it to hit the parts store, so much easier then building my own (though it might be a little small).
  19. Aside from the ones from book 1 you have: 1) Arcane Apparatus, 50mm 2) Ancient Text, two 30mm counters 3) Bag of Soulstones, two 30mm counters 4) Cache of Tomes, six 30mm counters 5) Drink Up, 1" x 5" or larger terrain feature 6) Pool of Aether, 3" x 3" or larger terrain feature 7) Recalibration Device, 50mm Ht 4 8) Torture Chamber, 3" x 3" or larger terrain feature These are the main ones however, there are a few more strategy specific (with shared strategies you will need doubles of these): 1) Dynamite counters, five 30mm counters 2) Destroy the Evidence objective counters, three 30mm counters 3) Supply Wagon, 50mm wagon marker
  20. I like to use the alpha stank as a fallback strategy for my skeeters. My primary use of the skeeters is guiding my pig missiles.
  21. Wren, nice link, it has a lot of good stuff.
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