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Everything posted by Dv8guy

  1. is Wyrd gonna be at any other comming conventions?
  2. and when howl is used first a lot more things will run.
  3. Dv8guy


    Wives? Plural? Interesting.....
  4. Dv8guy


    And needed with Victoria.
  5. Dv8guy


    So what have been you experiences with this meat cleaving undead on the table?
  6. Well first IMO the extra 3 points shoulda gone into an extra moleman. As far as how I run him. I run him near the front supporting his beasts while waiting for the hand I want to go for alpha with. Using my wild heart abilities to be what I need for thus turn and healing beasts. Howl and roar keeping crowds under control.
  7. AND pap loco to clear the field!
  8. I think she should be almost vampiric....
  9. Marcus is a beast master, who both buffs and relies on his beasts, and can have the beast from any faction. Tina is a worshiper of an ice deity/effigy and has a lot of control and direct magic and ice constructs and fellow worshipers. Ramos is the Da Vinci of steam power with powerful creations and electrical spells and building things on the field to help him.
  10. Does anyone have experince with teeth they can tell me about?
  11. Are the goblins actualy out of stock or unreleased?
  12. So I had a master I loved and was Learned all of his rules well but my girlfriend has confiscated Marcus for her own use. So I am on the hunt for a new master. Have had some thoughts of neverborn or Leveticus. Maybe even somer teeth. So I open the floor. I want a master who is primarily fun. Not cheesey and does (whatever he or she does) well.
  13. and decembers curse is great with furious casting.... as you can activate marcus, make tina a beast then use myranda's companion rule on the next activation to activate tina and myranda at the same time and AOE frenzy...
  14. Also do not forget to create extra electrical creations with myranda in a brawl, And on that note.... when you do it with "sisters in spirit" it names the masamune as the weapon for "fury" and "unerring accuracy" am i correct to assume she cannot get those rules on herself?
  15. This will be the secondary army primarily run by my gf. The current 35 stone list look like Lilith, 1 mature neph, and 7 terror tots. Thoughts?
  16. Was referring to a brawl with tins as the second master.
  17. As long as it's better than the big PP announcement....
  18. The age of guild rule is over the arcanists are malifaux's future. We will put all others in their place.
  19. Forum Handle: dv8guy City/Metro Area: Kettering Ohio Game Shop (if you have one): krystal keep Preferred days/times: Sunday afternoons. Other comments:
  20. Of all the masters in Malifaux who do you think is the most powerful direct damage master via spells? And why?
  21. Simple question... Can it work?
  22. Please forgive errors in previous post ad it was done from my phone.
  23. Marcus has been my primary caster. As far ad using him I have loved his totem. I think you have to have at least one moleman tunneling at armor 5 to be the target for "defend me". Also remember that combining feral with alpha lets you use an opposing model and stil perform another 0 action. On Myranda she copies everything except spells but keeps her own. But animal instincts let's her cast their cost 1 spells. Like constrict, roar, uproot, and most importantly the jackelope's magical extension. Not to mention any cost one spell on any model Marcus puts feral on. I used Myranda to cast rasputina's ice pillars and December's curse. As for what to run with Marcus I think Myranda is an auto include. The tiger is great. At least one moleman as stated earlier. And I converted a waldgeist which is nice. As far as range.... I havn't had much issue but Hans and the convict gunsling caught my eye.
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