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Everything posted by streetsamurai

  1. Aussi, la traduction pour le hoarcat pride n,est vraiment pas bonne (desole de le dire de cette façon, et je ne veux pas insulter qui que ce soit). Le mot pride dans ce contexte signifie une meute, non pas fierté. On dit a lion pride pour dire une meute/groupe de lion. Meute de givrelynx serait beaucoup mieux
  2. autre question xenon sais tu quand le GW va commencer a recevoir du stock de malifaux?
  3. there's a demo available, i'll probably make it in the next few days, and i'll tell you with i think
  4. http://www.pen-paper.net/artgallery/EricHotz/EricHotzModels/whitewasha.jpg.html has anyone ever tried this if so, is it in scale with malifaux models. does it gives good results thanks
  5. cool tes la dans la soire ou dans la journee
  6. some cool new models are release today My favorite thus far are the necopunk . Will they be affiliated with one of the resurectionist master (like the belle with seamus)
  7. tu vas tu ramener du stuff de malifaux de gencon pour le GW,
  8. How many mini will be released after gencon . Also, whats the fluff behind the deliverance ability, what makes the gremlin cause terryfiying fluff wise also, is there a max number of the same mini you can take, or does someone could take 15 goblins in a 30 ss game
  9. je préfère traqueur de sorcier à Chasses Sorcellerie, et de loin
  10. just show the cerberus then:bigthumb:
  11. does the other 2 belle have the same stats as this one. I believe you said they were all different
  12. Those guy will be nightmare for low wp units
  13. I'll make it easy for you. Flip a coin. if it's head, show marcus and the cerberus if it's tail, show mcmourning and the flesh construct :thumb::deal:
  14. Hi guys, I was wondering how come no preview were out for today. You guys have to know that my malifaux preview is like my morining coffee, if I don't get it, I'm grumpy for the rest of the day
  15. me, it's the exact opossite of NE. 'im really excited about Ramos, Marcus is a very close second. don't give a damn about rasputina
  16. Since the convntion is right now, have you been able to finish it. If so, post a pic please
  17. How awesome would that be for a ramos terrain. does any of you have a 500$ lying around
  18. oh man, too tough to call. i'd start by saying that the guild is the one that interest me the less (tough the ortegas are starting to grow on me). I don't have much interest for the outcast except for the gremlins. I'll probably use the others once in a while as mercenaries , but I don't plan on buying a whole faction of them. For the arcanist, I really really like the steamborg, hopefully the other classes will be as cool as him. Marcus crew is also one of my favorite, every single models in it is insane. Hopefully we'll see the rules for the cerberus soon. I have zero interest in rasputina and her crew. In the ressurectionist, I really dig mcmourning. He loos like the crazy orthopedist in the video game vampire the masquerade (best video game sequence ever). His miniature, tough simple ,is one of the greates i've ever seen. Really catch the craziness of the character . I'm eager to see the other construct he will have. Mad hatter crew his mad cool also (the belle are gorgeous). Not too much interest in nicodem Among the neverborn, Pandora is the one that interess me the less, while Zoraida is among my three favorite master. I like the way she plays ( in other mini games I play, i usually likes to play factions that put hex and curse on the ennemy). Her totem (the vodoo doll) also seem really fun to play with (and I'm pretty sure the mini will be magnificient). As for Lilith, i like her, but perhaps not enough to make a crew out of her (unless I really like the way she plays). So finally, Id say it's a stalemate between Ramos, Marcus, Zoraida and mcmournning. I'll probably make my choice depending on the factions of the persons i play with
  19. I'll push my luck and ask if it will be possible to have the stats of one of the belle, to have a better gage of his potential (since a lot of his ability are buff for belle)
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