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Everything posted by Gargathor

  1. As the date approaches, let's use this thread to trade PMs with phone numbers/other contact info.
  2. [slaps Head] Duh! As I was registering for my PP events yesterday I was wondering how to spend down time. Now I know; pack my Malifaux figs! Thanks for the inspiration! :hail:
  3. If you haven't seen it yet, check out this link: http://www.tabletopgamingnews.com/2009/11/17/31483#comments And my natural response is to pose the following question to GW customers: Have you had enough yet? :laughing:
  4. QFT. That was hands-down the best tourny I've ever been to. The scenarios were the height of creativity and originality. Likewise with the handmade prizes, a collaboration between WS and fool. Just, wow. Many thanks to Lionheart and Jokerohki for the beatings they administered to my crew. :hangman:
  5. Yer dang right! See ya'all in 29 hours. WS, I'm not sure if he PMed, but Nate/Rahlan had to back out. I'm leaving in 45 minutes (instead of new-posting, I edited this one on Saturday morning). See you there.
  6. Glad you liked it! Welcome to the Guild. :malirams
  7. Hot damn! Them'r some sweet thangs fool!
  8. I searched the forum using the term 'spellbreaker', but had no luck. Perdita's spell reads: "All effects on target model...immediately end." Can someone provide an example of an "effect"? The term does not appear in the glossary.
  9. QFT. This game is new-born. Just because 'everyone' thinks X is better than Y that doesn't make it so. At this point 'everyone' is a handful of people in your local playgroup, or maybe even a few dozen people talking on these forums. Those numbers are not adequate for making changes to models. Patience.
  10. Well, looks like Dany Heatley hasn't lost his touch in the move south...
  11. I didn't pin mine. I also found it a bit frustrating, but not so much as my Cryx spiderjacks. Probably because Steamborg is lighter.
  12. QFT. My local branch here in Madison has a swinging anime club and every weeknight is poppin' with kids doing homework.
  13. I don't like the studio paint job, but I do like the heavy jacks. I love any model with a cloak or cape, so the mage hunters I will buy. I like the mittens solo, but not the unit. Most of the rest of the infantry I don't care for.
  14. Malifaux Warmacine/Hordes Call of Cthulhu RPG Dungeons AND Dragons RPG
  15. Well done sir! The figs are outstanding. I'd been wondering what (besides basic black) I was gonna do with Sybelle. I may borrow the pink idea...
  16. I like the 'crack' approach. I bought a spare copy of the rulebook and began loaning it out to the members of my local gaming community. When I show up at the FLGS for our regular night playing OTHER GAMES, I prominently place my painted Malifaux figures, the pretty boxes they came in, the rule book, and other Malifaux paraphernilia on a table where passerby can see them and pick them up and ooh and aahh over them. :malirams
  17. Drew, I'm wondering about details for game setup. I love the fact that Malifaux is character-driven, but there's no denying that some elements of that are not optimal for tourny setup. Are you planning on skipping step 2 ('Select Location', which includes terrain setup) of setup? Time constraints probably demand that it be skipped or heavily modified. I imagine it'll be like the Malifaux tourny at Gen Con (and most GW and PP tournies), where you arrive at a table already decked with terrain. But I've been wrong before... Will the special events and special terrain rules (one of my fave parts of this game!!) be used? Will they be flipped for as normal, pre-determined and set for each board, or not used at all? And how about step 5? Do we choose crews by the book (i.e., after seeing the terrain and strategies and schemes), or are we limited (ala Warmachine) to bringing one or two prepared lists we must use for every scrap? Or are all of these secrets to be revealed day of the show? Just curious. Thanks for considering. (And thanks for running the show!) :malirams
  18. The hell? [Checks Dany Heatley's Wikipedia page]. Sept. 12th Heatley goes to Sharks?!?!?!? [sniff.] Shame to break up that CASH line. I remember the day I was talking to my school principal (a Canada native, and Leafs fan) and told him about Heatley's move to Ottawa. I mentioned Heatley, Alfredsson and Spezza. "Is that a LINE?" he asked, increduously. "Yeeeeah" was my smiling response. Damn shame it never went anywhere. Damn Sabres, grumble, mumble...
  19. I've been telling people that Mal is like having a crew made up of solos. Combat is invariably slower, because instead of: Number (Die roll) vs. STATIC target number (i.e., DEF or ARM) you have Number (card flip) vs. ACTIVE (cheatable) target number Just about every duel is contested, which means you have your opponent looking thorough his hand, mulling his choices, instead of just saying "You missed my DEF 17." The slowing factor is countered by the fact that you have only 6-10 models in Malifaux, vs. 20-50 in Warmachine. I'm loving me my Malifaux. :malirams
  20. I don't mind skipping 35, but would prefer to have it at 30 as opposed to 25. I'll show up even if it's 25. :bounce:
  21. Kudos to you for offering to support your very cool idea. I too am stoked, and having a hard time harnessing the energy. I've bought more terrain-making supplies for Malifaux projects than I've bought in twenty years of mini gaming. I doubt I could do more than supply the odd battle report, but I'd love to see what other people have to offer.
  22. Holy balls, that is GORGEOUS. I'm getting it painted. The free shipping helps offset getting mauled on the exchange rate. My time is too valuable to get the unpainted version, especially when I'd do a worse job painting it. Kudos to the sculptors and manufacturers! :malirams
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