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Everything posted by ScottRadom

  1. Is there a distributor for your stuff out here in the America's?
  2. Do you still think brush licking has no consequences?
  3. Hmmm..... Well some of my highlights from just over ten years ago were..... -Made a girl buy me an Extra Large Pizza (meat lovers from Pizza Hut) and a 26 of Sambuca for sex. I was awful, but I had a strict "no refund" policy. -Beat the crap out of a black belt in a bar fight. Don't know what discipline. He had spent all night drinking as much as I had, and apparently all that grashopper stuff can't help you after your 20th beer. Met up at the same bar a week later. He had spent all night drinking Ginger-Ale and turns out all that grashopper stuff can REALLY help you when your opponent is the only one who's been drinking 20 beers or so. A week later we met up again at the same bar, he bought me a drink. -I was engaged to a girl I thought I loved more than anything. She left me for another dude (named Scott as well, WTF?). She told me I wasn't any fun, all I did was work, and that the connection was gone. Her new boyfriend got her pregnant, kicked the crap out of her bad enough he did time for it, then left town never to be seen again. One tries not to smile at the misfortune of others. -I worked in a slaughterhouse with people who had names like "Six Guns", Johnny the Killer ('Cause he did seven years out east for killin' a guy), Albert the Indian ('cause he was an Indian), Benny the Hudderite (Guess what he used to be). It was awesome. -My car was repossesed because I spent my money on booze instead of a crappy four door car built for family driving (bought pre-breakup). Since.... -I'm married and have two kids. Now it seems I gotta buy the pizza before sex. -I beat the crap outta a guy in a bar fight. He was overwieght, cross eyed, and wore concealer make up on his face. -I've been married for near 7 years now. Got the kids, the house, the whole enchilada. My ex apparently has 4 kids from 4 different dudes and is on welfare and lives with her folks. One tries not to smile at the misfortune of others. -Not only has my car not been reposessed, but it's bought and paid for! -I've been at my job now for near 11 years, living back in Saskatoon instead of Edmonton and loving every day of it. Like Joe Walsh sang in that annoying voice of his..... "Life's been good to me so far".
  4. Ohio! You can contact Jeff Wilhelm off the site. He's absolutely the cat's ass ( a good thing) to deal with. My favorite supplier on the net!
  5. Well done, especially the flame and the blood on the carts "ribs".
  6. This was one of my fav's! Love the idea and well executed!
  7. Maple leaf? Gotta get soem to "Canadianize" my stuff! Thanks for the linky!
  8. That made me laugh.... if only to keep me from crying!
  9. I ordered their entire range. I was blown away by the ape models. I hope they arrive soon, also hope the incursion game itself is decent. Just the coolest looking models!
  10. Of course it's a stetch, and a joke. Except for the crap service, that's no joke. When I order from companies it's not about making mistakes, that happens to everyone, it's about how they fix them. If you want some real entertainment check out one of the many threads on coolminiornot about getting refunds on auction credits. Take Wyrd for example. I have made two orders and one has yet to arrive from jan of this year..... BUT... I have been in constant communication with Nathan and I have 100% confidence in the order. In fact, he was willing to ship out a new order immediately once the problem was discovered but we both agreed to let it wait for a while to see if it showed up or not. That's good service. As for Fantization and Steve.... if you know him please ask him about order #2899. Paid 70 bucks US for express priority shipping on a 430$ order placed Dec 12/08. Still waiting for some of it, and the first bit I did get was lucky enough to come to me just after christmas. perfect. I seriously have to phone him ('cause he doesn't respond to eMail) once every couple of weeks to get some progress. My only experience with Fantization can accurately be described as a nightmare. He had no problem taking my money but as we just passed the 4 month anniversary of my order without me having the product I feel very comfortable saying that in my dealing with Steve he has shown me nothing but incompetence and indifference. Never again. If that's not his typical business practice then it only frustrates me further to hear that I have won the crap lottery in getting such extremely poor service. I invite you to show him this message and see if he has something to say about it. He may be a decent dude but he is really, really bad at his job. But the good news is that it looks like there's some other places to get the enigma stuff from this end of the world. There super cool mini's. Thus concludes the threadjack.
  11. Just as an aside, I know I am not alone in this, the service from the CMON store is attrocious. I've ordered only once and was missing about 40$ in product. The only return eMail I got was along the lines of "We know you got shorted. There was a problem in the web store inventory display code. You'll get more when we're back in stock" which was a funny way of apologizing. The product I was shorted is back in stock on their store, and has been for three weeks. My eMail's and PM's continue to be ignored. I think they must look at my painting scores and think "Doesn't deserve these" or something. Only worse place I've ordered from on the 'net is fantization.com, I've never felt more like suing then that order. If you DO find a place on the net to get some enigma stuff in North America, please post here as this model calls to me. Also I painted up and sold the special edition Morphus hand of null model and need to get another one. Great models from that company! Well, the two I got where anyway...
  12. I got my five pre-ordered yetsterday. They're super cool and I reccomend people interested pick some up when they re-stock. I'm pretty psyched to paint these. I even picked up Bio Shock for the PS3 and Ill give that a spin when fallout 3 has been solved. Cool figs, arrived in great condition. Some of the places where the sculpt is attached to the frame is a little chunky and will take a littel attention to get into painting condition, but very cool overall. easily a 7.5/10 from me.
  13. I would also like to volunteer to be a beta tester for the beta tester application forms. I'm gonna try to use my limited techy knowyness to piece something together. Or it might be fax time!
  14. My name is Scott Radom. True story time..... the only other man I've found with the same name as me lives about 6 blocks away from me. We both rent from the same movie store. His file is under "Scott Radom", mine was moved by the staff out of respect for me to "THE Scott Radom". More truth..... My brothers girlfriend used to date the OTHER Scott Radom in a small town a couple hundred miles away from here. She used to bang this dude, but they broke up when he moved from that town to this town. How's that for odd, considering I can't find another Scott Radom in North America.
  15. .....'cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain..... .....the heat was hot..... .....there were plants and birds and rocks and things.... God Bless.... AMERICA! What a band!
  16. Oh..... uhm.... I kinda thought the sculpts were super cool becuase they were so different and original looking. I guess I gotta keep an eye out for some of the video games out there. I only do Fallout 3 and Rock Band at the moment. Well, still super cool models but I worry about pre-ordering stuff that could maybe get pulled for IP reasons. Thanks guys.
  17. Xenon- You're either a very cool customer or really good at hiding/burying your frustration or maybe both. To have been involved in something like the english Hell Dorado stuff and have them play grab-ass back and forth would have driven me mad. Damn I had nothing to do with it and it pisses me off to no end! Kudo's to not flaming the hell out of that company. Were I in your shoes I couldn't hold back. As for DP9, I too am always suprised their around. How is it THEY can still be alive but Hell Dorado couldn't make it. What does that tell ya?
  18. Why I oughta! How dare you sir! You're forgetting our rich Potash industry and growing Uranium mining. So not only do we have delicious bread but also delicious Uranium! Mmmmmm..... Uranium....... The only Newfie's I've known have always played up the Newfie thingy. It's all been "Let's tank down dat bottle 'o screech wit' me best man an' get fookin' hammered!" and stuff. Glad to see the CanCon on Mailfaux will exist. Keep the faith! ....just don't arive a half hour late to all the meetings!
  19. Xenon- I hope this isn't a sore spot, and I don't mean to offend. Why did it take so long for Hell Dorado to get translated? Or did they just give it to you recently? I'm just stumped but this really bugs me. The figs are so gourgeous, and my local gang is kind of at a cross roads now where I've been around and found stuff not GW related that can really open up the painting and hobby in general in my city. Hell Dorado could've and should've been it! I'm serious when I say I want Malifaux rules yesterday. The time is now for Saskatoon! Anyway, how is Alkemy, worth a look? If any of this is too sore or scabby to talk about feel free to PM me if you like. Or, of course, you can always ignore me!
  20. Xenon- What was the stuff you were working on? My High School french is pretty friggin' rusted out.
  21. A Newfie! Well it's a fookin' good thing you ain't doin' the proofreadin'. Seriously, keep them yanks in line! Let's get this in my hands as soon as possible. I'm sure the hard work will pay off.
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