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Everything posted by Scorpio

  1. We're already talking steampunk for Halloween (really, we just wanted an excuse) and from there I just have to add some 'victoriohorrorwest' and we're golden.
  2. How far are these places from the Metro, realistically?
  3. Picked mine up at Gencon, and glad I did. Will hold plenty of stuff, with some room to grow.
  4. This was my first Gencon, and I worked the AE-WWII/Pulp City/Cipher/Etc. booth across the aisle from Malifaux, and I have to say, after four days of staring at the banner of Kirai, I know I will have to pick up the fig at some point in the future. :rain: Also, the one thing everyone forgets to mention about your first Gencon? Wear comfortable shoes. Seriously, it's all walking and standing.
  5. Indeed, there is one in pack SV1/5.
  6. They're seemingly whenever the posse gets around to getting one together. Recently they were busy pushing to get the book out, and then dealing with the book's popularity. Word on the street is there's another one under way...
  7. A Guild-building suggestion from my game this week. Forgot to bring all my models with me, so I didn't have the crew-building options I should. Luckily, my opponent remembered his, so Lady Justice and her posse brought along a bonus Witchling Stalker to get the job done. One thing that has frustrated me with Justice and her Marshals is that they're, well, not very fast as they saunter across the board. But that little exploding Jawa with his Scout just scooted along the terrain. It occurs to me bringing just one along, maybe even at the expense of a Marshal, would be great for grabbing terrain-based objectives. They're only 4ss, so they can be overlooked, and people really only fear them in melee. Sure, your opponent will learn pretty quickly what they're for, but the more resources they dedicate to eliminating your Witchling is forces you can peel off later. Divide and conquer.
  8. It's a definite plus. Our game Thursday (McMourning vs. Lady Justice) hinged on a handful of card flip, and I almost didn't pull it off just based on attrition (nearly ran out of models to grab all four areas.)
  9. Sonnia's crew also isn't far off. Still Guild, but hey, we tussle with each other from time to time.
  10. Very cool! If you need any photocopies from the coloring book, drop me a note.
  11. I'm just getting into it, the rules seem fun, and the sculpts are great. The background has a lot of depth and charm, too. Hit up the website, you'll be won over also.
  12. Side note: every time I see the name of this thread, it cracks me up.
  13. I know a life of crime has led me to this sorry fate, and yet, I blame society. Society made me what I am.
  14. Death Marshals move up and take shots. If you're feeling frisky, they can try to slam their opponents into their coffins. Don't worry about that at first, though. Think of them as hard to kill gunslingers. The Witchling Stalkers are fast little Jawas, tearing across the terrain to get into melee combat. And when they get killed (not if, when) they explode. Just don't run them too far ahead that you won't have a crew to back them up, or to take advantage of their untimely demise.
  15. Scorpio

    35ss list

    And they just... keep... going. They're only 4ss, so no, they aren't gamewinners. But they always seem to last a turn or two longer than they should. Hard to Wound plus Slow to Die is good times, I say.
  16. Some good stuff there, but yeah, the Salty Dog is dynamite. That not-Doc Samsom is pretty close to awesome, but thee's something wrong with the chest/shoulder proportion.
  17. Mr. Murch has a storied history in the industry, and these figs are a great example as to why that is.
  18. Great idea for a theme, looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
  19. Excellent stuff! Looking forward to seeing more.
  20. Great stuff! One of the better Pandora's I've seen.
  21. That's possible, but if the Executioner can kill a model, he can heal all that damage right back up. Again, there's potential there, but it eats up a lot of your hand as well to do it. And the -2 Cb from Bullets and Blades makes it less likely to work, again reinforcing the Judge's focus on melee instead of range.
  22. Yeah, rules seem OK, if not particularly stand-out. Guess I am waiting to see how the fig looks.
  23. And for the same soulstone cost, you can have the Executioner. So, what makes the Judge a good choice? He can shoot decently, but he is better in melee. And I am a big fan of Hard to Wound/Slow to Die.
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