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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. My only complaint is that Ophelia herself doesn't seem to have any reason to shoot with her Threatening Gun anymore. Even pre-cuddle, her basic attack was usually the best choice but now there really is no choice to make. I mean, I suppose I can come up with a set of circumstances that would lead me to using it, but I thought that M2 was trying to do away with ultra-marginal abilities.
  2. Those are sweet paintjobs! The bright green works exceptionally well, which is surprising to me to say the least. Coupled with the dull metallics and the red in the stitching - it's a very striking look. And turquoise on the tubes... You're crazy man, crazy but awesome! Those are also really nice minis. Shame about Wyrd dropping the ball completely when it came to the rules :-(
  3. Multicoloured Wretches is a cool idea! And the colours are all sorta oily (as you would see reflected in the sun from a puddle of water with gasoline or oil on it) which I feel gives a nice other-wordly feel to them. What are your thoughts on basing?
  4. These are really nice! I like the bold highlights and the glow is fantastic. The Judge has a very interesting look to him and a clear emphasis on the face. Very nice! The only minor criticism is that LJ's base looks a bit out of place compared to the others' but it isn't too distracting.
  5. Dreamer and Chompy are very different from Viks as a "double master" since they are never on the table at the same time. I'm not saying that you are wrong, I'm just saying that it is a bold conclusion you are drawing and one that might not hold.
  6. I sort of agree, though she has always boosted the Belles, so she does have some kind of influence over them.
  7. If the fluff advances somewhat radically I could see that but in the current fluff that would be extremely weird, IMO. Amusing though that would be, he really, really, really doesn't seem like leader material. Good thinking. Spawn Mother would also make sense as a Henchman, though not specifically aligned to anyone. I'm betting they will retain the two-model thing and Coppelius will become a Henchman. OOH giving out a Henchman option for all crews would make a lot of sense but OTOH Nix doesn't really seem like leader material. I would however rank this as more likely than Philip Toshiro is another possibility, though. He is a leader already after all.
  8. I'm not sure I can see her leading a crew, though? She would also differ from the current henchmen in that she is very much a support model (not that that is a bad thing, mind, just noting). Nekima is an interesting case. Will Lilith allow her to lead crews? Or is she just the ultimate enforcer?
  9. Thought it would be fun to place some predictions. There are quite a few obvious choices like Cassandra, Coppelius and Datsue-Ba but then there are some rather interesting ones as well. Will Nix become a Henchman? Somehow that seems a bit unlikely. Chiaki? Would be a surprise. So, what are your guesses? My list is Cassandra, Coppelius, Datsue-Ba, Sidir Alchibal (though here I'm a bit fifty-fifty), Rafkin (again, not certain by any means), and finally, as a really out there kind of choice, McTavish.
  10. In my mind "overpowered" doesn't necessarily mean "utterly broken". For example, pre-cuddle Dreamer was OP (that's why he was cuddled) but you could still beat him sometimes.
  11. Another nice thing to do is to use a Belle or two to lure an enemy model near and then give all your guys plus that one enemy Fast.
  12. Isn't that kinda the definition of OP? I mean, extremely seldom are rules so completely bonkers that increasing the price wouldn't make them not OP?
  13. Since totems now come in the plastic starter boxes (and most likely won't be released outside of them) you should probably get a metal version of Raspy's totem somewhat fast as the metal versions will be discontinued.
  14. Oh aye, I dearly hope that Wyrd would come up with such a product. Would buy it in a heartbeat!
  15. I did them: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-aWwnpbFaxLTER3S2lzczZFU1k/edit?usp=sharing What do people think? The box in the upper right corner is to mark the scheme as chosen.
  16. ´ Here you go: http://www.malifaux.com/Downloads/Wyrd_Chronicles_v4.pdf
  17. I envision scheme cards for M2. Has anyone done such things already? If not, I think they would be a tremendous play aid. Each player should have their own deck of all the schemes. The cards should be normal size so they can be sleeved so that you can write on them with markers. Each card should contain the suit/number/condition that results in it being available for choice, a tick box to mark the scheme as a chosen scheme, the rules of the scheme and spaces to write down any choices that need to be made (like model names and such). The tick box would allow each player to have the whole set of available schemes in their hand so that they can easily see what schemes they should be bluffing about having and what their opponent's possibilities are (in addition to the chosen schemes that they are trying to complete, naturally). Anything else? Or is this a good idea at all? Also, anyone with graphical talent feel inspired to do such a deck?
  18. Thank you for all the ideas - we played three player game yesterday and had a blast! We took 40SS crews so not too big (in M2 points values, that is) and used a 3'x4' playing area. We also aimed the strategies and schemes so that they only worked against the player on the left. For initiative, the highest flipping player would choose who goes first and then we went clockwise. I had Sonnia, the player to my left had Ophelia and the third crew was lead by Pandora. Frist thing Rami sniped a Witchling Stalker that exploded and put damage and burning on Sonnia and two other Witchlings. I retaliated by blasting with Sonnia killing Rami, Slophauler, two Young LaCroix and wounding Ophelia and Lenny. Yeah... I was insanely lucky with Sonnia in that first blast I cheated attack high enough to cheat severe on the damage flip, and next I got Red Joker on damage. Pandora was happy. But yeah, fun was had. Teddy is fricking scary. That Terrifying 13 (All) is nasty stuff when coupled with Smell Fear. It does go down to a concentrated attack, however, which was nice.
  19. Has anyone tried playing Malifaux 2nd with three players no alliances? If so, how did it go? What should be taken into account? Experiences from Malifaux 1.5 also welcome, since not all that much has changed that would impact this sort of thing I think.
  20. Of course one possible complication is that Nicodem's Avatar might be able to get hordes of them. Of course there is going to be new minis for them, so if you end up needing them, you could always buy the new ones once they are available.
  21. This. Because I just skip all of his posts due to the horrid font color (pink on white is a very, very bad choice for readability) but now that he is a mod am I supposed to read what he posts in case it's a directive?
  22. The sculpts are rather nice. Valedictorian is especially nice doing something rather innovative with the concept. Students of Steel and Viscera are also nice from what I can see. Not all that fond of the final one, but it's not horrid. The rules however are very uninspiring and non-competitive, which is a huge bummer. I was really looking forward to these, too.
  23. Really quite a lot. In the core rules, not all that much but with the model profiles a lot.
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