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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Bayou Bushwhackers are generally considered pretty bad and especially with Mah due to their anti-synergy with both Bushwhackers and Mah wanting to drop cards. But now that Mah has Manifest Destiny she herself isn't a massive card drain and Manifest Destiny also allows you to use Get Off My Land every turn and allows you to cross the centerline with it. Does that make Bayou Bushwhackers good? Their main problem is that they have only two AP. But getting an 8" Push is pretty neat. You could think of it as a sort of pseudo Nimble, in a way. Sure, it has to be in a straight line but OTOH it ignores Disengages and is potentially quite a long move that ignores Severe Terrain (because weirdly enough Bushwhackers aren't Unimpeded). They do have pretty nice stats, Lay of the Land is good stuff and their melee and shooting isn't bad. The Triggers on their Frying Pan are pretty great and their Trusty Rifle ignores cover and has a long range. Damage is sad without Focus, unfortunately. Playing Possum is again a card discard so one model discarding two cards per turn doesn't sound all that great. And it only lasts until the end of the turn (this is such a huge design flaw with Mah - you discard a card and then the effect ends at the end of the turn rather than until the next activation *sigh*). But I suppose you don't need both Get Off My Land and Possum every turn so I dunno. Finally, if you take Lil Lass then she wants to drop a card for Get Off My Land as well so is that too much? But Bushwhackers are cool minis, so there's that! (I wish they had a (0) to Focus - maybe with a TN; heck, maybe Playing Possum could have a TN and with a Trigger provide Focus) What do you think?
  2. Ah, that's great advice! I was kinda wondering about that. Looking forward to that! What's the point of being an adult if you can't do that? Also, that's is an incredible piece of art. Holy crap! The pixel art style is just utterly amazing. I absolutely love it!
  3. Two Finnish teams this time. Though we might include people from countries which used to be a part of Finland such as Sweden (or Russia). We will take the crown, mark my words.
  4. Awesome! I love the proportions and the sort of eighties graphics vibes with the awesome shading!
  5. Final one for the night. But please try this. It's fun!
  6. Awesome! Love the shading on the teeth and the claws and the eyes are the best!
  7. Make a Tara bomb but use a Death Marshall as the payload. McM dislikes boxes (might be claustrophobia!). A Charging Death Marshall is an absolute nightmare for McM.
  8. Could be. I do remember one instance from the previous tournament that I took part in where a "random" Red Joker on damage altered a whole game but it isn't all that common, really. Even when Red Joker comes up on Howard's damage, the victim would've often died to a double severe or something anyway. Straining my memory, I can conjure up at least three wins of mine that are basically attributable to a Red Joker damage flip. I mean, I might've won the games anyway but a Red Joker damage made them trivial cake walks. But naturally I've played quite a few games so it's not as if it's common, really.
  9. Ah, this reminds me of the M1 to M2 change. Very similar rhetoric regarding the changes which were done then. Changing the Red Joker damage from severe + another flip to severe + weak took away the soul of the game and left it a sad withered husk fit only for the robot-like competitive players (Personally I think that Jokers are fine but I wouldn't be sad if Red Joker damage was adjusted to, say, Severe+1 or just Severe - it would still go through negative modifiers. A Red Joker on a normal flip is just a bit better than a 13 but a Red Joker on a damage flip is humongous)
  10. Even though I kinda agree with you in that I would prefer Red and Black Jokers to be less extreme, I'm pretty sure that Relic Knights had quite a bit of other problems contributing to it not making it Someone was just describing a game where his opponent flipped Red Joker on damage every turn while his Red Jokers always came out in places where it didn't really matter whether it was a Red Joker or an eight.
  11. In first edition Red Joker damage was severe plus a second damage flip without modifiers. So you could easily end up with two severes worth of damage. There were giant flame wars (the forums were way, way rowdier back then) on whether it should be toned down (the most popular suggestion among the proponents of toning it down was to make it severe plus weak) or whether it was part of fate doing what it does and how toning it down would take fun and excitement out of the game.
  12. I realize that this is off topic but what changed with Asura?
  13. That sounds pretty OP, to be honest. Armor +1 until the end of the game crazy powerful for someone like Ironsides and the model itself isn't useless after that. I don't understand this change from the beta at all. I guess this will boost the sales of the minis...
  14. Yeah, that's a good realization. Gives her a further edge over Zipp. I mean, Interacting with the Master isn't all that common but I could see it happening with stuff like Dig Your Graves or Mark for Death with Mah.
  15. Thank you once more for brightening my day with your excellent reports! A pretty interesting set of games. Funnily it enough it felt that in the last game your plan failed but you secured a handsome win which is intersting. It's a shame about the first game ending prematurely and that affecting the end result but those thing happen.
  16. I agree that the discard happens before the Push but the question is on when the draw happens (before or after the push).
  17. Mah's new Upgrade provides this ability: "Whenever this model discards a card outside of a duel, you may draw a card." Mah has Get Off My Land: "this model may discard a card to push up to 8"." Sammy has: "Once per Turn, when another model within 6 draws a card, this model may discard a card to draw a card." What is the order of the card discard, draw, Sammy's discard and draw, and the Push? If Mah is next to Sammy and uses Get Off My Land but the Push doesn't end up in Sammy's Aura, does Sammy have the timing window to use her Winds of Fate? What if Mah is originally outside of the Aura but the Push takes her next to Sammy?
  18. I agree that the ending timing is annoying. It does but at least she can Interact if truly needed (just don't do the Push). I, too, would give the edge to Zipp. Mostly because he goes through all sorts of weird defenses which the other Gremlins might have trouble with. Because in general, I think that Gremlins don't lack in the damage department. That said, Earl is a bit of a liability. If the opponent knows what it is that he does, he tends to die. He also needs some positioning (especially if you're using him for something else besides just tending to Zipp) and activation order. I dunno, I think that a 4" melee bubble is a horrible annoyance. It's enormous and prevents Charges, shooting with guns, and Interacts. And due to the 8" Push and Diving Charge you can position it in an extremely flexible way. And if Mah is Disguised, it just makes the whole thing extremely annoying. Really? Maybe it's just that I have found that if I use models that give out Poison effectively, I'm losing way more with Brewy than when I just choose the IMO better models but I don't see the appeal.
  19. She did get such an enormous boost with her "fix" Upgrade that she actually might have a niche now. An 8" Push at the start of the turn at the "cost" of discarding and then drawing a card is bonkers and the ability to get 4" Melee reach is pretty amazing as well. With Disguised (again at the "cost" of refining your hand) means that she can be insanely annoying. And with Diving Charge she can get practically anywhere to place that giant melee bubble. Still not quite on the level of Zipp (targeting Ht is silly good bypassing all Triggers and the Place is just crazy as hell) but at least she now does some things better than him, I think. It would be nice to combine some of ther Upgrades as Sausage suggests but I think that she is now in a pretty fine place. I think that Brewy is the most in need of help and he could be helped by introducing models that are good at dealing out Poison. Maybe those Whiskey Gamin that were shows at Gencon? I dunno, I'm feeling optimistic when it comes to our Masters.
  20. I think that the most logical point of comparison is the Lightning Bug. The stats are virtually identical. Banjonistas have one more Cg but they'll normally never want to Charge so it's a very minimal advantage especially as Lightning Bugs have a longer melee reach. Lightning Bugs have Blast Resistant and Knock It Off! which sorta combo but they have so few wounds that the benefit from the abilities is pretty minimal. Reckless is naturally huge. Banjonistas OTOH get High Pitched Squeel which I think is better than Blast Resistant. They also get Bayou Blues which I find quite a bit better than Knock It Off! - someone might disagree, I guess. Finally, Pushing every non-Rooster Gremlin in a 6" Pulse for 2" - if you Push three models, that's a bit like an AP? You could Push stuff from combat. I dunno. I think it loses to Reckless probably but the difference actually isn't necessarily huge. Which is rather interesting, I think. Actions, then. Same Range but Lightning Bug attacks with Ca 6 against Df compared to Ca 5 against Wp of the Banjos. Attacking Wp is a bit of a toss up but since so few Gremlins attack Wp, it's not bad. The big one here is that Banjonistas don't have a gun icon which is pretty great. Damage track is pretty similar with the Banjonistas losing one point on Moderate. Bugs have better Triggers but they can sometimes do unwanted things with them so I dunno. A bit of a toss-up on that front. Bugs have two (0)Actions which can be great adding essentially one more AP. Banjonistas have an additional (1)Action that is a bit weird but can give other Banjonistas an AP. Summa summarum - the difference might not be quite as big as it would seem at a first glance and I do think that Banjonistas have their place.
  21. Making it Swampfiend would allow Reactivate from Bokor which might be a bit excessive As for Burt losing Mercenary - I think that Wyrd would be reluctant to do so since it would invalidate the model from some collections. Maybe give him "Expensive" or something so that he costs 2SS extra when hired as a Merc instead of the usual 1SS extra. And then add 1 to his cost. 8SS in Gremlins, 10SS elsewhere. Would make him balanced with the likes of Bishop and such. McTavish could have the Expensive as well. Zoraida could still hire him at normal cost for Neverborn through her Upgrade but others would need to pay the extra Stone. I think that he'd still be competitive.
  22. I'd love a Dia de Los Muertos themed Ophelia box. Maybe with some voodoo vibe as well to gel with Sammy.
  23. Sounds interesting, though. Would you do it as Gremlins, though?
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