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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Aye, this! He is a lot more self-sufficient than Burt in that he is really durable all on his own. And he is super hard to kill in one go and then really difficult to pin down (really fast as well!) so makes for an excellent Scheme runner/flanker.
  2. It seems that Aaron is really fed up with the banter? Is it official policy now that it is discouraged? Any guide lines to follow? As I can sorta see both sides of the coin there and it has gotten maybe a bit out of hand as of late but I think that some sort of even loose policy would make it much easier to (self-)regulate the behaviour. As I'm pretty sure that no one means any harm by it or does it out of malice. In the interest of full disclosure, I have been known to indulge in it myself from time to time.
  3. I really like Tombstone Highway's Ruralizer album. A really deep, southern sound groove metal. Who would've thought that a banjo works so well in metal? Or that music like this comes from Italy...
  4. Just ask yourself this: Is McMourning a Guildie infiltrating the Ressers or a Resser infiltrating the Guild? Pretty simple, really. As for the actual topic, I don't think that McM has much in the way of synergies. The one with Judge is very incidental and the Exorcist isn't much better. Doesn't mean that I wouldn't use them, mind, just don't expend much energy to try and make the "synergy" work. But the real selling point of McM is the Nurses. They are ridiculously fantastic in the Guild and can really solve many problems that the Guild have. All in all, with the Nurses, Guild McM is a very solid package that can work for any Strat. Executioners - well, they aren't really all that good. Not terrible but compared to, e.g., Franc and The Judge, I know which I will be taking and how many models in that price range are you going to include in one crew? The one model I was most surprised by during my Slow Grow antics with McM was Sebastian. He worked surprisingly well even with the limited amount of Poison on offer. He is durable and pretty cheap for what he does (which is, for the most part, stand around and watch enemies around him die during the End Phase).
  5. I do like the design but is it a WIP picture? As it seems a lot sloppier than the usual M2e artwork? Is it by a different artist? I do understand that the pic has been blown up but compared to, e.g., this one the pic really doesn't hold a candle, IMO, from a technical POV: http://wyrd-games.net/community/gallery/image/13-the-swamp-hag/
  6. Mostly in Poromagia (so a store). Used to play more but then a woman happened and afterwards a baby girl.
  7. In my experience, in most games the most crucial turns are the second and the third. First is often the calm before the storm and on fifth turn most games have been decided - sometimes on fourth already. Yet the Dead Rider needs to get into the thick of things and isn't very durable on turn two. Turn three he starts getting there but if he was damaged before, he can be whittled to death somewhat easily. His damage track, though nice, is nothing spectacular and actually sorta sad for his points cost. And he needs a card to do get that third attack. So his big draw seems to be his Pushes and they are certainly nice enough. Especially with his long reach. But the way it works, it isn't all that superb in, e.g., cleaning up Turf War zone or stuff like that. Then there's the Horror duel stuff. Paralyze is strong but OTOH being dead is even stronger and beatsticks of this caliber tend to excel in that. So yeah - committing him full on early seems like it would get him killed while as a flanker he is very expensive and a Rogue Necromancy does the job a lot better. So yeah, do you find him useful or is he overshadowed by Izamu and Valedictorian and Rogue Necromancy?
  8. I'm not usually into quite this deathy death metal, but Annihilated are just above the curve for me it seems. They sound brutal without being ridiculous.
  9. I think that my facial expression tells it all!
  10. A little known fact: I'm actually a black dog...
  11. You're right! Otherwise we Mei ofFengd them! ... (I'm terrible with puns! Terrible!)
  12. Color me absolutely flabbergastedthat we could be so cruelly reprimanded I must demand you cease this at once lest we take drastic measures - and start with puns!
  13. I think that the opening track is a bit difficult and sets the tone a bit weird but otherwise I found the album just really solid. I thought that they have been evolving on their latest three albums and this is sort of the culmination. The Blackening I found somewhat meandering and it seemed like they were searching for this new style, Unto the Locust was a lot closer but still not quite there but then on Bloodstone they found what they had been looking for. There's a great atmosphere and a sense of non-whiny agony throughout the album yet the songs are all sort of to the point.
  14. Oh, speaking of Dutch music. Gorefest is amazing. The vocalist's voice is laughably awesome and the solo on River is downright superb. They have an interesting, very heavy yet sorta airy sound:
  15. Haha, and I thought it as one of their top three albums, actually. Really like it! OK, what have I been listening to lately? Samael is one of my all-time favourite bands and I think that Eternal is my favourite record from them. Check out the beat on this one: Solstafir is amazing and Otta is one of their strongest records to date. And the music video for the opening track is one of the best music videos I've seen in a long time: And since those are so mainstream and I've got to keep up my UG cred, Tusan Homichi Tuvota from Indukti's Idmen album. The lyrics are amazing and based on a Hopi tribe folk tale:
  16. What makes you think that? I think that TT offers a lot better Upgrades and Misaki doesn't have much synergy to worry about when it comes to the rest of the her crew selection. And I don't see Outcast models as somehow better suited to battling Levi. Now, I don't have my books at hand and I'm not all that well-versed in TT stuff but don't they have access to that teleport thingy where you arrive at wherever at the end of the turn? Wouldn't that be sorta worrying for the Waifs? And whatabout Archers?
  17. I might add Mah to the list as she is very mobile and absolutely packed with Push effects for herself, her crew, and the enemy. Ironsides as well. She is a bit like an angry version of Brewmaster in a way.
  18. As an anecdote, I have been thinking that this works like the FAQ says (since its RAW) the whole time and I have yet to find a time where I wanted to do it. Now, I think that it is a bigger boost to Incorporeal models and I haven't been using those all that much so there is that but still, I doubt that it will be a common maneuver.
  19. But T&A is her point - I oppose it when it doesn't serve a purpose (I really don't like the new Vik box, for example) but here the whole concept is a Gremlin that's about T&A. Also note that she is still green and has no nose so she isn't exactly a conventional beauty so I really don't think that she makes a good girlfriend substitute. I do like how her breasts behave like they really would (in other words, there is a certain saggyness to them when in that position with that support) which I find sorta rare.
  20. Obeying Pigs around is nice since they can charge for one AP. Zoraida also makes it easier to control them since she can Obey around models to make sure that the Pigs stay under (relative) control. Other than that she doesn't have much in the way of direct synergies so likes essentially everything in the Gremlins faction. Expensive beatsticks are nice to Obey around, naturally. Nurses are prolly the best Wp 4 models that she can hire as Mercenaries. Highly recommended. They are extremely versatile and work well with the Voodoo Doll. As for Swampfiends, Waldgeists are nice in that they offer something the Gremlins usually lack: staying power. Excellent for Squatter's Rights. And Silurids make many Schemes utterly trivial. Gremlins are naturally fast so don't need the Silurids quite as much as most other Factions but they are amazing models so should not be overlooked.
  21. As long as it remembers to stop right at the other side of the wall before moving on
  22. As ZFiend notes, we just declare our intentions and then place the model to the best of our ability. It really doesn't matter if the model is 1 mm to a side or something. As for this ruling, do note that if you use it to properly disengage, you need to first expend the AP to move to the blind spot within the engagement range and only then can move out affecting your movement speed very severely. Of course if your aim is to just use a gun icon attack, then it's pretty handy.
  23. Why would it need to be a bigger model? You can place the model behind one of the same size in order to break LOS. I do this often if I wish to break Seb's Catalyst Aura to McM.
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