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Everything posted by gregdorf

  1. My best advice is to research, find images that express the idea/style that you are attempting. That being said low to no color styles can be very tough to pull off, one thing that makes it a bit more of a challenge is the table/ environment is not B&W. Another thing you can do to help is use some browns and oranges in you painting.
  2. Ophelia and the kin are a very fun group to play as, and a plus they good. You will have a hard time against lists that cause a lot of moral and WP duels. I also play Levi and McM, both can be fun to play, but I know some people sour on summoning lists.
  3. It is not a good solution, but you can always do a screen shot and print that out.
  4. easy, Levi. I never take any of the riders with him, but if I wanted to run a list with avatar form I feel like I need to run at least pale and/or dead rider. my typical list usually includes ryle, zombie dogs or two beyond the SA.
  5. Ahh, I see. Hey I am working on a quick reference sheet for hell dorado, if works stops trying to kill me with a mountain of paperwork I will finish it up and post it later this week.
  6. Yes, but in the case of Infinity the attacker still has an advantage in that they are still rolling more attacks and can control when the attack happens. I am always, as the attacker, going to try and keep myself in a range and situation where I get a bonus to my target number and they take a penalty to theirs. With hell dorado each attack sequence is only modified by temporary conditions, but that conditions do not have a huge impact individually. Now if you can stack a bunch of temporary conditions then you really see a huge impact in the combat outcome.
  7. There was honesty issues and when I called them on it they blamed the problem on someone else. I will not go into details here on the forum, the problem is in the past and I would not want to hijack a thread for something silly.
  8. I had the old dark age stuff, it is based on the art work of bramm (I am sure spelled the name wrong). Anyway the models have odd poses with some good stuff. The scale is much larger then typical skirmish games. I personally will not buy or play this game. My stance has nothing to do with the game but how the company behaved towards me. Now it has been a number of years and things could have changed but I am not going to spend my little free time to give them another chance.
  9. Updated, I mistyped the date in, which has been corrected. I have also added more information about the tournament format
  10. On Saturday October 22nd starting at 11am we will have a Halloween tournament that follows the Accumulation Format that will be fixed storyline scenarios. We will be using Limited Faction Pool (Requires Single Faction) for crew construction, and each crew will be based on a 35ss. There is a $5.00 entry fee, which will go to prize support. If you have any questions please PM me or contact the store that will host. Hero Complex Games & Entertainment 2120 North Woodlawn Street, Wichita, KS (316) 425-7713 ‎
  11. I have played and keep models for all these games, and I think they are all decent to good games. Anima tactics is a very small scale skirmish game with most players have between 5 and 7 models at an average game size of 300 points or levels. It can be very fast game system with most games lasting between one hour to one and half hours. Plus side is each character has a very unique feel or style of play to them and the way you can structure your force you can usually take what models you like. Downside this game can feel very random at times, and should be played between 200 and 300 points. I would give it a 3.5 with 5 being the best. Helldorado: I am still fairly new to this game, I have a personal rule of if there is not published book with rules in english I will not play it. I enjoy this game, it is again a small scale skirmish game that plays very fast. Plus side is the game is cheap to get into, $60 will get you to 200 points in most lists. Downside, there is not a lot of option out yet and knowing all of the abilities and effects seem to take a bit more time. my rating 4. Infinity: This is one of my favorite games, it is fairly complicated game system at first to learn but after you have it most rules disputes can be worked out logically. You need more models for this game, most people tend to build list around 10 man units. Unlike the other skirmish games this is one has one players (active player) spending all of his order pool (action points) with the second player responding to the orders that his models can see spent. This game requires a fair amount of terrain and and plays very fast. Turn off for some people is the crit system, if you roll exactly your to hit number modified on a d20 you cause a crit, and the super man aspect of the game. my rating is 4.5 Pulp City: a great game that I never get to play. It is a low model count, most games you play x number of levels and most supers are level 1 or 2, you have to build your list as evenly as possible so an average game level which is 8 will have 3 level 2 supers and 2 level 1 supers. The game is very interactive with terrain elements and bystanders. The game is scenario driven. Down side the early models can suck fairly bad and it is difficult to get games in. Plus side there are is a planet of the apes faction now and there are going to be giant monsters in the near future for your supers to fight against. my rating 4.5
  12. Hero Complex in Wichita kS will have open gaming and I will available to demos every friday after 6pm. Hero complex is located at 21st and Woodlawn. PM me for more information or look up Hero Complex on facebook.
  13. I have never had her do anything more but try and stick near levi for the extra fate cards. When I stopped taking her and using other models like Ryle my list became more competitive. She may be ok against a more construct heavy list, but she is so expensive that I would rather use the SS to get more productive minions.
  14. My local store has a ton of terrain that can be used for any situation, we just do not use the special rules.
  15. Agents is mostly card games store, but we have a much better store with tons of terrain and lots of great table space.
  16. I would have never guessed that. I am not sure I could make myself use paper instead of flock. It would be a simple solution for throwing together a demo force, I will have think about this.
  17. I was guessing the blanks are used for hidden objective or fake objective markers. I guess they could just be generic markers for any ability or effect that has not been published yet or are newer, like blight.
  18. You could potentially turn them into SPA if you have the melee trigger on a model and have it walk up and hit the stolen. I do not recall the exact wording, but it should work. But that can be dicey if the striking model is not soulless.
  19. I know it is a bit of a drive, but there are two stores in Wichita that support the game and most of the gamers have models or have played. Currently I am waiting on my Henchman badge, once I get that I will try to run regular events. As an unofficial event Hero Complex is going to run a Demo day on September 10th of several games. I will be running demos for Malifaux and Hell Dorado, but after that we may have some open gaming.
  20. I have used the Night Terrors with my Hamlin and they work out amazingly well with him. I won a game against the dreamer because I was able to trigger their attack and prevent Chompy from making attacks.
  21. Yes, in fact one of our large format printes can print on the exact same material as what wyrd had at gen con. I have been thinking on how to put a felt backing on a print so that it is more like the zuzzy game mats. Kinko's may have that same media, but I would check at local art houses or small sign shops to see if they have banner printers.
  22. I was thinking of having some printed at work, and I already own the pdf files used for the sewers. It will just take me some time to arrange them so that the print as one solid sheet. Now if only I had the time to do that.
  23. My current play list or on the soon to play list is Malifaux: Ressers and most outcasts Warmahordes: Gators and Ret Anima Tactics: Black Sun and dark Infinity: Ariadna, Yu Jing, Aleph and CA: Shasvastii Hell dorado: Lost for now Relic Knights: Noh Pulp City: ARC and Ulthar
  24. Ok Gregdorf Master played: Hamlin Win with 8vp Strategy: Deliver a message Schemes: Stake a Claim Grudge Played against: Hoffman Nothing new painted. Vp points gained on turn 3 a rat catcher delivered a message. Turn 4 a rat killed the gaurdian for grudge. End game, zombie dog controlled terrain piece in hoffman deployment zone. Hoffman got 2vp for plant evedence, 1vp for grudge killing a night terror, 1vp for stake a claim. As a side note do you want us to edit our current posts for each month or create a new post for each game/day of games.
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