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About Stoney2

  • Birthday 12/18/1985

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  1. now im curious, how do you use sam effectively? in all the games i've been in he has gotten shot down after killing one or two small models
  2. i recently bought the sonnia starter, and im really not sure what to get next. i know i am getting rid of Samael hopkins, this frees up about 10 points for a 25 soulstone game, any suggestions?
  3. thanks for the reply, love your blog =) imma open up a new thread for this, but do you have any suggestions on how to improve the Sonnia box set? thanks
  4. Hi, i am a new player and I'm trying to figure out which starter box to buy. I've been playing Warhammer 40K for awhile, but I've always been a bit of a try hard, choosing my army based off of who was best, rather than what was fun. In Malifaux i want to depart from that and play a crew that is fun to play as, as well as against. Any semi-competitive army is good, except for Nicodem and Perdita. I keep hearing that Nicodem is awful from my local gaming store, and that perdita is too overpowered. I was wondering what your Favorite Crew to play as is, as well faction. further more it would be helpful if the starter box was mostly well off on it's own. Thank you in advance, Stoney2
  5. thanks for the info, seamus seems interesting, mad hatter- jack the ripper combo
  6. Hi, i am a new player and I'm trying to figure out which starter box to buy. I've been playing Warhammer 40K for awhile, but I've always been a bit of a try hard, choosing my army based off of who was best, rather than what was fun. In Malifaux i want to depart from that and play a crew that is fun to play as, as well as against. Any semi-competitive army is good, except for Nicodem and Perdita. I keep hearing that Nicodem is awful from my local gaming store, and that perdita is too overpowered. I was wondering what your Favorite Crew to play as is, as well faction. Thank you in advance, Stoney2
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