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Everything posted by Keltheos

  1. 1. Yes, but you incur a disengaging strike. 2. Yes, but if you leave that other model's melee range you incur a disengaging strike. 3. Yes.
  2. No burning token shalt ever toucheth them.
  3. Do you mean this? (p. 50) While I can see some people not reading that as "Attack Flip = Casting Flip for ranged attack Spells" it is there.
  4. Yes, yes you have. The reason I posted it as a Q/A is to add to the FAQ. The manual also states that Spells with the ranged icon are affected by ranged modifiers (page 50), so that Attack Flip modifier for cover would affect the Casting Flip as well.
  5. How about this: Q: Does the provided by cover affect Spell Casting Flips since they're not Attack Flips? A: Yes. Any attack (Strike or Spell) that includes the icon receives when targeting a model in cover.
  6. I'm thinking the Metal Gamin will [REDACTED] and can [REDACTED] and Willie will [REDACTED] with his wheelbarrow. Man, if that's right...so awesome!
  7. Am a huge fan of their stuff. Also am not independently wealthy so I remain a...fan...not a collector.
  8. Quick update: wanted to be sure I posted that there will be a $10 entry fee, but there is prize support aplenty! Also, results from the event will be reported for the Dead Heat campaign. Looking forward to seeing you there!
  9. There's a responsibility here on both the customer and the store owner as well. Customers should be willing to let their store know they're going to Gen Con and may/will be buying items there. It's a courtesy a regular should give their local shop. And, store owners should know their customer base. If those 15 copies of the book are mainly going to the 'regulars' who play Malifaux and a few of those regulars are going to the con, odds are most/all of the regulars will have bought the book there. Ask and adjust initial order numbers accordingly. When players are intimidated about communicating with their LGS, and the LGS doesn't bother to poll its regulars then there is going to be some stock collecting dust post-Gen Con. That'll happen whether or not Gen Con vendors adjust their plans or not.
  10. We seriously need a subforum just for these debates...
  11. nope, not a successful cast, they're not discarded. Better to check the FAQ (see my sigline) vs. checking the forums for answers right now. Most of what you'll be looking for can be found there.
  12. Looking forward to meeting folks on Friday/Saturday.
  13. You mean like how the Black Joker on a negative flip is the same as the Black Joker on a positive flip? This designer feels that the Jokers should be the bookends of the spectrum.
  14. Side note: we did feel the bury errata and the Push to updates (both in the FAQ/Errata documents, so if you've already printed them out you have those rules already) were worth sneaking into the 1.5 rulebook.
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