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Everything posted by Hinton

  1. Excellent work by both of you. Your family is very lucky to get such well done and personalized gifts.
  2. Without alcohol: Coffee: black, 1 sugar Water I don't drink any kind of alcohol very often, maybe one a month (and that's a big maybe). It's not that I think anything is wrong with it; I think I just got it all out of my system when I was younger. When I do, though: Rum & Coke or rum & Dr. Pepper
  3. Excellent work, Skya. It looks like a very complicated piece and you did an amazing job with it. The only thing I regret is not being able to see her back since the window is in the way. However, that's the sculpt; not you.
  4. Damn you, Duende! :eviltongu (j/k - nothing but love for all of you :love: )
  5. Excellent work, Skya. Very nice OSL and I also like the darker skin tone.
  6. Glad to hear it, Cindy. At least you didn't have to buy a new monitor.
  7. Welcome, Jonas! :wavey: That's a pretty cool sculpt, btw.
  8. Holy sh... is right! Very cool, very big, sculpt!
  9. @Jon: That's what I thought you were talking about. Here's what Iwas saying could also be done (please excuse my crap drawing skills also): Not as detailed as yours, but it conveys the general idea.
  10. Yeah, it sucks. You could back and re-watch the past episodes and see if there's anything that you may have missed. Maybe see if there's some other show on that might tide you over until Jan. 22nd. Play video games, maybe read a book. Just don't paint any minis for while!
  11. The blister plastic is a good idea; hadn't thought about that. The rest is kind of what I was thinking. It would have to small, but bright lights with a battery source. You could even hide the batteries (if they're the right size) in something representing a hill.
  12. That is pretty cool. It could possibly be worked into smaller bases. Something to think about.
  13. "Oh, you have a complaint about our product? Well, here's the number for customer service." :laugh: Yeah, it's great to finally see the guy behind the Wyrd-ness. And don't worry, Nathan; I'm sure that "blurry-face" problem will clear up in no time.
  14. Hey, Wulf. Welcome to the boards! I haven't seen you on any other boards (unless you're under another name), but I don't get out much. Look forward to seeing your work.
  15. What causes her to switch from Nikki to Jessica and back is generally some kind of stress or intense emotion. At least, that's usually the case regarding people with Multiple Personality Disorder/Dissociative Identity Disorder (MPD/DID). There could be other factors as well, but it seems to hold true to the usual: Nikki gets in a stressful or dangerous situation and Jessica takes over. Once the stress is relieved or the danger passes or (at times) feeling the intense love for her son, Nikki takes back over. As for who ends up in control: no idea. My money's on Nikki, though.
  16. I really wish I could make it down there. It would be great to meet other painters in person, especially people from the forums. Someone take lots of pictures for me, please!
  17. OK, something just occurred to me. We know that the powers are genetic in nature, right? We also know that it can be passed to kids as seen with Micah (D.L. and Niki's son). Strange thought, but what if Clair's dad really is her biological father? Perhaps an indiscretion at some time in the past? Just a thought.
  18. But the Haitian was in the bar when Parkman (the cop) was trying to read minds. When Parkman tried to read his mind, he didn't hear anything and passed out. However, if the Haitian simply cancels out powers by proximity (such as in the police station), then Parkman wouldn't have been able to read the minds of others in the bar. Of course, the dad could have been there somewhere and it's just an attempt at misdirection to make us think that it's the Haitian with the power to cancel other's powers.
  19. Oh! Oh! Is that some kind of challenge? It is so on.:fight: :laugh:
  20. Aw, man! No new episodes until Jan. 22! That blows. Anwyay, interesting episode tonight. If you didn't catch it, then I won't spoil anything for you, but definitely some twists and turns. And yes, a Hero dies. I was thinking that it would be some hero that was introduced and then killed in the same episode (much like The Waitress was), but it wasn't. It's someone that's been around for a while. Given the developments, it's going to be really interesting to see what happens.
  21. I love this song! It's so cool. Here's the video of him performing the song at a club:
  22. The AT-43 thing reminds me of Zeiram. Very cool and kind of creepy.
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