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Everything posted by Hinton

  1. Hinton


    Welcome to the forums.
  2. $36 is way too much for this. It's just some plain wood that does a very basic thing. I could build a dice tower out the HA blocks that I have for about $10 - and it would look a lot better than this.
  3. Yeah, my interests do edge into the more morbid areas.
  4. Found this article on Yahoo about what happens with people whose social circle is pretty much online (like me): http://tech.yahoo.com/news/ap/20090314/ap_on_hi_te/tec_death_online It's kind of interesting that there's actually sites that offer services in the event that something dire happens to you. It definitely got me to thinking about getting something set up, just in case.
  5. Hinton


    Welcome to the forums.
  6. First of all, let me say: welcome to the fourms! As Frustrated Father's signature says: I'm often asked what genre and elements make up Malifaux ... that's simple, its: Steamvictoriohorrorwestpunk! Hope that clears it up for you. As far as "the" source for information, besides the issues of Wyrd Chronicles that Mal mentioned and linked to, it's right here on the site. This section of the forums (Malifaux Matters) has several threads regarding and relating to Malifaux, so you might want to check those out as well (if you haven't already). In addition, any future information would be posted here on the site first. And now that the Wyrd Chronicles is going to be in smaller sections instead of a full-blown issue - which means it's easier to get out - every two weeks, then there should certainly be more Malifaux items coming.
  7. Here's a top-down shot of the base (please ignore the cat hairs; didn't see them until after I had taken the picture):
  8. Thanks for the tips. I think I'll paint a mini just for practice and try some different things, just to see how they work out.
  9. Thanks for the comments and critiques, everyone. Definitely some helpful stuff here. I definitely thought about it - even considered locating a certain superhero - but this had a deadline so I had to pass on the idea. Yes I am. And backsides. And legs; definitely like legs. Nice, smooth legs that just go on and on.... I'll be in my bunk. You're right; I still use white to lighten the highlight colors. Still haven't quite figured out how to really push highlights way up without using it. Thinking about it, this may be why I don't push highlights as far as I should: it will turn out even chalkier. Next time, I'll try using ink glazes and see what happens. I use a light tent with two daylight lamps positioned to the sides, so the light is diffused. I would say that some highlights are from the lights; some are painted. Again, thank you all!
  10. Painted this one up for a comp over at WaMP where the theme was "comic book heroes/villains". Since I had just gotten Dominatrix Libby, I decided to paint her up as a "new catwoman". First time I tried painting marble (on the base). For some reason, a few parts look really chalky and I needed to push the highlights a bit more.
  11. On a metaphysical level zombies touch that inner core of our fear of our own mortality and what occurs after we die. The thought of a person walking around that is nothing more than an empty shell - human being sans soul, if you will - who only craves the flesh of the living (as you'll notice zombies never gnaw on each other) touches a raw nerve in many. Some recoil from that fear; some accept it; others embrace it. And then of course there is always the question of does that walking corpse of your loved one still contain a part of what they once were? Do the shambling, rotting undead still hold a spark of intelligence? Do they still posses the capacity for human emotions? If we are to strip away the "soul", the spark that gives us the capacity for rational thought and reasoning, are we really nothing more than mindless creatures, resorting only to our most basic needs, i.e. food? It's also a metaphor how we, as humans, devour each other mindlessly as we progress through our lives in order to attain our goals, which is basically the satiation of our desires; or hungers, to put it another way. But mostly, zombies just rock!
  12. Definitely come very cool zombies in there. Once they go on sale, I'll probably pick some up.
  13. I definitely like zombies, so well done miniature zombies do capture my attention.
  14. Found this today while surfing around: http://www.watchmenmotioncomic.com/ It's a DVD that is a "motion comic book". Apparently it's the graphic novel, but they've added some limited motion to it. From the little bit I saw on the site, it looks kind of cool.
  15. Well, I can tell you for certain that you won't be rolling any dice with Malifaux. Nathan and Eric do check the boards, so it's up to them what they want to let sneak out.
  16. I believe Nathan said that it would be released "when it's ready". Seriously. I know that several people are hard at work on the rules and there are a few of us working on the fiction aspects, so it is progressing. That being said, I'm pretty sure Nathan would prefer to release a product that's been through the sifter several times to make sure it's truly ready instead of releasing something that's half-cooked.
  17. Open Spoiler I preferred FF's spoiler. Sorry; just knew someone was going to eventually quote a spoiler. Thanks for doing this, Nathan!
  18. Yes, yes it would be. And yes, they are great. :vb_devil:
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