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Everything posted by goblyn13

  1. I've ran 2 Cerberus with 4 Hoarcat Prides as part of my themed devour list (was against Pandora and her sorrows as well as Lilith and the Tots) it was fine, and its a blast to have the cerberus leap up and devour Tater tots or leaping into range and eating a Harmless Baby Kade or Candy (both with full wounds)
  2. Rules manual pg 24 Player's should not be going through their discard pile unless they have a model that allows them to do so, other than that the only card that they can view is the top card of the pile. In a tournament going through their discard should be a violation, friendly games its up to the players but the rules state that they can't.
  3. easiest idea, would be to base your masters in their specific bases, for the models that will cross over between masters (Sabretooth Cerberus, for example) make the have several elements such as Mountain type outcropping with vines running across it and a little snow. While models that would most likely only be used with a specific master (the totems) makes there bases a bit more like the masters. Just make the elements blend together to make it appear that they can be used by multiple masters.
  4. Soulstone Pool (pg14 Rules Manual) As for number of cards in your hand, its not spelled out in the rules manual but Good Sportsmanship would dictate that If your opponent asks you should honestly answer with the number of cards remaining in your hand.
  5. Seattle Wargaming Center 1715 East Olive Way Seattle
  6. Nope, The warpig can just eat corpse counters that are on the ground because somebody else's model has graverobber. If you want to have corpse counters floating around, bring a Taxidermist with you.
  7. You aren't triggering off of a trigger, each time the trigger goes off it generates a new duel, you are meeting the trigger requirement of each new duel. However unless mentioned there is no limit to the number of times this can happen, so it can happen multiple times until your initial target is killed (as overpower requires it be the same target) This is also how Trigger Happy and Onslaught work as well.
  8. Take a picture of the contents and email Zee@wyrd-games.net
  9. For ups its a delivery confirmation number and they only update once a day at 7:30pm pst, also the ups.number only has 2 statuses usually, received at post office and out for delivery. When you get the conf number isn't entered into the system until tonight.
  10. You can download a copy from the left over there, it's page count is identical, just missing illustrations and it isn't printable <-----------rules manual
  11. The only place to purchase replacement cards at this time is direct from Wyrd's store. They are not carried by any retailer.
  12. Blades and Bullets is an attack against the same target, within 2"; It isn't a spell; so doesn't follow the normal rules of shooting. So while the gun is a ranged weapon, it is not using the normal gun rules, it is using the spell with its 2" range and the fact that it is a spell to make 2 attacks, (one with each weapon) ignoring the normal rules for both melee and ranged. This is the same for the spell bullets and blades, allowing for a longarm sword strike from 8" away.
  13. No it means that when Arise my Sweet is cast it may summon either a Rotten Belle or a Dead Doxy.
  14. Sub-zero says immediately end activation, so when triggered, it immediately ends the models activation, so the ronin's activation is done, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
  15. Search is your friend http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=23442
  16. Rasputina's is actually fairly easy to get off, hitting two models with December's curse means your opponent will have to think better about how he places the models and using biting chill isn't that hard, especially when you can use it through something like the Silent ones, to keep here cast at 6 to pull it off.
  17. During Gencon only. Its part of the Gencon Promotion so it should end around the end of this weekend (8/4-8/7).
  18. ****************SPOILER*********************** ********************************************** ********************************************** ********************************************** ********************************************** ********************************************** **********That was all just a dream*************** ********************************************** ********************************************** ********************************************** ********************************************** ********************************************** ********************************************** ********************************************** **********************************************
  19. negative. Avatar abilities may not be copied.
  20. Nope, still only once but has a trigger that can allow you to cast it a second time on the same target. But she does have a spell that allows you look at up to a couple of cards in your opponents control hand. She on initiative
  21. Welcome to Wyrd, you've arrived just in time...
  22. but don't panic, the book itself is over half fluff ( its 243 pages about about 100 pages is rules and minions, rest is all fluffery)
  23. its for all spells, she just can't spells when engaged. just like rasputina's ice mirror ability, just with a lesser penalty.
  24. Silurid Spawn mother and the Gupps. Makes all Silurid gain Grave robber and has a Spell called Spawning Pool to create a 4" circular Water pool (ht 0), turns corpse counters into Gupps. Has ranged attack that is Poison 1
  25. Surprised no one said anything about the Weaver Widow or Silurid Spawn Mother
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