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Everything posted by kmdl1066

  1. Played my first game of Malifaux on Tuesday. (If you can call two people who've never played spending most of their time looking things up in the rule book 'playing.') We accidentally set up a 4x4 table with what we thought was a fair amount of terrain. Then shrunk it to 3x3 keeping the same amount of terrain. And it still ended up feeling like not a lot of terrain, because even though we had a bunch, we had these table length firing lanes. Terrain density and placement for a balanced game is definitely different to what we're used to.
  2. It's mildly disheartening that your WIP is so much better than my best effort.
  3. Okay, now I have "I'm getting slaughtered in the morning" to the tune of "I'm getting married in the morning" stuck in my head. I'm a fan of the cell-shading style for how good it looks on the table top.
  4. The general quality of miniatures posted here is both inspiring and intimidating. I have nowhere near the talent required to fit in with all the awesome round about here, but can still paint stuff that looks good on the table top. I typically have one of the best looking armies at the FLGS, even though my figures are average individually, because I only play painted and based figures. Quantity has a quality all of its own. And a decent base really elevates a so-so paint job. This is my thread as a member of the hamfisted paint-by-numbers majority. The metal Johan is a pretty dull sculpt compared to most Mallifaux, but it's really easy to paint.
  5. It's way better than I could ever do, so I shouldn't say anything...... but I will. The feedback for improvement may be valid, but I'll add to the chorus thinking that because those posts don't also compliment the great work they come off as negative. Which almost certainly wasn't the intent. (And if you're supposed to refer to the artwork to figure out what's going on with the sculpt, you can hardly be questioned for your decision.) I think they're awesome. I would not have thought to make Perdita's jacket and chaps the same color, but it works so well.
  6. Nope, neither of us has played before. Just trying to avoid playing rules wrong as we learn. Because we don't have an experienced person to correct us, I'm trying to get a heads up on rules new players commonly get wrong. Tactics can wait until we have a grasp on the rules.
  7. Ah, good point about the forum. I was really just thing only of rules that new players get wrong and not newbie strategy so dumped it into the rules forum without thinking it through. It seems the whole "when something dies" requires some common sense. Page 51 says models reduced to 0 or fewer wounds are immediately removed as killed, but then there are abilities (and triggers?) that happen when a model is killed. So obviously they have to happen after the model is killed but before the model is removed from the game. I can't find anywhere in the rules where such a distinction is made though. The rules on placing corpse and scrap markers create come the closest from what I can see.
  8. So very nice. How to use her in games: Step 1: Place on table Step 2: Admire
  9. I'm going to be playing my first game of Mallifaux in a couple days against someone who also has never played before. What are some common new player rule mistakes you've seen?
  10. The bases themselves are from Secret Weapon. The shorter grasses are from Army Painter. The longer grasses are some brand I forget (some German name) that I got at the train store in the previous place I lived. The flowers are from Hobby Lobby. JTT Scenery Products if you want to find a supplier in the UK. The tree is a branch from my yard and a bag of lichen that I've had for 15 years.
  11. Slapped some paint on the Freikorps. With the Ronin I already have painted that gives me enough to start playing and learning. Actual effectiveness can come later. http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/104509-play-painted-freikorps/
  12. I have this thing about only playing with painted figures. But, I don't have nearly enough time to paint as well as I would like, and I don't have nearly enough skill to paint well when painting quickly. Fortunately even the sloppiest paint job looks better than no paint job.
  13. Great, thanks everyone. That really helps. Now the flip-side question. Are there any models in that list that just don't work well with Outcasts in 2E? It seems from the discussion on Lure that Oiran fall into that category. I'm thinking of setting Misaki and the Oiran aside until some time in the future when I want a 10 Thunders crew. (That will allow me to cheat on not buying new stuff until I've painted the stuff I have. ) Will I be missing out on anything if I do that?
  14. I've not actually played a game yet. I bought a collection of models about 18 months ago and started painting. (I don't play with unpainted figures.) And then I had to pack them all away because life and stuff. Now there is a whole new edition and all and I'm living in a place where there are couple people about who'll play. So it's time to get painting again. As you look at this list, my two part question is (1) is there anything I really should buy and (2) what should my painting priority be to get a decent crew for learning the game. Painted: Von Schill 3 Ronin Desperate Mercenary Half painted: Desperate Mercenary Unpainted: Victorias Misaki Vanessa Johan Taelor Freikorps Librarian Freikorps Trapper Freikorps Specialist 2 x Freikorpsman 3 x Oiran
  15. Looking good Tim. Painting these must make a nice change from painting giant hordes of 15mm figures.
  16. Colette is looking fantastic. I think you're going to have to finish the rest of Casandra before I can finalize an opinion on the dress. At the moment there isn't enough depth in the shadows for me and so it looks like it's only been basecoated. Once the rest of the model is done it may come together. (Not that I could do any better, or even as well! )
  17. They're (a) painted and ( painted better than most stuff you see on the table top. If you hit them with Dullcoat no-one will know they were painted with enamels unless you tell them. Until you feel the need or desire to start developing new and improved painting skills, stick with what you've got. They look just great the way they are. (But, yeah, get a good matt varnish.)
  18. The background color chosen for photographs plays all kinds of tricks with the eyes. Try photographing against a neutral grey and a dark background and see if the highlights are more prominant.
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