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Everything posted by Jubilee

  1. You know, for all Eric complains about the whippings, I never once saw him being whipped when I was going past the Wyrd Booth during GenCon. In fact, there weren't even chains to keep him in his painting chair! this must be remedied next year, Nathan. Perdita looks great=) /ali
  2. When I was helping out at the Dark Sword booth on Sunday, I'd say about 1 in 5 people came up to the booth and looked at the painted miniatures, asked how much to buy the painted figures, and seemed shocked (SHOCKED!!!) to be told they were most of them at least $200, if not more.. Conversation often went like this: Random Person: How much are these? Me: Most of them are $7 a blister, except for some of the special editions, which are $10 or $15, and the dragons. Random Person: And they come painted? Me: Ah, no.. they come in metal, like this *pointing to the metal models on top of the shelf* Random Person: How much for the painted ones? Me: You'd have to work it out for a specific model for Jim, but all of them are going to start at least a couple hundred dollars. Random Person: *giving me an "are you serious??" look* Oh.. *walks away* So people seemed more interested in cheap painted figures than high quality painted figures OR painting figures themselves, in my unscientific small study on Sunday afternoon. /ali
  3. It's not the language that concerns me, it's the 10 euro shipping from france! /ali
  4. So sorry to hear it, Duende! I hope they come back home again =( /ali
  5. I noticed after their announcement that they'll be discontinuing all metal in November that the next set of releases don't include a release date for the US, so I'm wondering if these and the last set on the website will make it to english release.. I really want that emissary of light.. *sigh*
  6. I like seeing both a nice paint job & the bare metal or a primered versions (I think that SteveB's gray primered ones are amongst my favorite 'unpainted' ways to show off figures). Inked metal figures don't always do a very good job showing me what little do-dads are supposed to be (this is usually especially important with some reaper sculpts), so a painted version is sometimes a very good reference when I get to something on someone's belt and say to myself "What the heck is that?!!" - usually seeing someone else's painted version saves me the trouble of painting it 5 times before i figure out it was a piece of bone or a bottle or something. <G> However, painted figures can be misleading. Case in point - there's at least one hasslefree female from Angela Imrie that has those lovely cupid's bow lips she does so well, and I have NO idea how she managed the lips with the sculpt. She has super duper painting powers or she did some resculpting. Flaws in a sculpt can sometimes be hidden by a very talented painter and sometimes covering those flaws are not within my powers, but I don't know that until I get the sculpt and realize what terrible eyes, lips, nose, hair, etc she has. Which is why I like being able to see both. I talk too much when I'm procrastinating.. /ali, who should be painting her gencon entry.
  7. I've been working at slowly breaking myself of the habit of brush licking. I rarely do it with paint anymore (and as a result my fingers and nails are covered with paint for unloading/shaping the brush). I occasionally shape the brush with my lip or tongue after I rinse it, and sometimes I forget I haven't rinsed it yet. Anyway, I'm really hoping this year I can keep myself from putting a paint & take brush in my mouth (bleh!). For some reason, the idea of catching a cold from someone else is a better deterant than the possible side effects of ingesting RMS paints.. <G> I'm sure the aspartame in my diet cola is going to kill me faster than paint, though.. (or at least give me more migraines). /ali
  8. It's much better than a pair of baskets for keeping paints organized during an ongoing project, though! Since all my stuff has to be tucked away on high shelves when we have company anyway, the added space for a tiered rack isn't really a problem. Wonder if anyone'll have it at GenCon.. seems unlikely though
  9. The ribbons look rather overlarge and clunky and make an otherwise delicate looking figure look chunky, imo. /ali
  10. hmm, I think she could do without the tail and ribbons, but they look easily removed.
  11. I've gotten the dock, sci-fi, and celtic ruin bases from them and I think they're great. There's a few air bubbles, but the only resin I've ever gotten that doesnt is from hasslefree. They came promptly and without trouble =) /ali
  12. Taglines! I miss taglines. I seem to recall on the BBSs I frequented, you could have taglines that would auto-pop up when you logged off the BBS. Through most of highschool, I spent more time online talking with my friends from school than with them in person.. I remember playing alot of MajorMud, Lord (damn that ugly stick!), and some kind of space-trading-game that was oddly addictive though terribly repetitive and mindnumbing at times.. /ali
  13. Anybody know how many bases you get in the 30mm set? Nothing says on the website.. and are they metal or Resin? /ali
  14. Hi everyone, I've been working on this for a while and had a devil of a time photographing it. The skirt has lost all highlights and the flesh is over exposed as usual, although it's better than the last fair-fleshed figure I photographed. I also had to make adjustments to my lighting setup to get something that wasn't casting shadows all over itself for the pictures! argg.. Well, anyway, here she is! There are more angles at my webpage Thanks for looking =) /ali
  15. I also saw the painted version at Reapercon (alas, I didn't get to stay the week with the crew, though) and it's very pretty and stylish. I also got to pick the figure up as a pre-release as well as a varient of the visions in color thief Werner did - he's standing instead of crouching, and he has no rooftop, but the upper torso/cloak/head seems the same, but I haven't gotten 'round to comparing them side-by-side. /ali
  16. I'm going to be at GenCon again this year. I will spent much of my time volunteering in the paint & take area, and teaching a beginning class. Otherwise, I may be working and/or hanging out around the Dark Sword booth (when I'm not busy drooling over the Cool Things in the dealer's hall..) /ali
  17. hm. I guess those bumps on her eyes were on purpose? I thought they were some kind of bizzare flash, and scraped them off.. But I see both of yours have it. wacky! /ali
  18. Drat, mine was 54 tall. /ali ps but doesn't seem to have been axed.
  19. These two seem rather bland, but I suppose that's a nice break from all the tiny details that make me want to scream and pull my hair out.. =) /ali
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